未知的以后吧 关注:8贴子:146



Faux depart - Priscilla

C'est humain - Priscilla

Ma chance - Priscilla

Musicbox - Priscilla

Sur quel pied danser - Priscilla

Hymne des filles - Priscilla

Comme des appels - Priscilla

Jamais seu - Priscilla

Ose - Priscilla

Le choregraphe - Priscilla

33楼2015-06-12 11:12
    Se mettre en danger - Priscilla

    J'deraille - Priscilla

    Pur Big Bang (C'est Pour Ca Que ... - Priscilla

    Alors On Chante (Collgial) - Priscilla

    Asphyxiée - Priscilla

    Dans Le Sang - Priscilla

    I'm A Believer - Priscilla

    Every Breath You Take - Priscilla

    John Doe - Priscilla,B.O.B

    Tchouk Tchouk Music - priscilla,Priscill...

    34楼2015-06-12 11:13
      brontē 雷声
      apato 骗人的
      carcharo 锯齿状
      odonto 牙
      noto 南风
      ladrón thief
      dromeus 奔跑
      mapu 陆地/大地的
      sapphic lesbian
      kéras horn
      ops face
      pinax plank
      stégos roof
      leios smooth
      pleurá side or rib
      odon tooth
      lophos crest
      ischion hip joint
      ther(o) 野兽 bête sauvage
      ther beast
      fēlēs cat
      eos dawn
      souchos/sucho crocodile,埃及鳄鱼神Sobek
      mimos mimic
      barys heavy
      onyx claw, nail
      arrondir (fr) v.to make round
      moloch horridus = Thorny devil
      moloch 古代近东地区神名,后作为堕天使代名词
      varanus from Arabic word "waral"/"waran", meaning "dragon" or "lizard beast". The occasional habit of varanids to stand on their two hind legs and to appear to "monitor" their surroundings has been suggested to have led to this name, as it was Latinized into Varanus. Its common name is derived from the Latin word "monere" meaning "to warn".
      lepido- scaled(负鳞甲的)
      styrax spike at the butt-end of a spear-shaft
      eu-oplo-cephalus well-armed head
      eu well
      hoplo armed
      kephale head
      deinós fearful, terrible
      ónukhos/ónuks nail, claw, talon
      dein-onychus 恐-爪
      kamptos bent, flexible
      hadros bulky, large
      grypos hooked-nosed
      tenon sinew, tendon
      brachys short
      lophos crest
      iguana 引自加勒比某地方言
      lacertilia (from lacertus) Lizard,手臂,臂力
      lania feminine form of "butcher"
      megalania prisca: ancient great roamer
      squama scale(鳞)
      pion fat
      háls sea, salt
      paramḗkēs oval
      mêkos length
      amoibḗ change
      chloros green
      lent pliable
      inus resembling
      penicillum, meaning "painter's brush", and refers to the chains of conidia that resemble a broom.
      aspergillum (holy water sprinkler), after their shape as viewed through a microscope.
      aspergō sprinkle
      stolō (shoot) + ferō (carry, bear)
      ostrea (oyster) + -ātus; i.e. "like the shell of an oyster".
      gȳrō I turn in a circle
      pyro- fire, heat, fever
      diktûon lattice-work, network, "fish net".
      danio from name "dhani"("稻田的")
      Coelurus = koilos (hollow) + oura (tail)
      osteus bone
      anisos uneven
      ankúlōsis a stiffening of the joints
      ankúlos bent, crooked
      pollex 拇指
      diplos double
      dokos beam
      hypsi-lophus high-crested
      plesios, meaning "near to"
      ichthys pez (es:fish,pitch, tar)
      tylos protuberance, knob
      skleros 硬
      glossa 舌
      pachys-/παχυς- thick
      kephale/κεφαλη head
      kompsos/κομψός elegant, refined, dainty
      gnathos "jaw"
      brachion arm
      Galli-mimus chicken or rooster mimic
      长颈鹿种加词camelopardalis 骆驼+豹
      para-sauro-lophus near-lizard-crested
      struthio (latin) ostrich
      gecko from Indonesian-Malay gēkoq, which is imitative of the sound the animals make.
      lamna fish of prey, was derived from the legendary creature Lamia
      phoca (latin) seal
      orca f (latin) 1类 orc (kind of whale, large, ferocious sea creatures), butt, tun (large-bellied vessel)
      otaria (ita) sea lion, eared seal, otary
      lamna ou lamnaes = requin (fr.m. shark)
      chondr cartilage (软骨)
      gnathos jaw
      stoma mouth
      oste-ichthyes bony fish
      ósteon hueso (es:bone,from latin 'ossum')
      Quelle (de) f.spring, well (oil, gas), source

