Apologies for the delay in responding to your request, we are currently experiencing an extremely high volume of tickets. Thank you so much for your request and your patience with us! For this concern, we would like to confirm that both a Resource Drop Chance and Mod Drop Chance booster will affect a different loot table from enemies. Basically, this means that a Resource Drop Chance booster will only affect the chance for resources to drop and won't affect the chances for mods. Conversely, a Mod Drop Chance booster, will not affect the chances for resources to drop like the Vitus Essence. Blueprint drop rates won't be affected by either booster. Essentially, these boosters increase the chance for certain drops when enemies are killed, however, it does not guarantee a specific drop and will still be based on (increased) random chance. Hopefully this has helped clear things up but if you have further questions, please feel free to submit your reply here. Best regards, Warframe Support Team