在上周的ISSCC(国际固态电路会议)上,微软发表了名为“ Xbox Series X SoC”的演讲,Anandtech进行了跟踪分析,https://www.anandtech.com/show/16489/xbox-series-x-soc-power-thermal-and-yield-tradeoffs

从微软官方的热成像图来看,XSX的CPU比GPU发热点高了7度,并且CPU发热高度集中在内核对应的几个小点上(7nm Zen2的积热名不虚传)。

而在噪音的贡献上,XSX的CPU每增加1W功耗,付出的噪音成本是GPU的五倍。(原文:every additional Watt the CPU uses is worth five times more to the acoustic budget than the GPU.)
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Paul Paternoster explained that from chips coming off the production line, a substantial number could run with all 28 WGPs enabled. The goal of the graphics was to provide 12 TFLOPs of performance, and so by some simple math, Microsoft could do either of the following to hit that number:
28 WGPs enabled at 1675 MHz
26 WGPs enabled at 1825 MHz
Both of these configurations enable 12 TFLOPs. Because the frequency of the 28 WGP design is lower, this also enables a lower voltage, combined for an overall power saving of 20% if all 28 WGPs are used.
Of course, a 20% power saving is quite substantial, as it would either enable better performance per watt, or enable higher performance. But the issue is that not enough processors were coming off of the production line with all 28 WGP running at this frequency. The variability of the processors, due to both transistor performance and defects, meant that 28 WGP versions didn’t make sense financially.


从微软官方的热成像图来看,XSX的CPU比GPU发热点高了7度,并且CPU发热高度集中在内核对应的几个小点上(7nm Zen2的积热名不虚传)。

而在噪音的贡献上,XSX的CPU每增加1W功耗,付出的噪音成本是GPU的五倍。(原文:every additional Watt the CPU uses is worth five times more to the acoustic budget than the GPU.)
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Paul Paternoster explained that from chips coming off the production line, a substantial number could run with all 28 WGPs enabled. The goal of the graphics was to provide 12 TFLOPs of performance, and so by some simple math, Microsoft could do either of the following to hit that number:
28 WGPs enabled at 1675 MHz
26 WGPs enabled at 1825 MHz
Both of these configurations enable 12 TFLOPs. Because the frequency of the 28 WGP design is lower, this also enables a lower voltage, combined for an overall power saving of 20% if all 28 WGPs are used.
Of course, a 20% power saving is quite substantial, as it would either enable better performance per watt, or enable higher performance. But the issue is that not enough processors were coming off of the production line with all 28 WGP running at this frequency. The variability of the processors, due to both transistor performance and defects, meant that 28 WGP versions didn’t make sense financially.