      36楼2015-07-18 17:41

        37楼2015-09-26 01:36
          у́мница clear head, wise person, good person
          загла́вный title, heading, Capital (of a letter), uppercase
          просмо́тр viewing, browsing, examination, review, revision, oversight, lookup, scan
          уча́стие participation, collaboration, complicity, share, stake, sympathy, interest, concern
          принима́ть take, admit, accept, receive, assume
          предложе́ние offer, suggestion, proposal (also: marriage proposal), proposition, (commerce) supply, (grammar) sentence, clause
          ва́нна bath, bathtub, (de,f) wanne
          прое́кт project (planned endeavor), design, draft
          печа́ть seal, stamp, press, print, type
          ру́брика heading, caption, column
          казать 看,出示,露面
          у-каза́тель index, indicator, guide, pointer
          вести́ lead, preside over, drive
          добро́ the good, goods, property, stuff, (colloquial) green light, consent, permission
          пожа́ловать to grant (to), bestow, confer (on), reward, award (stilted style), (dated) visit, come
          to see
          ска́т slope, incline, (automotive) tire/tyre
          manta (es,f) blanket, cloth, cloth banner, mantle (cloak or blanket)
          избра́ть choose, elect
          (по)жаловать 奖赏
          го́вор (colloquial) the sound of talking, the sound of voices, murmur, dialect, patois, pronunciation, accent
          говори́ть speak, talk
          гипо́ним hyponym
          страда́ть suffer,be poor of quality,被动...
          собы́тие event, occurrence, incident
          порта́л portal, gantry (构台,跨轨信号杆)
          о́браз style, look, image
          из-обража́ть depict, picture, portray, describe, represent, paint, imitate
          актуа́льный urgent, timely, topical
          проис-ходи́ть take place, happen, occur, derive, to be descended, to descend, originate
          скака́ть ride (on) a horse, hop, jump (about)
          перес-ка́кивать jump over, vault (over), skip (over)
          вме́сте together, coupled with, along with
          со-вме́стный joint, shared (done by two or more people or organisations working together), compatible, simultaneous
          де́лать to make, do
          не-де́ля week, (archaic) Sunday
          иску́сство art, skill, craft
          о́бщий • (óbščij) general, common, public, total, whole
          о́бщество society, company, association
          весь all, the whole
          спра́вка inquiry, information, reference, certificate
          созда́ть create, found, originate, set up, establish
          разде́л division, section, column (newspaper column), subarea, category
          свобо́да freedom, liberty
          во́ля will, willpower, power, freedom
          владе́ть own, possess, govern, control, master, manage, wield
          у́ровень level, gauge, degree

