As it turns out, not quite. For the rest of Grand Romantic, Ruess reteams with Fun.'s Some Nights producer Jeff Bhasker, who helps Ruess rein in the melodrama to produce some of his most affecting work. "Brightside" is a glass-half-full guide to the brokenhearted. Beck shows up for "What This World Is Coming To," a warm, Laurel Canyon sunrise of a duet, while piano ballad "It Only Gets Much Worse" hides a pessimistic message in the same musically optimistic vibe that made Ruess' Pink collab "Just Give Me a Reason" a Hot 100 No. 1. And best of all is "Harsh Light," a lighter-waving self-acceptance song ("We all got scars," he sings) that could assure Ruess a future beyond Fun., The Format or any other project he pursues.

对于专辑的其他作品,Ruess与不少艺术家进行了合作。Some Nights的制作人Jeff Bhasker帮助Ruess拿捏了歌曲的张力与戏剧性,创造了一些非常有表现力的作品。(好顶赞!) 伤心的人听了单曲"Brightside",心情会平复许多。(glass-half-full,半杯酒刚刚好)。 刚拿了格莱美最佳摇滚专辑的Beck参与了"What This World Is Coming To"的创作,与Ruess一起deliver了一曲温暖的二重唱。而以钢琴伴奏的民谣"It Only Gets Much Worse"透露着悲观情绪,这点我们在Ruess与Pink!合作的"Just Give Me a Reason"中有感受到。
而专辑最好的单曲"Harsh Light"是一首很阳光的,悦纳自我的歌曲。这首歌充分说明Ruess比Fun.,The Format都吊,前途妥妥的。