January 10, 2018
Caleb Conley defeated Rohit Raju
Caleb Konley击败Rohit Raju
Impact Wrestling
Jeremy Borash announced that there are surprises tonight.
* Impact Grand champion Matt Sydal defeated Fallah Bahh in a match with no rounds or judges.
Impact Grand冠军Matt Sydal击败Fallah Bahh
* Bobby Lashley defeated KM.
* Keira Hogan defeated Impact Wrestling Knockouts champion Laurel Van Ness in a non-title match after a distraction from Allie.
Keira Hogan在Allie的帮助下战胜Impact KO组冠军Laurel Van Ness
LAX cut a promo calling out OVE. OVE came out and said they will be tag champions again. Caleb Konley and Trevor Lee came in and attacked LAX and OVE left.
Caleb Konley和Trevor Lee出场攻击了LAX
* Johnny Impact & Moose defeated Alberto El Patron & EC3
Johnny Impact和Moose战胜了El Patron和EC3
*Impact Wrestling champion Eli Drake and Chris Adonis cut a promo celebrating the life of Drake. Aries came out in his street clothes and disputed Drake saying that he was "the greatest of all time." This led to a match with Aries and Drake for the World Championship. Aries pinned Drake to win the Impact Wrestling championship.
Impact Wrestling冠军Drake在Adonis陪伴下出场,Drake开场cut了个关于庆祝的promo。然后前世界冠军Austin Aries回归,表明身份说他是G.O.A.T.【史上最佳】。继而挑战Drake的冠军头衔,然后成功战胜Drake成为新科冠军。
* Matt Sydal & Taiji Ishimori defeated Hijo del Fantasma & Rohit Raju
Matt Sydal和石森太二战胜了紫面和Rohit Raju
* Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley defeated TECH(TC Reid & Mike Monroe). LAX cut a promo saying that they are coming for them and there is nothing they can do.
Trevor Lee和Caleb Konley战胜了TECH(TC Reid和Mike Monroe)
* Impact Wrestling Knockouts champion Laurel Van Ness defeated Keira Hogan. Van Nass attacked Hogan after the match, but Allie made the save.
Impact KO组冠军Laurel Van Ness战胜了Keira Hogan
赛后Van Ness攻击了Hogan
* Hania defeated Amber Nova. Rosemary attached Hania after the match, but Hania ran away.
Hania战胜了Amber Nova
* Johnny Impact defeated Alberto el Patron, Moose and EC3 to become the #1 contender to the World title.
Johnny Impact战胜了El Patron,Moose和EC3
* OVE defeated TC Reid & Mike Monroe.
oVe战胜了TECH(TC Reid和Mike Monroe)
* Rosemary defeated Amber Nova.
Rosemary战胜Amber Nova
Caleb Conley defeated Rohit Raju
Caleb Konley击败Rohit Raju
Impact Wrestling
Jeremy Borash announced that there are surprises tonight.
* Impact Grand champion Matt Sydal defeated Fallah Bahh in a match with no rounds or judges.
Impact Grand冠军Matt Sydal击败Fallah Bahh
* Bobby Lashley defeated KM.
* Keira Hogan defeated Impact Wrestling Knockouts champion Laurel Van Ness in a non-title match after a distraction from Allie.
Keira Hogan在Allie的帮助下战胜Impact KO组冠军Laurel Van Ness
LAX cut a promo calling out OVE. OVE came out and said they will be tag champions again. Caleb Konley and Trevor Lee came in and attacked LAX and OVE left.
Caleb Konley和Trevor Lee出场攻击了LAX
* Johnny Impact & Moose defeated Alberto El Patron & EC3
Johnny Impact和Moose战胜了El Patron和EC3
*Impact Wrestling champion Eli Drake and Chris Adonis cut a promo celebrating the life of Drake. Aries came out in his street clothes and disputed Drake saying that he was "the greatest of all time." This led to a match with Aries and Drake for the World Championship. Aries pinned Drake to win the Impact Wrestling championship.
Impact Wrestling冠军Drake在Adonis陪伴下出场,Drake开场cut了个关于庆祝的promo。然后前世界冠军Austin Aries回归,表明身份说他是G.O.A.T.【史上最佳】。继而挑战Drake的冠军头衔,然后成功战胜Drake成为新科冠军。
* Matt Sydal & Taiji Ishimori defeated Hijo del Fantasma & Rohit Raju
Matt Sydal和石森太二战胜了紫面和Rohit Raju
* Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley defeated TECH(TC Reid & Mike Monroe). LAX cut a promo saying that they are coming for them and there is nothing they can do.
Trevor Lee和Caleb Konley战胜了TECH(TC Reid和Mike Monroe)
* Impact Wrestling Knockouts champion Laurel Van Ness defeated Keira Hogan. Van Nass attacked Hogan after the match, but Allie made the save.
Impact KO组冠军Laurel Van Ness战胜了Keira Hogan
赛后Van Ness攻击了Hogan
* Hania defeated Amber Nova. Rosemary attached Hania after the match, but Hania ran away.
Hania战胜了Amber Nova
* Johnny Impact defeated Alberto el Patron, Moose and EC3 to become the #1 contender to the World title.
Johnny Impact战胜了El Patron,Moose和EC3
* OVE defeated TC Reid & Mike Monroe.
oVe战胜了TECH(TC Reid和Mike Monroe)
* Rosemary defeated Amber Nova.
Rosemary战胜Amber Nova