离朗德勒西不远的荣里梅斯(Jolimetz)附近,5月18日战斗后两军的坦克残骸,远处还有更多。 5月18日,德军第5装甲师第15装甲团在荣里梅斯俗称“图拉耶咖啡馆”(Café de la Touraille)的地方被击毁的三号。 5月18日,德军第5装甲师等部对荣里梅斯展开围攻,法军11辆坦克对抗敌方约120辆坦克,几乎全军覆没,但交换比可谓惊人:法军10辆坦克或被毁或遗弃,德军损失的坦克多达26辆,且大部分是四号。
5月18日,德军两次攻击荣里梅斯失败,甚至用比利时和法国难民作掩护进攻也没有成功;战斗最激烈的时候,德军在很小的区域内集中了50辆坦克,几乎把荣里梅斯通往勒凯努瓦(Le Quesnoy)的道路堵住了。即便如此,德佬付出的人员伤亡仍然相当可观:按德国方面承认的数字,仅第5装甲师就有36人阵亡(含4名军官)、125人负伤(含10名军官)。 In this day the 5 Pz underwent the greater number of casualties since the crossing of the Mosa River: 36 KIA (among them 4 officers) and 125 WIA (10 officers). 可见“俘虏10000多人,自身损失不到100人”之类说法的荒谬。
附上第5装甲师关于勒凯努瓦之战的战况说明英文版,供有兴趣的朋友参考(仅限于参考,不必全信,跟事实多少有出入)。 5月18日 18 of May of 1940. On May 18 of 1940 at 04:00 hours the attack’s order sent by the XV AK (Mot) reached the division. It was stated there to jump out from the Forêt de Mormal and while the MG Btl 8 and the Pz Jäg Abt 652 covered the flank to Le Quesnoy it was to seize the high ground south of Valenciennes. At 04:15 the Marschgruppe Lübbe (SR 13) arrived from Dompiere after accomplishing its security task. Three new marschgruppen were organized: North: Oberst Werner with AA 8, PR 31 and I./ AR 116 thru Berliamont to Orsinval. Center: Generalmajor Haarde with PR 15, II./ SR 14 and II./ AR 48 over Locquignol to Le Quesnoy. South: Oberst Degener with SR 13 and II./ AR 116 over Maroilles, Fontaine au Bois, Boussies to Solesmes. Covering the north flank were the I./ SR 14 and the I./ AR 116 marching back from Pont. Oberst Werner sent Major Christern as parlamentary to Maubege, the first objective of Maj. Christern to seize the town without fighting failed, hence the II. Abteilung with Leutnant Müntz and his recce platoon (Erkunderzug) as vanguard went ahead to the city. They met strong resistance from all houses but the panzern broke through taking the citadel. The outer forts were not taken yet. The II. Abteilung handed over the city and the fortress to the vanguard of the 28 ID at 13:00 hours, while the I. Abteilung followed to Berlaimont behind the Marschgruppe Haarde. The II. Abteilung went at 15:00 hours over Villereau where the AA 8 was also engaged; the 6. Companie led the attack and soon gained the north outskirt where it rejected a counterattack. On May 18 of 1940 at 10:00 hours the division was subordinate to the XXXIX AK (Mot) under General Schmidt, who came after fighting in Holland. General Schmidt traveled from the CP of the 4 AOK to the CP of the XV AK in Sivry and then to the CP of the 5 Pz in St. Remy au Chausèe. Once in that place he explained that he was against the movement of the PR 31 towards Maubeuge for being eccentric to the operations in course. In this day the 5 Pz underwent the greater number of casualties since the crossing of the Mosa River: 36 KIA (among them 4 officers) and 125 WIA (10 officers). 5月19日 19 of May of 1940. At 02:00 hours new order of the Army Corps: the Division had to gain a franking point on the Escaut’s Channel in Iwuy and reinforced parts of the Unit had to assure in Pont and Le Quesnoy. The I./SR 14 with I./AR 116 started off for Pont and two battlegroups were organized. Group North with the 11. Schütze Brigade (Oberst Angern) reinforced with PR 31 (without the I. Group), Pz Jäg Abt 652, MR. 14 (except the I. Battalion) and AR 116 (except the I. Group); the group had the task of assuring the zone of Le Quesnoy, watching the western exit of the Forêt de Mormal and avoiding the rupture of the enemy due South on the right flank of the Army Corps. Group South, Degener Group, marching by Solesmes towards Iwuy; it was reinforced by the Haarde Group which marched from Jolimetz towards Solesmes. At 15:30 hours the 11.Sch Brig attacked on Villereu - Postele and by 18:00 hours mounted the attack on Le Quesnoy where it was received by a strong defensive fire. Without knowledge of the division at 19:30 hours the XXXIX AK (Mot) directed the 11. Sch. Brig on Iwuy and far to the north, for that reason the offensive was stopped. The II. /SR 14 faced hard attacks from the north and was reinforced by I./PR 31 and II. /AR 116. These elements fought all day long against the enemy whom seemingly looked for breaking out from Le Quesnoy towards the south. The II. /PR 31 received the order to assure due south of Le Quesnoy and to conquer Ghissignies (to the west of Louvignies). The PR 15, in the direction of Solesmes, prevented the rupture of enemy tanks from Le Quesnoy and the Fôret de Mormal at the cost of several losses. A battery