
2、大家还记得卡莉在莫斯科的书房的这面新闻墙嘛,里面细节满满(引用于 Eugene的帖子

1. 左上角的中情局爆炸事件(Brody的卡车被挪动然后炸了中情局);
2. 左边蓝色的图片,标题”Question: Who are these drone strikes killing? U.S. answer: We don't know". 无人机轰炸事件。(Carrie曾经被称作Drone Quees,在蛋糕上面)
3. 最上角那个中文报道的右边,Brody的视频报道。标题"Ex-Marine terrorist releases video. "
4. Carrie头右边的蓝色的导报“Military Strike Kills 40 Civilians at Afghan Wedding”。当时为了杀哈卡尼,Carrie投下的炸弹,只有小哥一个人生还了。
5. 右上,“President Warner Dead”,本季的。
6. 右上,但丁和西蒙马丁。
7. 铁丝网照片右边,女总统的报道。
8. 斯诺登的报道。
9. 橙色的照片,“U.S. Drone Program's Civilian Death toll over 700, 253-397 Children Killed",这也就是当时Brody叛变的原因之一,最后一集的开头就是Brody的那个Video,也有提到。
10. 右边,有一个Brody照片的报道。
11. Brody下面是Quinn的照片(我最喜欢的角色)。
12. Quinn下面是哈卡尼的报道,报道右下角的彩色地图是巴基斯坦的。
13. 哈卡尼的左边是关于Hezbollah(真主党)的报道。

红色的:Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (纸质版的封面)
1. Wanted Women: Faith, Lies, and the War on Terror: The Lives of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Aafia Siddiqui (应该是硬壳的 看不太清楚)
2. Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan (硬壳)3. Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield (名字对上了但是颜色不太对,其他信息也很少,找了好久没找到,有可能是版本不对,电影里面的字是烫金的)
1. Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (软装版)
2. America's War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History (硬壳)
3.Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army, and the Wars Within (看起来好像是软装版的)书上面的墙上有一个新闻报道,标题是“Circle of Confusion in Oval Office”,然后是Keane和Warner的照片。猜测应该是Keane被赶出椭圆办公室然后又回来的事情,给大家造成了confusion。


可以看到封面上有"Advance Copy"和"Not for Sale"字样,说明是内部印刷版本,非卖品。


In 2018, former CIA Case Officer and Station Chief Carrie A. Mathison made what was in her mind the most patriotic move she could make: she outed an American spy to the Russian government. In exchange, the Russian government released audio from President Warner's crashed helicopter exonerating the Taliban who were accused of shooting down the aircraft thus averting a nuclear war with Pakistan. And...
左上角还有一个ZEITLIN的标记,这家出版社是杜撰的,查不到任何信息。关于ZEITLIN这个名字,维基上是这么解释的:Zeitlin(意第绪语:צייליטלין)是一个母系犹太姓氏。根据斯拉夫语的规则,它是从女性名字Zeitl衍生出来的,有占有式后缀'-in',字面意思是 "Zeitl的"。也就是说,这个出版商可以认为是一个犹太人。接下来我在美国贴吧上找到了封底,居然是Carrie的小传。

CARRIE A. MATHISON was born in Annapolis, Maryland surrounded by the politics and diplomacy of nearby Washington D.C. After being recruited out of college to join the CIA. She served as a case officer in the Middle East for many years. Eventually reaching the rank of Station Chief in Kabul, the youngest in CIA history.In the private sector, she ran security for the Düring Foundation. consulted for the non-profit "Fair Trial" in New York. And served as a White House intelligence liaison to President Elizabeth Keane.She most recently served as a civilian advisor to the National Security Council during the Afghan Peace Negotiations. She has one daughter, to whom this book is dedicated.
翻译:卡莉-A-麦西森出生在马里兰州的安纳波利斯,这是一个被附近华盛顿特区的政治和外交氛围所包围的地方。大学毕业后她被招募加入中情局。她在中东地区当了多年的办案专员,最终在喀布尔担任中情局历史上最年轻的站长。在私下里,她在纽约杜林基金会的非营利项目 "公平审判 "中担任过顾问。并曾任伊丽莎白-基恩总统的白宫情报联络员。她最近一次的工作是在阿富汗和平谈判期间担任国家安全委员会的文职顾问。卡莉有一个女儿,本书献给她。