holmes吧 关注:492贴子:10,969




来自Android客户端1楼2018-03-24 18:10回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2018-03-24 18:12

      来自Android客户端3楼2018-03-24 18:31

        来自Android客户端4楼2018-03-24 18:37
          汉 语:我来打酱油。
          英 语:It's none of my business .I come to buy some sauce.
          德 语:Ich bezogen, was ich kam zu einer Soja-So?e.
          法 语:Je lis ce qui, j'en suis arriv une sauce de soja.
          荷 兰 语:Ik gerelateerd wat, kwam ik tot een sojasaus.
          俄 语:Я,касающихся того, что я пришел к соевым соусом.
          西班牙语:Relacionados con lo que yo, me vino a un salsa de soja.
          意大利语:I relativi cosa, sono venuto a una salsa di soia.
          日 本 语:私関连したどのような、私がして醤油.
          希 腊 语:I σχετικ? ? τι ? ρθα σε μια σ? λτσα σ? για?
          正常打酱油 (打酱油)

          来自Android客户端5楼2018-03-25 13:08
            汉 语:我来打酱油。
            英 语:It's none of my business .I come to buy some sauce.
            德 语:Ich bezogen, was ich kam zu einer Soja-So?e.
            法 语:Je lis ce qui, j'en suis arriv une sauce de soja.
            荷 兰 语:Ik gerelateerd wat, kwam ik tot een sojasaus.
            俄 语:Я,касающихся того, что я пришел к соевым соусом.
            西班牙语:Relacionados con lo que yo, me vino a un salsa de soja.
            意大利语:I relativi cosa, sono venuto a una salsa di soia.
            日 本 语:私関连したどのような、私がして醤油.
            希 腊 语:I σχετικ? ? τι ? ρθα σε μια σ? λτσα σ? για?
            正常打酱油 (打酱油)

            来自Android客户端6楼2018-03-26 13:15

              来自Android客户端7楼2018-03-26 13:15

                来自Android客户端8楼2018-03-26 13:16
                  汉 语:我来打酱油。
                  英 语:It's none of my business .I come to buy some sauce.
                  德 语:Ich bezogen, was ich kam zu einer Soja-So?e.
                  法 语:Je lis ce qui, j'en suis arriv une sauce de soja.
                  荷 兰 语:Ik gerelateerd wat, kwam ik tot een sojasaus.
                  俄 语:Я,касающихся того, что я пришел к соевым соусом.
                  西班牙语:Relacionados con lo que yo, me vino a un salsa de soja.
                  意大利语:I relativi cosa, sono venuto a una salsa di soia.
                  日 本 语:私関连したどのような、私がして醤油.
                  希 腊 语:I σχετικ? ? τι ? ρθα σε μια σ? λτσα σ? για?
                  正常打酱油 (打酱油)

                  来自Android客户端9楼2018-03-27 15:53
                    Here dwell together still two men of note,
                    Who never lived and so can never die;
                    How very near they seem, yet how remote,
                    That age before the world went all awry.
                    But still the game’s afoot for those with ears,
                    Attuned to catch the distant view-halloo;
                    England is England yet, for all our fears——
                    Only those things the heart believes are true.
                    A yellow fog swirls past the window-pane,
                    As night descends upon this fabled street;
                    A lonely hansom splashes through the rain,
                    The ghostly gas lamps fail at twenty feet.
                    Here, though the world explode, these two survive,
                    And it is always eighteen ninety-five.

