2.Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left. 莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。 Han Solo: That's why I did it, so that you'd miss me. 汉•索洛:所以我才这么做,这样子你就会想我了。 Leia: I do miss you. 莱娅:我想你了。
3.Leia: Rey, may the force be with you. 莱娅:蕾伊,原力与你同在。 4.Finn: Ok, stay calm... stay calm... 费恩:好,冷静……冷静…… Poe Dameron: I am calm. 波•达梅隆:我很冷静! Finn: I was talking to myself. 费恩:我对自己说的。
6.Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 Stormtrooper: What did you say? 冲锋兵:你说什么? Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 Stormtrooper: I will tighten these restraints, scavenger scum! 冲锋兵:我会锁紧它们,拾荒垃圾! Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 Stormtrooper: I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 冲锋兵:我会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 Rey: You will drop your gun. 蕾伊:你会把枪扔掉。 Stormtrooper: And I'll drop my gun. 冲锋兵:我会把枪扔掉。
8.Poe Dameron: Why are you helping me? 波•达梅隆:你为什么救我? Finn: Because it's the right thing to do. 费恩:因为这是正确的事情。 Poe Dameron: ...You need a pilot. 波•达梅隆:……你需要飞行员。 Finn: I need a pilot. 费恩:我需要飞行员。
9.Rey: You... you're afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader! 蕾伊:你……你在害怕……你害怕自己永远不会想达斯•维德一样强大。 10.Finn: We'll figure it out, we'll use the Force! 费恩:我们会想出办法的,我们可以运用原力! Han Solo: That's not how the Force works! 汉•索洛:原力不是这么用的!