of the II. /AR 48 which fought against the tanks opening fire with direct aiming was destroyed. Before the threat arisen on the North edge of the Fôret de Mormal the CP of the division located 1 kilometer to south-east of Him the Quesnoy withdrew. Finally the Battle Group Degener under direct orders of the XXXIX AK (Mot) with the SR 13 and the II. /AR 116 captured Solesmes at 15:50 hours reaching Iwuy at 20:00 hours. The 11. Sch. Brig which interrupted the combat in Le Quesnoy arrived at St. Aubert at 21:00 hours. The losses of the day: 29 KIA (5 officers) and 102 WIA (9 officers); Oberst Werner underwent cardiac ailments. The division reported the destruction of 18 tanks type Somua (22 ton). During the night from the 19 to the 20 of May of 1940, the Group Degener (reinforced with AA 8 ) received the order of the 5 Pz to gain early the crossing on the Channel in Ywuy and to continue the advance due west. The Army Corps reported lack of clarity in the management of the battle on the part of the Commando of the 5 Pz. 5月20日 20 of May of 1940. At 01:15 hours couterattack on Rieux and at 05:00 hours it was reported an armored attack. At 07:30 hours an order arrived from the Army Corps: Group Degener and Angern (11. Sch. Brig) were to conquer bridgeheads due west of Ywuy. After which they were to continue towards the heights due north of Arrás. The Groups Stegmann (Le Quesnoy) and Türk (Pont) were released by the 4 Pz and they rejoined the division. The Battle Group Haarde (8 Pz Brig) with the PR 15 and I./PR 31 reached the environs of St. Aubert - Solesmes. At 09:35 hours the Angern Group reported that it had established a bridgehead in Bouchenil (North of Bouchain); ten minutes later took place the first armored counterattack against the sector. At 10:20 hours the Group Degener established another bridgehead in Estrun. After a short but intense combat in Paillencourt the advance continued with good rate. Before the dusk a bridgehead had been settled down on the Channel du Nord, to about 15 kilometers of the Escaut on the line Ecourt - St. Quentin - Rumaucourt. Whereas a penetration took place in the bridgehead the 11 Sch. Brig. in the sector La Selle and it was left. The allied defensive positions along the Channel of Escaut - Channel of Sensèe - Scarpe was reinforced by the Belgians divisions which had withdrew and the French Cavalry Corps (General Prioux). Losses of the 5 Pz: 20 KIA (3 officers) and 53 WIA. 5月21日(部分,不含跟勒凯努瓦无关的内容) 21 of May of 1940. Watching along the Scarpe between Lecluse to Tilloy. At 04:45 hours by radio arrived the mission for the 5 Pz: to assure the sector of the Scarpe and the Channel of the La Sensèe from Lecluse to Tilloy. The attachment of the 11. Sch. Brig had ceased for that reason the division organized two battle groups: Group Haarde to the left and Group Degener to the right. The PR 31 and the SR 14 were directed to the bridge in Estrun and the I. /SR 14 with the I./AR 116, relieved by the 4 Pz in Pont were the first troops in crossing the bridge. The Group Stegmann which had captured Le Quesnoy (1500 prisoners) crossed by Estrun at 21:30 hours.
Le 17 mai, une lutte intense a lieu entre Rommel et les troupes françaises, dans le but d'installer une tête de pont au Pommereuil, sur la Sambre. Cette position est prise, perdue, reprise… Rommel fait donc établir une seconde tête de pont à Berlaimont. 5月17日,第7装甲师所部与法军反复争夺波姆勒伊镇(Pommereuil)附近的桥头堡;隆美尔后来不得不改在贝尔莱蒙(Berlaimont)建立桥头堡。 The French, however, fought back vigorously around Pommereuil (between Landrecies and Le Cateau) and Headquarters XV.A.K. (mot.) ordered 7.Pz.D. to shift its axis of advance south to allow 5.Pz.D. to begin to move from Landrecies through Le Cateau. 由于法佬在波姆勒伊镇周围的激烈抵抗,第15军总部命令第7装甲师将前进轴线转而向南,以便于第5装甲师所部从朗德勒西通过勒卡托-康布雷西镇(Le Cateau-Cambrésis)。
17 MAI. - En fin de matinée, le bataillon quitte Homblières pour aller tenir les ponts de St-Simon. Le mouvement s'effectue par l'itinéraire Neuville-St-Amand, ltancourt, Urvillers, Essigny-le-Grand, Serancourt-le-Grand. L'aviation ennemie ne cesse de survoler les unités durant tout leur déplacement. A Neuville-St-Amand, le Cdt de la 1ère Cie est sollicité par le Colonel du 13e Dragons pour reprendre le pont de Sissy qui vient d'être occupé par l'ennemi, La 1ère Cie reprend le pont, mais les dragons ne suivant pas, les chars font demi-tour. 5月17日,法军第15战斗坦克营(15e Bataillon de Chars de Combat,缩写15e BCC)所部冒着敌方空优对第7装甲师展开反击,第1连一度重夺桥梁,但由于龙骑兵部队没能跟进,第1连的坦克只得后撤。