          39楼2015-11-23 13:14

            41楼2016-01-24 17:09
              у́мница clear head, wise person, good person
              загла́вный title, heading, Capital (of a letter), uppercase
              просмо́тр viewing, browsing, examination, review, revision, oversight, lookup, scan
              уча́стие participation, collaboration, complicity,
              share, stake, sympathy, interest, concern
              принима́ть take, admit, accept, receive, assume
              предложе́ние offer, suggestion, proposal (also: marriage proposal), proposition, (commerce) supply, (grammar) sentence, clause
              ва́нна bath, bathtub, (de,f) wanne
              прое́кт project (planned endeavor), design, draft
              печа́ть seal, stamp, press, print, type
              ру́брика heading, caption, column
              казать 看,出示,露面
              у-каза́тель index, indicator, guide, pointer
              вести́ lead, preside over, drive
              добро́ the good, goods, property, stuff, (colloquial) green light, consent, permission
              пожа́ловать to grant (to), bestow, confer (on), reward, award (stilted style), (dated) visit, come to see
              ска́т slope, incline, (automotive) tire/tyre
              manta (es,f) blanket, cloth, cloth banner, mantle (cloak or blanket)
              избра́ть choose, elect
              (по)жаловать 奖赏
              го́вор (colloquial) the sound of talking, the sound of voices, murmur, dialect, patois, pronunciation, accent
              говори́ть speak, talk
              гипо́ним hyponym
              страда́ть suffer,be poor of quality,被动...
              собы́тие event, occurrence, incident
              порта́л portal, gantry (构台,跨轨信号杆)
              о́браз style, look, image
              из-обража́ть depict, picture, portray, describe, represent, paint, imitate
              актуа́льный urgent, timely, topical
              проис-ходи́ть take place, happen, occur, derive, to be descended, to descend, originate
              скака́ть ride (on) a horse, hop, jump (about)
              перес-ка́кивать jump over, vault (over), skip (over)
              вме́сте together, coupled with, along with
              со-вме́стный joint, shared (done by two or more people or organisations working together), compatible, simultaneous
              де́лать to make, do
              не-де́ля week, (archaic) Sunday
              иску́сство art, skill, craft
              о́бщий • (óbščij) general, common, public, total, whole
              о́бщество society, company, association
              весь all, the whole
              спра́вка inquiry, information, reference, certificate
              созда́ть create, found, originate, set up, establish
              разде́л division, section, column (newspaper column), subarea, category
              свобо́да freedom, liberty
              во́ля will, willpower, power, freedom
              владе́ть own, possess, govern, control, master, manage, wield
              у́ровень level, gauge, degree
              е́дем = е́хать go (by horse or vehicle), ride, drive, come, visit, travel
              вре́мя time, weather, (grammar) tense
              пу́ть way, path, road
              ше́ствие procession, demonstration
              путе-ше́ствие travels, journey
              ано́нс announcement, notice, advertisement
              побе́да victory
              успе́х success, progress
              дво́р yard
              дворе́ц palace
              apokopḗ(/apokope) (gr) a cutting off, termination, apocope
              magnum opus = magna opera
              су́дарь sir
              госуда́рь sovereign, Your Majesty
              зави́сеть depend (on), rely (on)
              пу́говица button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
              moindre (fr,m) lower, less, lesser, (preceded by a definite article) The smallest, the slightest, the least
              repos (fr,m) rest, ease, repose
              шути́ть to joke, jest, trifle, play (with), make fun (of)
              изда́ние publication, issue, promulgation, edition
              страни́ца page, column
              prâgma (gr) a thing done, a fact
              сия́ние radiance, twinkle, shine
              река́ river, stream
              разгово́р talk, conversation
              navn (no,n) name
              viss (sv) certain, convinced, some, certain, particular (not comparable)
              o-viss (sv) Incertain, vague, aléatoire
              säker (sv) safe, secure, sure, certain
              aléatoire (fr,m/f) doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unpredictable, random, aleatory
              eller (sv) or
              dé-ménage-r (fr) move, to move house (to change residence), to get out, to leave the house
