《疯树》 A Mad Tree
I felt extremely hungry. Suddenly a blueseed, as small as a tear and sparkling with blue light, fell from the sky andwas swallowed completely into my throat. In my stomach, it was being digestedby my gastric acid but it did not disappear because of corrosion. After mygastric acid cleaned away ash on its surface, it became even more shininginstead.
Suddenly it permeated into my stomach wall.I felt unbearably painful in my stomach and it drilled violently into my veinbut I did not know where it would go. I just felt it swimming towards my heart.It swam to an aorta, which carries blood upwards, and it rushed straight to mybrain. Finally it stopped at the center of my brain. Abruptly long roots cameout from its embryo and enrooted themselves deep in my nerves. It sucked mybrain cells as nutrients so the hairs of its roots were getting more and more,longer and longer and quickly occupied my entire brain.
Unconsciously, a sprout sparkling with bluelight had grew out on it and the tip had been attached on the inner of myskull. Click, the sprout crushed my skull in half and soared straight into thesky, growing in the direction it had fallen to the earth when it was a seed.
On my brain covered with the root, of whichthe segment inside grew thinner and thinner, of which the segment outside begangetting thicker and longer, the root finally enveloped my brain and pierceddeep into a rock, fixed itself on the rock.
I found my skull stuck in the rock andunable to move so I cut my head off at the neck with a knife. I dropped mybrain and embraced the root. The root marched forwards carrying my body, whichhad lost its head.
The root sucked my brain as nutrients andabsorbed mysterious material in space. Without the need of the sun, it rapidlygrew into a mad tree sparkling with blue light. The mad tree grew out of theatmosphere and its branches extended into the darkest places in the universe.
I felt extremely hungry. Suddenly a blueseed, as small as a tear and sparkling with blue light, fell from the sky andwas swallowed completely into my throat. In my stomach, it was being digestedby my gastric acid but it did not disappear because of corrosion. After mygastric acid cleaned away ash on its surface, it became even more shininginstead.
Suddenly it permeated into my stomach wall.I felt unbearably painful in my stomach and it drilled violently into my veinbut I did not know where it would go. I just felt it swimming towards my heart.It swam to an aorta, which carries blood upwards, and it rushed straight to mybrain. Finally it stopped at the center of my brain. Abruptly long roots cameout from its embryo and enrooted themselves deep in my nerves. It sucked mybrain cells as nutrients so the hairs of its roots were getting more and more,longer and longer and quickly occupied my entire brain.
Unconsciously, a sprout sparkling with bluelight had grew out on it and the tip had been attached on the inner of myskull. Click, the sprout crushed my skull in half and soared straight into thesky, growing in the direction it had fallen to the earth when it was a seed.
On my brain covered with the root, of whichthe segment inside grew thinner and thinner, of which the segment outside begangetting thicker and longer, the root finally enveloped my brain and pierceddeep into a rock, fixed itself on the rock.
I found my skull stuck in the rock andunable to move so I cut my head off at the neck with a knife. I dropped mybrain and embraced the root. The root marched forwards carrying my body, whichhad lost its head.
The root sucked my brain as nutrients andabsorbed mysterious material in space. Without the need of the sun, it rapidlygrew into a mad tree sparkling with blue light. The mad tree grew out of theatmosphere and its branches extended into the darkest places in the universe.