Current status is WIP/Beta
Known issues:
3D Baseball - minor graphic gliches
BattleSport - minor graphic gliches
Galaxy Fight - minor graphic gliches (VDP2 screen in hires mode)
Robo Pit - minor graphic gliches (gouroud shadow)
Sega Ages Volume 1 - freeze, slowdown
Space Jam - freeze in demo
Wing Arms - minor graphic gliches
Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (JP) - Groove on Fight - minor graphic gliches
Grandia (JP) - graphic gliches in the beginning
J. League Jikkyou Honoo no Striker (JP) - graphic gliches
Shienryu (JP) - no sprite layer rotation mode is implemented
Sonic Wings Special (JP) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Street Fighter Collection (JP) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Tenchi Muyou! Rensa Hitsuyou (JP) - graphic gliches (VDP2 screen)
Thunder Force V (JP) - graphic gliches (VDP2 screen in hires mode)
Waku Waku 7 (JP) - minor graphic gliches
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (JP) - freeze
Battle Monsters (EU) - graphic gliches
Discworld II (EU) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Dragon Ball Z (EU) - freeze
Loaded (EU) - freeze
A lot of games have sound issues.
Current status is WIP/Beta
Known issues:
3D Baseball - minor graphic gliches
BattleSport - minor graphic gliches
Galaxy Fight - minor graphic gliches (VDP2 screen in hires mode)
Robo Pit - minor graphic gliches (gouroud shadow)
Sega Ages Volume 1 - freeze, slowdown
Space Jam - freeze in demo
Wing Arms - minor graphic gliches
Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (JP) - Groove on Fight - minor graphic gliches
Grandia (JP) - graphic gliches in the beginning
J. League Jikkyou Honoo no Striker (JP) - graphic gliches
Shienryu (JP) - no sprite layer rotation mode is implemented
Sonic Wings Special (JP) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Street Fighter Collection (JP) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Tenchi Muyou! Rensa Hitsuyou (JP) - graphic gliches (VDP2 screen)
Thunder Force V (JP) - graphic gliches (VDP2 screen in hires mode)
Waku Waku 7 (JP) - minor graphic gliches
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (JP) - freeze
Battle Monsters (EU) - graphic gliches
Discworld II (EU) - minor graphic gliches (window)
Dragon Ball Z (EU) - freeze
Loaded (EU) - freeze
A lot of games have sound issues.