              d'abord first, at first, right away, primarily, for one thing
              négoce (fr,m) business
              drap (fr,m) drape, cloth, linen, underwear
              enseignement (fr,m) education
              vorlesung (de,f) (university) lecture
              répétiteur (fr,m) tutor
              œuvre (fr,f) work, book, piece, activity, operation
              effect-if (fr,m) number of members of a group (adj,m) real, actual
              betyda to mean (convey, signify, indicate), to be of importance (for someone)
              мере́ть (colloquial) to die, to perish (in large numbers), (informal) to stand still, to sink, to miss a beat
              у-мере́ть to die
              обита́ть to inhabit
              зали́ть to flood (in terms of bodies of water), fill up (with liquid), pour on, spill
              оце́нка valuation, appraisal, feedback, estimation, appreciation
              разда́ть hand out, distribute
              кача́ть rock, swing, shake, wobble; dandle
              ба̏вити (reflexive, with instrumental) attend, engage in, go in for, occupy oneself with
              до-ба́вить add
              до-бав-ле́ние addition, addendum, add-on, supplement
              разме́р size, dimension, measure, amount
              приложи́ть put, apply, add, enclose, join, apply, use
              lograr (es) to get/obtain/achieve
              хуйло dickhead, dipshit, asshole
              ми́ло nicely, pretty, dearly, kindly, cordially
              ōidḗ(/oide) song
              собира́ться to gather, assemble, be about to, be going to, intend, mean
              пла́та fee, pay, salary, wages, fare, rent
              бес-пла́тный free, gratuitous, rent-free
              копировать copy
              загрузи́ть to load, download, (engineering) feed, engage, occupy
              описа́ние description
              опи́сывать to describe, depict, portray (represent in words), make / take an inventory (of), to inventory
              осо́бенность peculiarity, feature, characteristic
              отли́чие difference, distinction
              ра́зница difference
              озвучивать 配音
              prorsus (la-adv) forwards, straight forward, directly, certainly, truly, precisely
              вы́пуск issue, output, emission, discharge, part, number, installment, edition
              похо́жий similar, alike
              приключе́ние adventure (that which happens without design)
              прису́тствие presence (fact or condition of being present), availability
              нали́чие availability, presence
              лицо́ (anatomy) face, countenance, front, (animate) person, individual, individuality
              бровь eyebrow
              лоб forehead
              ресни́ца eyelash
              губа́ (anatomy) lip, (geography) bay, inlet (usually in northern Russia)
              скула́ cheekbone
              подборо́док (anatomy) chin
              щека́ cheek, mouth of animals, jaw
              ноздря́ nostril
              те́ло body
              про̀верити (transitive, intransitive) check, confirm, (transitive) test, question
              разда́ча distribution, dispensing, dispensation, expansion
              bitte (de-intj) please
              вопро́с question
              нарисова́ть draw, paint, design, crayon
              crayon (fr-m) pencil
              для for
              длить (dated) to delay
              сего́дня (adj,n-n) today, this day
              закла́дка bookmark
              класть to put, lay, lay down, deposit, apply, spend, lay, lay down, erect
              положи́ть (imperfective класть) to put, lay, deposit, apply, spend
              сложи́ть (imperfective скла́дывать) lay together, put together, pile up, heap, stack, pack up, add, sum up, make up, assemble, song, rhyme to compose, fold, take off, put down
              не́что something
              тре́бование demand, request
              па́мять memory
              звук sound
              звук-ово́й (adj) of or related to sound, audio
              волна́ wave, wavelength
              жёсткий hard, stiff, tough, rigid
              описа́ние description
              осо́бый particular, peculiar, special, separate, special, detached, distinct
              осо́б-енность peculiarity, feature, characteristic
              отли́чие difference (quality of being different), distinction
              сме́на change, replacement, shift, (military) relief, supersession
              из-мене́-ние change, modification, alteration, inflection
              спи́сок list, register, roll, copy
              зака́з order (request for some product or service)
              беспла́тно gratis, free of charge
              (по)-смотре́ть to look
              ещё yet, more, else

