у́мница clear head, wise person, good person
загла́вный title, heading, Capital (of a letter), uppercase
просмо́тр viewing, browsing, examination, review, revision, oversight, lookup, scan
уча́стие participation, collaboration, complicity,
share, stake, sympathy, interest, concern
принима́ть take, admit, accept, receive, assume
предложе́ние offer, suggestion, proposal (also: marriage proposal), proposition, (commerce) supply, (grammar) sentence, clause
ва́нна bath, bathtub, (de,f) wanne
прое́кт project (planned endeavor), design, draft
печа́ть seal, stamp, press, print, type
ру́брика heading, caption, column
казать 看,出示,露面
у-каза́тель index, indicator, guide, pointer
вести́ lead, preside over, drive
добро́ the good, goods, property, stuff, (colloquial) green light, consent, permission
пожа́ловать to grant (to), bestow, confer (on), reward, award (stilted style), (dated) visit, come to see
ска́т slope, incline, (automotive) tire/tyre
manta (es,f) blanket, cloth, cloth banner, mantle (cloak or blanket)
избра́ть choose, elect
(по)жаловать 奖赏
го́вор (colloquial) the sound of talking, the sound of voices, murmur, dialect, patois, pronunciation, accent
говори́ть speak, talk
гипо́ним hyponym
страда́ть suffer,be poor of quality,被动...
собы́тие event, occurrence, incident
порта́л portal, gantry (构台,跨轨信号杆)
о́браз style, look, image
из-обража́ть depict, picture, portray, describe, represent, paint, imitate
актуа́льный urgent, timely, topical
проис-ходи́ть take place, happen, occur, derive, to be descended, to descend, originate
скака́ть ride (on) a horse, hop, jump (about)
перес-ка́кивать jump over, vault (over), skip (over)
вме́сте together, coupled with, along with
со-вме́стный joint, shared (done by two or more people or organisations working together), compatible, simultaneous
де́лать to make, do
не-де́ля week, (archaic) Sunday
иску́сство art, skill, craft
о́бщий • (óbščij) general, common, public, total, whole
о́бщество society, company, association
весь all, the whole
спра́вка inquiry, information, reference, certificate
созда́ть create, found, originate, set up, establish
разде́л division, section, column (newspaper column), subarea, category
свобо́да freedom, liberty
во́ля will, willpower, power, freedom
владе́ть own, possess, govern, control, master, manage, wield
у́ровень level, gauge, degree
е́дем = е́хать go (by horse or vehicle), ride, drive, come, visit, travel
вре́мя time, weather, (grammar) tense
пу́ть way, path, road
ше́ствие procession, demonstration
путе-ше́ствие travels, journey
ано́нс announcement, notice, advertisement
побе́да victory
успе́х success, progress
дво́р yard
дворе́ц palace
apokopḗ(/apokope) (gr) a cutting off, termination, apocope
magnum opus = magna opera
су́дарь sir
госуда́рь sovereign, Your Majesty
зави́сеть depend (on), rely (on)
пу́говица button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
moindre (fr,m) lower, less, lesser, (preceded by a definite article) The smallest, the slightest, the least
repos (fr,m) rest, ease, repose
шути́ть to joke, jest, trifle, play (with), make fun (of)
изда́ние publication, issue, promulgation, edition
страни́ца page, column
prâgma (gr) a thing done, a fact
сия́ние radiance, twinkle, shine
река́ river, stream
разгово́р talk, conversation
navn (no,n) name
viss (sv) certain, convinced, some, certain, particular (not comparable)
o-viss (sv) Incertain, vague, aléatoire
säker (sv) safe, secure, sure, certain
aléatoire (fr,m/f) doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unpredictable, random, aleatory
eller (sv) or
dé-ménage-r (fr) move, to move house (to change residence), to get out, to leave the house
d'abord first, at first, right away, primarily, for one thing
négoce (fr,m) business
drap (fr,m) drape, cloth, linen, underwear
enseignement (fr,m) education
vorlesung (de,f) (university) lecture
répétiteur (fr,m) tutor
œuvre (fr,f) work, book, piece, activity, operation
effect-if (fr,m) number of members of a group (adj,m) real, actual
betyda to mean (convey, signify, indicate), to be of importance (for someone)
мере́ть (colloquial) to die, to perish (in large numbers), (informal) to stand still, to sink, to miss a beat
у-мере́ть to die
обита́ть to inhabit
зали́ть to flood (in terms of bodies of water), fill up (with liquid), pour on, spill
оце́нка valuation, appraisal, feedback, estimation, appreciation
разда́ть hand out, distribute
кача́ть rock, swing, shake, wobble; dandle
ба̏вити (reflexive, with instrumental) attend, engage in, go in for, occupy oneself with
до-ба́вить add
до-бав-ле́ние addition, addendum, add-on, supplement
разме́р size, dimension, measure, amount
приложи́ть put, apply, add, enclose, join, apply, use
lograr (es) to get/obtain/achieve
хуйло dickhead, dipshit, asshole
ми́ло nicely, pretty, dearly, kindly, cordially
ōidḗ(/oide) song
собира́ться to gather, assemble, be about to, be going to, intend, mean
пла́та fee, pay, salary, wages, fare, rent
бес-пла́тный free, gratuitous, rent-free
копировать copy
загрузи́ть to load, download, (engineering) feed, engage, occupy
описа́ние description
опи́сывать to describe, depict, portray (represent in words), make / take an inventory (of), to inventory
осо́бенность peculiarity, feature, characteristic
отли́чие difference, distinction
ра́зница difference
озвучивать 配音
prorsus (la-adv) forwards, straight forward, directly, certainly, truly, precisely
вы́пуск issue, output, emission, discharge, part, number, installment, edition
похо́жий similar, alike
приключе́ние adventure (that which happens without design)
прису́тствие presence (fact or condition of being present), availability
нали́чие availability, presence
лицо́ (anatomy) face, countenance, front, (animate) person, individual, individuality
бровь eyebrow
лоб forehead
ресни́ца eyelash
губа́ (anatomy) lip, (geography) bay, inlet (usually in northern Russia)
скула́ cheekbone
подборо́док (anatomy) chin
щека́ cheek, mouth of animals, jaw
ноздря́ nostril
те́ло body
про̀верити (transitive, intransitive) check, confirm, (transitive) test, question
разда́ча distribution, dispensing, dispensation, expansion
bitte (de-intj) please
вопро́с question
нарисова́ть draw, paint, design, crayon
crayon (fr-m) pencil
для for
длить (dated) to delay
сего́дня (adj,n-n) today, this day
закла́дка bookmark
класть to put, lay, lay down, deposit, apply, spend, lay, lay down, erect
положи́ть (imperfective класть) to put, lay, deposit, apply, spend
сложи́ть (imperfective скла́дывать) lay together, put together, pile up, heap, stack, pack up, add, sum up, make up, assemble, song, rhyme to compose, fold, take off, put down
не́что something
тре́бование demand, request
па́мять memory
звук sound
звук-ово́й (adj) of or related to sound, audio
волна́ wave, wavelength
жёсткий hard, stiff, tough, rigid
описа́ние description
осо́бый particular, peculiar, special, separate, special, detached, distinct
осо́б-енность peculiarity, feature, characteristic
отли́чие difference (quality of being different), distinction
сме́на change, replacement, shift, (military) relief, supersession
из-мене́-ние change, modification, alteration, inflection
спи́сок list, register, roll, copy
зака́з order (request for some product or service)
беспла́тно gratis, free of charge
(по)-смотре́ть to look
ещё yet, more, else