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"AiR" - Novation.Bass.Station.VSTi.v1.6


Novation.Bass.Station.VSTi.v1.6.Incl.Keygen-AiR.rar (798.65 KB)
The classic sound of analogue. Two oscillators that have been carefully modelled to preserve the precise tonal character of the classic sawtooth and square waveforms of the original Bass Station.
Enhanced Classic Panel for Greater Tweakability
The original front panel has been 3D modelled and additional controls have been added for ease of use.
Parameter editing screen
Wheel, Aftertouch and Breath control along with a variety of system-wide settings are just a click away.
Multiple Instances
The ability to use multiple "instances" allows the Bass Station to run as many multi-timbral parts as CPU will allow.
100 Stunning Sounds
The Bass Station plug-in ships with the classic originals along with many more, from screaming leads to phatt funky basses.
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IP属地:上海1楼2015-07-18 14:26回复