演讲部分摘录(中英对照): What do I do next? And I'm going to do what I've always done. I'm going to move forward, because going backwards isn't an option and standing still is not enough. 接下来我该怎么办?我要做我一直以来在做的事情, 我会继续前进,因为倒退不是选择, 并且原地不动也不够。 No matter what I do, I ask myself three questions: What do I want? Why do I want it? And how do I get it? And in this case, I know what I want. I want change. That is what I want. But the question is: What change do I want to see? 无论我做什么,我都会问自己三个问题:我想要什么?为什么我想要?以及我如何才能得到?在这种情况下,我知道自己想要什么。我要改变。这就是我想要的。但问题是, 我想要看到什么样的改变? And I know that the questions I have to ask myself are: One, am I honest about the scope of my ambition? Because it's easy to figure out that once you didn't get what you wanted, then maybe you should have set your sights a little lower, but I'm here to tell you to be aggressive about your ambition. Do not allow setbacks to set you back. 我知道我需要问自己的问题其实是:第一,我对自己的抱负是否诚实?因为很容易发现一旦你 没有得到你想要的, 那么也许你应该把你的眼光放低一点, 但是我在这告诉你一定要 对自己的目标有进取心。不要让挫折阻碍你。
Number two, let yourself understand your mistakes. But also understand their mistakes, because, as women in particular, we're taught that if something doesn't work out, it's probably our fault. And usually, there is something we could do better, but we've been told not to investigate too much what the other side could have done. And this isn't partisan -- it's people. We're too often told that our mistakes are ours alone, but victory is a shared benefit. And so what I tell you to do is understand your mistakes, but understand the mistakes of others. And be clearheaded about it. And be honest with yourself and honest with those who support you. 第二,要清楚自己的错误。但同时也要清楚他人的错误。 因为,尤其作为女性, 大家总认为如果事情没有成功, 那肯定是我们的问题。通常,有些事情我们其实可以做得更好。但我们一直被告知不要调查太多 对方可能做的事情。这不是党派——这是人民。我们经常被告知错误是我们自己的, 但胜利又是大家共同享有的利益。所以我要告诉你们的是, 了解自己的错误, 也了解他人的错误, 并且对此保持清醒。忠于自己,也忠于那些支持你的人。
Instead, make sure you want it because there's something not that you should do, but something you must do. It has to be something that doesn't allow you to sleep at night unless you're dreaming about it; something that wakes you up in the morning and gets you excited about it; or something that makes you so angry, you know you have to do something about it. But know why you're doing it. And know why it must be done. 还有,确保你想做一件事情,不是因为你应该这么做, 而是因为必须要这么做。 这一定是令你晚上 魂牵梦萦的事情;或者是早上醒来就足够让你兴奋的事情;又或者是能够让你很愤怒的事情, 你知道你必须要做点什么。但是知道为什么要做这件事情, 还要知道为什么必须做。
So, first know what you want. Second, know why you want it,but third, know how you're going to get it done. 所以,首先要知道你想要什么。其次,知道你为什么想要,但是最后,还要知道如何实现。 But I also understand that there are three things that always hold us hostage. The first is finances. 但我也明白 还有三件事情会让我们变得很被动。首先是财务状况。 And finances are something that holds us back so often, our dreams are bounded by how much we have in resources. But we hear again and again the stories of those who overcome those resource challenges. But you can't overcome something you don't talk about. 财务状况经常在拖我们后腿, 我们的梦想总是会受限于所拥有的资源。但我们也不止一次地听到 那些克服了资源挑战的成功故事。当然你不可能去克服你从不谈论的事情。这就是为什么我不允许他们 在竞选活动中利用债务来羞辱我。 But no matter who it was, I understood that finances are often a reason we don't let ourselves dream. I can't say that you will always overcome those obstacles, but I will tell you, you will be damned if you do not try. 但是不管是谁, 我明白财务问题往往是 我们不敢梦想的原因。我不能说你能一直克服那些障碍, 但是我想告诉你,如果连尝试都不敢,那你注定完蛋。
The second is fear. And fear is real. It is paralyzing. It is terrifying. But it can also be energizing, because once you know what you're afraid of, you can figure out how to get around it. 其次是恐惧。恐惧是一种真实的感受。它会让我们觉得气馁, 心生畏惧。但是它也会让我们充满能量, 因为一旦你知道自己害怕什么, 你就会知道怎么去避开。 And the third is fatigue. Sometimes you just get tired of trying. You get tired of reading about processes and politics and the things that stop you from getting where you want to be. Sometimes, fatigue means that we accept position instead of power. We let someone give us a title as a consolation prize, rather than realizing we know what we want and we're going to get it, even if we're tired. 第三是疲劳。有时候你只是没有力气再去尝试了。你疲于阅读有关流程和政策 以及那些阻止你实现目标的事情。有时候,疲劳意味着 我们甘愿接受位置而非权力。我们让别人给我们一个头衔作为安慰奖, 而非并努力实现梦想, 即便我们会疲劳。
But we also learn in those moments that fatigue is an opportunity to evaluate how much we want it. Because if you are beaten down, if you have worked as hard as you can, if you have done everything you said you should, and it still doesn't work out, fatigue can sap you of your energy. 但我们也在这些时刻学习到 疲劳是评估我们多想得到它的一个机会。因为如果你被击败了, 如果你尽可能地努力了, 如果你应该做的都做了,当仍然无济于事,疲劳就会消耗你的精力。