Hi Royallers,
New files are required to be downloaded for this update! Click here to go to the downloads page to download and install the new setup.
The Halloween Events have started!
The Design A Chair Event has started!
The Halloween Costume Forum Event has started!
Henesys, Leafre, the Free Market and popular GM Event maps have received a seasonal makeover!
Added NPC Paul to GM Event maps.
Studio maps are now available for access via the Lounge’s hidden tree portal.

Fixed visual errors in Krakian Jungle maps.
Fixed broken footholds in Temple Plaza.
Fixed broken ropes in Leafre’s Dragon Canyon maps.
Removed ability to use skills in OX Quiz map.
You can play your favourite MapleStory BGM by paying a small fee to the Music Box in the Lounge.

Marksman’s Snipe will now hit through Weapon Cancel.
The skill will now deal full damage whether the boss has Weapon Cancel active or not. Do note that due to client-limitations the displayed damage will still be 1.
Dark Knight’s Berserk has been buffed:
lv 26: 188% damage to 190%
lv 27: 191% damage to 195%
lv 28: 194% damage to 200%
lv 29: 197% damage to 205%
lv 30: 200% damage to 210%
Dark Knight’s achilles will now reduce incoming damage by 20% when maxed, up from 15%.
All warrior shields now have 10 slots by default. (All newly acquired Shields as well as old ones.)
Cash Shop:
Various new items added.
Increased the Max Level on sequel quests to Romeo & Juliet Party Quest, and Orbis Party Quest.
Neo Huroids now correctly drop Yulete’s Report for the Ostracized research quests.
Made the character sit in front of Forest of Tranquility: Table Chair.
Increased drop rates of Proto Spores, Dark Cornian Tail, Slygie Meat and Typhon Egg.
Fiona’s Raven Weapon Upgrade bug fixed. It is now possible to upgrade Raven Claws using Claw Production Stimulators, to apply the Godly System.
Bosses’ 1/1 attacks will now correctly drain MP as well.
Round Eyed Eyes (Blue) now correctly shows blue eyes when using Glittery Eyes and Wink emotes.
Happy Mapling!
- The MapleRoyals Staff