              42楼2016-02-21 20:11
                сохраня́ть = сохрани́ть to save (a file), preserve, conserve
                загрузи́ть to load, engage, occupy, (computing) to boot, load, download
                по́мощь help, assistance, aid, relief
                налог tax, duty, levy
                ры́нок marketplace, market
                нача́ть to begin, start, commence
                за́ново anew, freshly, again
                занос 淤塞,阻塞,侧滑,外滑,积雪
                поки́нуть leave, quit, forsake, abandon, desert
                верну́ться to return, come back (from), revert (to)
                сою́зник ally (one united to another by treaty or league)
                води́ть to lead, conduct, guide, drive, move, breed
                про-из-води́ть to make, carry out, execute, effect, repair, give birth
                про-из-во́дство production, manufacture, plant, works, factory
                добро́ goods, property, stuff, (colloquial) green light
                коли́чество quantity, number, amount
                число́ cardinal number, date, day, (grammar) number
                ме́ра (dated) A dry measure approximately equal to one pood of seeds, degree, extent, limit, way
                реда́ктор (animate) editor
                хмель hop (plant), hops (seeds), drunkenness, intoxication
                коже́вня tannery
                ба́шня tower, turret
                заря́ dawn, daybreak, dusk, nightfall
                руда́ ore(矿石,矿苗)
                пас (volleyball) set, (card games) pass (declining to play in one's turn), (sports) pass (the passing of the ball)
                пасти́ = пас to graze, to pasture, to shepherd
                бревно́ log, beam (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches)
                лесо-пи́лка sawmill
                пили́ть to saw, (colloquial) to screw, to have sex with
                экра́н (from French écran) screen (a physical divider), screen (theater screen, TV screen)
                Bernhard = ber(n) ("bear") + hard ("brave, strong")
                спо́соб method, means, manner, mode, way
                спосо́б-ность ability, capability (the quality or state of being able), faculty, capacity, talent (often plural)
                знахарь 骗子,巫医
                стра́нствие wandering, roaming, travel, travelling
                чу́до miracle, marvel, wonder
                улы́бка smile
                улыбну́ться to smile
                ве́чность eternity
                длина́ length
                поцелу́й kiss, kissing sound
                возвра́т return (act of returning), restitution, reimbursement
                возвраща́ть = верну́ть return, give back
                крик cry (a shout or scream), outcry, scream, shout, shouting, yell
                жура́вль (animate) crane (bird), (inanimate) crane, sweep, lever arm
                сказа́ть (imperfective говори́ть) to say, tell
                шеде́вр masterpiece
                век century, age, lifetime
                часть part, share, piece
                подари́ть to give, make a present, present, donate, favour, bestow, award
                мир△ universe, world, planet
                раз time (an instance or occurrence), one (in counting)
                раз- (used with verbs) asunder, apart, (used with verbs) dis-, di-, un-, (used with verbs) enlarged action, (used with verbs, in the negative) not quite
                че́рез through, across, over, (time) in, after, because of
                улете́ть to fly away, to depart (by flying)
                Бог (phonetic respelling: Бох) God, idol
                коса́ plait, tress, braid, pigtail, queue, scythe, sandbank, (river) bank, spit (small point of land jutting into the sea)
                да́же even
                показа́ть to show
                показа́ться = пока́жутся = каза́ться to appear, come into view, come in sight, turn up, show up, seem
                бессо́нница insomnia, sleeplessness
                ино́й other, another, different, some, many a
                ино-планетя́нин alien, extraterrestrial
                само- auto-
                лета́ть to fly
                само-лёт airplane/aeroplane, aircraft
                подожда́ть wait
                не-мно́го a little, some
                ми́лый dear, sweet
                слепо́й blind
                худо́жник artist, painter
                дождь (meteorology) rain
                отцветать 花谢,萎靡,衰退
                хризантема 菊
                воск wax
                цирк circus, (geology) cirque (curved depression in a mountainside)
                го́рький bitter
                мёд honey, mead
                ку́кла doll, puppet, (slang) fake money
                буке́т bouquet, bunch of flowers, posy
                гада́лка fortune-teller
                мо́гут = мо́чь may, power, might
                коро́ль king
                пока́ for the present, for the time being, for now (at the moment; until later), so long as, while
                пока́ не unless, till
                пока́мест (colloquial) till, until
                все = весь all, everybody
                сча́стье happiness, good luck
                ска́зка (literary genre) tale, fairy tale, lies, fabrication
                де́йствие action, activity, effect, efficacy, influence, impact, (military, engineering, mathematics) operation, (theater) act
                образ image, shape, form, face
                изобража́ть to depict, picture, portray, describe, represent, paint, imitate
                спи́сок list, register, roll (register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items), copy (especially of a picture or an icon)
                совме́стный joint, shared (done by two or more people or organisations working together), common, conjoint, united, compatible, simultaneous
                собы́тие event, occurrence, incident
                теку́щий flowing, current, present-day (existing or occurring at the moment), everyday, routine
                о́бщество society
                ли (interrogative particle, placed after the first word in a sentence or phrase) Do/does/did...? Is/are/was/were...?, whether, if
                загла́вный title, heading, Capital (of a letter), uppercase
                abonner (fr) To subscribe somebody to a service; to take a subscription for.
                сверх above, over, beyond
                ест-ество́ nature, essence
                сверхъ-естеств-енный supernatural, extraordinary
                ἅλμα(/alma) jump
                μαλλιά(/malliá) hair
                τρίχα(/trícha) = θρίξ(/thríx)a single hair
                mormṓ(/mormo) (gr) a hideous she-monster, a bugbear