                    来自Android客户端10楼2018-03-27 15:53
                      Author's Preface
                      In 1862-3 I made a tour in Western Africa, and afterwards desired to revisit that strange country with the view of opening up new ground and of studying religion and morality among the natives. I was, however, unable to bear a second time the great expenses of African travel, and had almost given up the hope of becoming an explorer when I was introduced by Mr. Bates, the well known Amazon traveller and Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, to one of its Associates, Mr. Andrew Swanzy, who had long desired to do something in the cause of African discovery. He placed unlimited means at my disposal, and left me free to choose my own route. I travelled in Africa for two years (1868-70) and made a journey which is mentioned in the test. The narrative of my travels will be published in due course; I allude to them now in order to show that I have had some personal experience of savages. I wish also to take the first opportunity of thanking Mr. Swanzy for his assistance, which was given not only in the most generous but also in the most graceful manner.
                      With respect to the present work, I began it intending to prove that "Negroland" or Inner Africa is not cut off from the main-stream of events, as writers of philosophical history have always maintained, but connected by means of Islam with the lands of the East; and also that it has, by means of the slave-trade, powerfully influenced the moral history of Europe and the political history of the United States. But I was gradually led from writing the history of Africa into writing the history of the world. I could not describe the Negroland of ancient times without describing Egypt and Carthage. From Egypt I was drawn to Asia and to Greece; from Carthage I was drawn to Rome. That is the first chapter. Next, having to relate the progress of the Mohammedans in Central Africa, it was necessary for me to explain the nature and origin of Islam, but that religion cannot be understood without

                      来自Android客户端11楼2018-03-30 11:56
                        I had intended to give my authorities in full with notes and elucidations, but am prevented from doing so by want of space, this volume being already larger than it should be. I wish therefore to impress upon the reader that there is scarcely anything in this work which I can claim as my own. I have taken not only facts and ideas, but phrases and even paragraphs, from other writers. I cannot pay all my debts in full, but I must at least do myself the pleasure of mentioning those authors who have been my chief guides. On Egypt they are Wilkinson, Herodotus (Rawlinson’s edition), Bunsen; Ethiopia or Abyssinia, Bruce, Baker, Lepsius; Carthage, Heeren (African Nations), Niebuhr, Mommsen; East Africa, Vincent (Periplus), Guillain, Hakluyt Society’s Publications; Moslem Africa (Central), Park, Caillie, Denham and Clapperton, Lander, Barth, Ibn Batuta, Leo Africanus; Guinea and South Africa, Azurara, Barros, Major, Hakluyt, Purchas, Livingstone; Assyria, Sir H. Rawlinson, Layard; India, Max Muller, Weber; Persia, Heeren (Asiatic Nations); Central Asia, Burnes, Wolff, Vambery; Arabia, Niebuhr, Caussin de Perceval, Sprenger, Deutsch, Muir, Burckhardt, Burton, Palgrave; Palestine, Dean Stanley, Renan, Dollinger, Spinoza, Robinson, Neander; Greece, Grote, O. Muller, Curtius, Heeren, Lewes, Taine, About, Becker (Charicles); Rome, Gibbon, Macaulay, Becker (Gallus); Dark Ages, Hallam, Guizot, Robertson, Prescott, Irving; Philosophy of History, Herder, Buckle Comte, Lecky, Mill, Draper; Science, Darwin, Lyell, Herbert, Spencer, Huxley, Tyndall, Chambers (Vestiges of Creation), Wallace, Tylor, and Lubbock. All of the works of the above named authors deserve to be carefully read by the students of universal history, and in them he will find references to the original authorities, and to all writers of importance on the various subjects treated of in this work.
                        As for my religious sentiments, they are expressed in opposition to the advice and wishes of several literary friends,

                        来自Android客户端12楼2018-03-30 11:57
                          手稿的前两页遗失了。在叙述结束的地方也有一页被撕掉了,不过这些并不影响整个故事的连贯。据猜测,遗失的开头部分记录了乔伊斯-阿姆斯特朗先生作为一个飞艇驾驶员的资格,这可以从其他来源获得,此外他的驾驶技术在全英国的飞行员中是公认无人能及的 。很多年以来,他一直被认为是搞飞行的人中最大胆、最聪明的人之一,由于两者兼具,他发明并试验了几种新的飞行装置,包括以他的名字命名的常见的陀螺仪。手稿的主要部分是用墨水很整洁地写下的,但最后的几行是用铅笔写的,字迹潦草得难以辨认——确实如此,事实上这样潦草的字迹让人觉得是在晃动的飞机中匆匆写下的。还要补充一句的是,在最后一页和封皮的外侧有着几处污渍,据内政部的专家称是血迹——或许是人血但肯定是哺乳动物的血。在这些血渍中发现了极似疟原虫的生物体,而人们都知道乔伊斯-阿姆斯特朗受着间歇性发热的折磨。现代科学赋予了我们的侦探新的武器,这就是一个显著的例子。

