while i was working on vulnicura , it became one of the most magical thing both musically and spiritually to unite the electronics and the acoustic instruments in an almost romantic way : to prove they can coexist !! that positive tango was a proactive counterpoint to the lyrics of the album : the end of an union . onion . tears . a lot . lol .
but while working on it i felt somehow for the first time , this was an album that could take another version : a reveal , to simply have the acoustics stand on their own for the folks who wanna indulge even further into the wooden timeless side of this music . w / no techno .
so here it is : i dug out the more close up pick up miked versions , other sonic point-of-views , added some violin solos by the gorgeous una sveinbjarnardã³ttir and the talented så‚awomir zubrzycki played masterfully the viola organista ( an instrument invented by leonardo da vinci but only recently built for the first time . it is little but like a grand piano which is bowed not plucked )
thanks to chris elms for mixing it
i hope you like this version too
01. Mouth Mantra - 06:09
02. Lionsong (Una Sveinbjarnardóttir solo) - 6:17
03. Black Lake (Una Sveinbjarnardóttir solo) - 10:08
04. Atom Dance (Sławomir Zubrzycki) - 07:46
05. Stonemilker - 06:48
06. Quicksand - 04:08
07. Notget (Sławomir Zubrzycki) - 04:41
08. Family (Sławomir Zubrzycki) - 07:04
09. Black Lake (Viola Organista version with Una Sveinbjarnardóttir solo) - 10:55