                47楼2016-03-06 12:05
                  угро́за (noun) threat, danger
                  бу́дет = быть
                  ина́че or и́наче differently, in a different way; otherwise, otherwise, else, or else
                  запреща́ть forbid, prohibit, ban
                  смотре́ть look, examine
                  при-смо́тр care, tending, looking after, superintendence, supervision
                  при-сма́тр-ивать to keep an eye on (to watch and pay attention to), find, look for, seek
                  таре́лка plate (a serving dish), cymbals(鈸)
                  защи́та = оборо́на defense
                  напа́сть (noun) misfortune, bad luck, trouble; (v) attack, fall on, hit on
                  ступи́ть to tread, step on
                  пре-ступи́ть to break, infringe, violate (laws, regulations, norms, etc.), overstep, transgress, trespass
                  обсужда́ть to discuss
                  пра́вить to govern, drive, strop
                  на-правля́ть to direct
                  порази́ть to defeat
                  бес = бе́са = бе́сы demon, devil
                  вампи́р = упы́рь vampire (mythological creature, also figuratively), vampire bat
                  змей dragon, snake, crafty, wily, evil man
                  волку-ла́к = волко-ла́к werewolf
                  -inae 动物亚科
                  -oideae 植物亚科
                  сою́зник ally
                  враг enemy, foe
                  вра́ж-еский enemy, hostile
                  ве́рно correctly
                  не-ве́рно (it is) incorrect
                  неве́рный incorrect (erroneous), unfaithful, infidel
                  основно́й basic, fundamental, main, primary, principal, cardinal
                  вели́кий great, large, big, too big, larger than necessary
                  велича́йший (superlative of великий) greatest
                  добы́ть = добыва́ть to obtain, get, procure, extract, mine, quarry
                  накопле́ние accumulation, cumulation, to stockpile, save up (money)
                  загото́вить to store up, lay in (stock), prepare, harvest
                  производи́ть to make, carry out, execute, effect, to give birth, to promote
                  произведе́-ние creation, work of art, work (a literary, artistic, or intellectual production), (mathematics) product
                  ору́жие weapon(s), arm(s), cold steel
                  зда́ние building, edifice, structure
                  строе́ние building, structure
                  поте́ря loss (something lost), casualty
                  разруша́ть to destroy, demolish, wreck
                  нефть oil, petroleum, mineral oil, 沥青
                  приби́ть to nail down (to attach with a nail), move, to drive somewhere (of the wind or water), to press to the ground (by an impact or by wind or water), (colloquial) to kill
                  похо́д (military) campaign, march, (nautical) cruise, trip, walking tour, hike
                  зал hall, room
                  сла́ва glory, fame, renown, reputation, rumour, rumor
                  сраже́ние (military) battle, engagement (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat)
                  (по)-стоя́ть stand (for a while), stand up (for)
                  постро́йка construction, structure (anything constructed), building, construction (process)
                  за́мок castle
                  настро́ить to build a lot, tune up, tune in, adjust, customize
                  класси́ческий classical (literature, art, etc.)
                  отде́л department, division, bureau, office, section