                          来自Android客户端13楼2018-03-30 12:00
                            I had intended to give my authorities in full with notes and elucidations, but am prevented from doing so by want of space, this volume being already larger than it should be. I wish therefore to impress upon the reader that there is scarcely anything in this work which I can claim as my own. I have taken not only facts and ideas, but phrases and even paragraphs, from other writers. I cannot pay all my debts in full, but I must at least do myself the pleasure of mentioning those authors who have been my chief guides. On Egypt they are Wilkinson, Herodotus (Rawlinson’s edition), Bunsen; Ethiopia or Abyssinia, Bruce, Baker, Lepsius; Carthage, Heeren (African Nations), Niebuhr, Mommsen; East Africa, Vincent (Periplus), Guillain, Hakluyt Society’s Publications; Moslem Africa (Central), Park, Caillie, Denham and Clapperton, Lander, Barth, Ibn Batuta, Leo Africanus; Guinea and South Africa, Azurara, Barros, Major, Hakluyt, Purchas, Livingstone; Assyria, Sir H. Rawlinson, Layard; India, Max Muller, Weber; Persia, Heeren (Asiatic Nations); Central Asia, Burnes, Wolff, Vambery; Arabia, Niebuhr, Caussin de Perceval, Sprenger, Deutsch, Muir, Burckhardt, Burton, Palgrave; Palestine, Dean Stanley, Renan, Dollinger, Spinoza, Robinson, Neander; Greece, Grote, O. Muller, Curtius, Heeren, Lewes, Taine, About, Becker (Charicles); Rome, Gibbon, Macaulay, Becker (Gallus); Dark Ages, Hallam, Guizot, Robertson, Prescott, Irving; Philosophy of History, Herder, Buckle Comte, Lecky, Mill, Draper; Science, Darwin, Lyell, Herbert, Spencer, Huxley, Tyndall, Chambers (Vestiges of Creation), Wallace, Tylor, and Lubbock. All of the works of the above named authors deserve to be carefully read by the students of universal history, and in them he will find references to the original authorities, and to all writers of importance on the various subjects treated of in this work.
                            As for my religious sentiments, they are expressed in opposition to the advice and wishes of several literary friends,

                            来自Android客户端14楼2018-04-02 19:10
                              Author's Preface
                              In 1862-3 I made a tour in Western Africa, and afterwards desired to revisit that strange country with the view of opening up new ground and of studying religion and morality among the natives. I was, however, unable to bear a second time the great expenses of African travel, and had almost given up the hope of becoming an explorer when I was introduced by Mr. Bates, the well known Amazon traveller and Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, to one of its Associates, Mr. Andrew Swanzy, who had long desired to do something in the cause of African discovery. He placed unlimited means at my disposal, and left me free to choose my own route. I travelled in Africa for two years (1868-70) and made a journey which is mentioned in the test. The narrative of my travels will be published in due course; I allude to them now in order to show that I have had some personal experience of savages. I wish also to take the first opportunity of thanking Mr. Swanzy for his assistance, which was given not only in the most generous but also in the most graceful manner.
                              With respect to the present work, I began it intending to prove that "Negroland" or Inner Africa is not cut off from the main-stream of events, as writers of philosophical history have always maintained, but connected by means of Islam with the lands of the East; and also that it has, by means of the slave-trade, powerfully influenced the moral history of Europe and the political history of the United States. But I was gradually led from writing the history of Africa into writing the history of the world. I could not describe the Negroland of ancient times without describing Egypt and Carthage. From Egypt I was drawn to Asia and to Greece; from Carthage I was drawn to Rome. That is the first chapter. Next, having to relate the progress of the Mohammedans in Central Africa, it was necessary for me to explain the nature and origin of Islam, but that religion cannot be understood without

                              来自Android客户端15楼2018-04-02 19:11