Barstow Convertible 2017-08-17

官論介紹:This adds a convertible bodystyle and windowfree doors to the Gavril Barstow, and comes with the same configs as the fastback version.
Keep in mind, that this is my first mod (made with blender) and there may be some bugs and issues somewhere (written down below).
If you have no other Barstow mods, the vehicle selector should look like mine above (you can change each position by changing the value in the configname info.json file, the higher the number, the further down in selector it is)
Credits go to:
@BeamNG team for their awesome game and content
@synsol and @meywue from Mod Support for helping here and there
@Blijo for help with jbeam
@PETER BEAMO for help with glass and windowfree doors and
@FLyInG 2 YoUr SoUL for it's jbeam.
@me for modeling, texturing, the configs, etc.
(again, they helped, if they would made stuff for me, i wouldn't learn a thing, thumbs up for that)
Known bugs and issues for Convertible Body:
-to keep the rear view mirror and sunshields, i had to left a bit of roof jbeam
YBR's review of first version
