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IP属地:山西来自Android客户端1楼2016-09-01 00:45回复

    IP属地:山西来自Android客户端3楼2016-09-01 00:52
      Episode 1: "MadMax"
      For a show that traffics in unapologetic 1980s nostalgia, naming the first episode of your second season "MadMax" feels a bit like the TV-creator equivalent of Babe Ruth calling his shot with a baseball bat. (Was "Steven Spielberg Rulez!" already taken?) Anyway, the originalMad Maxcame out in 1979, its first sequelThe Road Warriorarrived in 1981, and the underratedMad Max Beyond Thunderdomerode into theaters in the summer of 1985. What does that mean for the show?
      The second season will take place in the fall of 1984, a full year after the events of the first season, so it's unlikely our favorite mystery-solving teens will be attending a screening of one of George Miller's masterpieces. Could this be a reference to Eleven's Imperator Furiosa-inspired haircut? Or to Chief Jim Hopper, also a cop like Mel Gibson's title character, slowly going mad? Or maybe the Upside Down has its own version of Thunderdome? So many possibilities.

      IP属地:山西来自Android客户端4楼2016-09-01 03:09
        Episode 2: "The Boy Who Came Back to Life"
        This feels a little bit like a troll ofBarb fandom, right? I'm not hating -- it's funny. If the title had been "The Girl Who Came Back to Life," it's very possible that certain fan-art forums would have exploded in excitement. So, who could the "Boy" in the title be? The easiest explanation is that it refers to Will Byers -- anewspaper clipping from the Season 1 finalealready referred to him this way -- and that maybe the show will reveal that he actually did die during some of his time in the Upside Down. However, this could just as easily be referring to a new character whom we haven't met yet.

        IP属地:山西来自Android客户端5楼2016-09-01 03:09
          Episode 3: "The Pumpkin Patch"
          While Season 1 took place before Thanksgiving and ended with a coda set right around Christmas time, this title suggests that next season should tackle an even creepier holiday: Halloween. Who goes to a pumpkin patch any other time of the year? That would go along with the announcement that the season will take place in the fall of 1984, which would make it the perfect time for the show to riff on a whole new set of midwestern tropes -- haunted hayrides, spooky barns, abandoned farms -- that went unexplored in the first season.
          Another theory: director John Carpenter got a series of shout-outs in season one ofStranger Things, from the creepy synth score to the poster forThe Thinghanging in the basement, but the director's most famous film,Halloween, wasn't as explicitly referenced (unless Nancy's name is an allusion toHalloweenactress Nancy Loomis). What I'm really hoping for is that we eventually find out Matthew Modine's Dr. Martin Brenner character and his whole Hawkins Laboratory crew are part of aSilver Shamrock-like toy conspiracysimilar to the plot ofHalloween III: Season of the Witch. If you're going to steal from '80s shit, steal from some less celebrated classics too! (Plus, you know, Charlie Brown.)

          IP属地:山西来自Android客户端6楼2016-09-01 03:10
            Episode 4: "The Palace"
            It's possible this title refers to some sort of palace realm within the world of the Upside Down. What if the Demogorgon, whichcould be the flip-side to Eleven, has some sort of master? And that master lives in a really scary palace? The word "palace" also ties back to Dungeons and Dragons, which published an adventure module calledPalace of the Silver Princessback in 1981. If you've got an hour to spare, take a look at that PDF, and maybe you'll uncover some clues to what Season 2 might have in store.
            An alternate theory:Stranger ThingsSeason 2 will be likeThe Leftoversand change locations during Season 2, but instead of taking the show to Texas,our favorite clique of mystery-solving preteenswill travel to England, where they discover that the Queen of England herself is the Demogorgon after spending time in her royal abode. Also, Dustin gets cast in the West End production ofLes Miz, which, funny enough, had its premiere in 1985. Coincidence? I think not.

            IP属地:山西来自Android客户端7楼2016-09-01 03:11
              Episode 5: "The Storm"
              Inthe books of Stephen King, storms play an important role in keeping characters trapped in terrifying situations. Of course, there's the massive snowstorm that hits Colorado's Overlook Hotel inThe Shining, the lightning attack inThe Dead Zone, and the snow that keeps Paul Sheldon waylaid inMisery, but King also wrote a miniseries for ABC in 1999 calledThe Storm of the Century. Judging from Season 1's King obsession, I'd suspect a similar natural disaster to hit Hawkins in Season 2. (Or it could just beanX-Menthing.)

              IP属地:山西来自Android客户端8楼2016-09-01 03:11
                Episode 6:"The Pollywog"
                One of the most evocative titles of Season 1 was "The Flea and the Acrobat," in which the boys learned about interdimensional travel from their science teacher, Mr. Clarke. Pollywogs refer to the larval stage for frogs and toads, so it's possible that this episode will also contains some sort of scientific lesson, potentially about the slug creature that Will coughed up at the end of the episode. Really, the possibilities are endless: the pollywog could refer to the Demogorgon, Eleven, or any of the boys themselves.
                There's also a military connotation to the term "Pollywog" that could end up being important. In the U.S. Navy and many naval organizations, "pollywog" is used as a term to describe any sailor who has yet to pass the Equator. After a "crossing the line" ceremony, the sailors are referred to as shellbacks. An article on theNavy's websitesays that the ceremony would include "a series of initiation rites involving harrowing and often embarrassing tasks, gags, obstacles, physical hardships, and generally good-humored mischief."

                IP属地:山西来自Android客户端9楼2016-09-01 03:12
                  Episode 8:"The Brain"
                  Maybe this episode will take us into the mind of Dr. Martin Brenner? Later seasons of mythology-rich shows tend to take us further into the (often tragic) backstories of seemingly villainous characters like Matthew Modine's silver-haired bureaucrat. Think of howThe X-Filesslowly revealed the secrets that made the Cigarette Smoking Man tick, or howLosteventually examined the motives behind twisted figures like Ben Linus. With his unexplained connection to Eleven and her mother, Brenner is the perfect candidate for a deep-dive flashback episode, and this could be that. Seriously, how did his hair get so white?

                  IP属地:山西来自Android客户端11楼2016-09-01 03:12


                    来自Android客户端15楼2016-09-01 13:16

                      IP属地:广东16楼2016-09-01 15:02

                        来自Android客户端17楼2016-09-01 20:47

                          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端18楼2016-09-03 15:14

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端19楼2016-09-03 15:57

                              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端20楼2016-09-04 12:38