Q:众所周知pa改题材的涉猎非常广泛从游戏到漫画 电影 今后是否会继续拓展(如热门剧集动漫等等) As we know Playarts Kai made figures for almostevery corner of popular culture from games, comics to movies. In the futurewill you cover more areas like popular TV series and animations? A:Unfortunately, It is highly confidential information we can not answer this question.pelase check Inpplay online shop! You will find latest PA改 info at there! 总结:神他妈的无可奉告 所以最近新品只会是展会上的那些了
Q:之前与capcom合作出的怪物猎人 街头霸王 鬼泣系列都受到了广泛的好评 今后是否还会延续下去呢?(Pa改吧 北庄我最大) Figures from Monster Hunter, Street Fighterand Devil May Cry which you cooperate with Capcom have received a lot of great comments.Will the Capcom line continues in the future? A:Also I can not answer this question same reason as previous question.However,please don't worry we are surtyly receive your feedback to Capcon figures! 总结:又是一个无可奉告 但是表示我们的反馈他们已经知道了(新品希望渺茫)
Q:Playarts到Playarts改 这一个改字可以说是意义非凡可以谈谈改字是如何体现在产品的构思和设计中的吗? From Playarts to Playarts “Kai”, the word “Kai”must be meaningful in this process. Could you talk about how the “Kai” expressionin the design of figures. A:Play Arts改-KAI-was launched as improvement of Play Arts. Play Arts改-KAI concept is<Playable, Displayable and Cool>. So we are making 'play value' to it by various devices to achieve the concept. For example, the material is used for expand movable range in order to enjoy various posing. Using 'click articulation' as the part of the joint, Improved more accuracy metallic mold, also reconsidered painting process for improve,We're improving day by day. These high quality PA改 are spend 2~3 years to completed from planning to on sale. PA改 are figure which many people involved have each poured their heart and soul into creating. 总结:回答很长 但只是把产品吹了一遍 材质 关节设计 涂装什么的 可以说是答非所问
Q:Playarts改出了茫茫多数量的蝙蝠侠 而且照这个势头变异蝙蝠侠还会继续出下去 为什么不放过老爷这个角色是因为有什么特殊意义吗?(小曾珈) PlayartsKai has produce so many kinds ofbatman and seems variant batman still not end up with Timeless series. Why youchoose batman as the prototype, anything special on the character? A:Batman is character which loved by all over the world, also his style is very match our variout style figure. About the Timelee serious, that already released 4 caractor,Wild West,Sparta,Bushido,Steam pank. We will be start new series 'ROGUES GALLERY'. You can find and pre-order our latest item Two-face BATMAN on Inplay Online store. Please visi check it! 总结:因为全世界都喜欢姥爷 而且在漫画中造型各异的蝙蝠侠非常适合pa改魔改的主题 然后预告了最新的疯狂系列(当时而言 现在你们早都知道了)