                  отде́ль-ный separate, independent, detached, individual, single
                  определи́ть to determine (to set the limits of), define
                  усло́вие condition, term, stipulation, proviso, agreement, contract
                  своего́ (genitive singular of свой)
                  похо́д (military) campaign, march, (nautical) cruise, trip, walking tour, hike, tour
                  обы́чно usual, habitual, customary
                  войска́ troops, armed forces
                  во́йско (military) host, army, (in the plural) troops, forces
                  смерте́льно = смерте́льный mortal, deadly, lethal, fatal, death (attributive), death-defying
                  война́ war
                  завоева́ние conquest, winning
                  заво́д factory
                  обуча́ть teach, instruct, train
                  шака́л jackal
                  лев lion
                  льви́ный lion's
                  эль ale (English beer)
                  смо́жете = смочь to be able, to manage
                  по́льза use, benefit, advantage, profit, usefulness
                  (вос/по)-по́льзоваться use, utilize (+ instrumental case), enjoy (success)
                  пла́та fee, pay, salary, rent, card, cardboard, deck
                  бес-пла́тный free, gratuitous, rent-free
                  найти́ to find, (figuratively) to think, to consider
                  (по)-обща́ться = общну́ться to communicate (with), converse, mix (with)
                  без (+ genitive case) without, minus
                  ограниче́ние limitation, restriction, constraint
                  и́мя = имена́ name, first name, Christian name, given name (for inanimate things, see назва́ние (nazvánije))
                  зва́ние (military) rank, title, status
                  на-зва́ние name, appellation, title
                  укажи́те = указа́ть show, indicate, point
                  по́лностью completely, entirely, utterly, fully
                  паро́ль (from French parole, "promise, word") password
                  повтори́ть repeat, reiterate, review (a lesson)
                  по́ле field, ground, (plural) margins
                  за-по́лнить to fill (something to the end), fill in, fill out (a form or a document)
                  обяза́тельно necessarily, without fail
                  забы́ть = забыва́ть to forget, neglect, leave, forget to bring, forget to take, let it go, let it slip
                  дополня́ть to supplement, add, amplify, supply, enlarge, expand, complete, fill up
                  дополни́те-льный additional, supplementary, extra
                  нажима́ть = нажа́ть to press, push, urge, impel, influence, put pressure
                  пол floor, sex, gender
                  я́щик box, case, chest, drawer (in a table), (colloquial, pejorative) idiot box, boob tube (TV set)
                  Почтовый ящик post box
                  мужско́й masculine
                  кно́пка button (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger), drawing pin, thumbtack
                  принима́ть = приня́ть to take, admit, to accept, receive, assume
                  усло́вие condition, term, stipulation, proviso, agreement, contract
                  глас (poetic) voice
                  го́лос voice, word, remark, opinion
                  соглаше́ние agreement, understanding, consent, agreement, contract
                  по́льзова-тель user
                  зарегистри́ровать to register, to log, record, enroll
                  го́стрий sharp

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