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IP属地:安徽1楼2024-02-15 14:00回复
    《疯树》 A Mad Tree
    I felt extremely hungry. Suddenly a blueseed, as small as a tear and sparkling with blue light, fell from the sky andwas swallowed completely into my throat. In my stomach, it was being digestedby my gastric acid but it did not disappear because of corrosion. After mygastric acid cleaned away ash on its surface, it became even more shininginstead.
    Suddenly it permeated into my stomach wall.I felt unbearably painful in my stomach and it drilled violently into my veinbut I did not know where it would go. I just felt it swimming towards my heart.It swam to an aorta, which carries blood upwards, and it rushed straight to mybrain. Finally it stopped at the center of my brain. Abruptly long roots cameout from its embryo and enrooted themselves deep in my nerves. It sucked mybrain cells as nutrients so the hairs of its roots were getting more and more,longer and longer and quickly occupied my entire brain.
    Unconsciously, a sprout sparkling with bluelight had grew out on it and the tip had been attached on the inner of myskull. Click, the sprout crushed my skull in half and soared straight into thesky, growing in the direction it had fallen to the earth when it was a seed.
    On my brain covered with the root, of whichthe segment inside grew thinner and thinner, of which the segment outside begangetting thicker and longer, the root finally enveloped my brain and pierceddeep into a rock, fixed itself on the rock.
    I found my skull stuck in the rock andunable to move so I cut my head off at the neck with a knife. I dropped mybrain and embraced the root. The root marched forwards carrying my body, whichhad lost its head.
    The root sucked my brain as nutrients andabsorbed mysterious material in space. Without the need of the sun, it rapidlygrew into a mad tree sparkling with blue light. The mad tree grew out of theatmosphere and its branches extended into the darkest places in the universe.

    IP属地:安徽2楼2024-02-15 14:00
      I felt painfulin my stomach, seeming to be exploding, from which a small hole was squeezedout, from which a parabola spurted and, melted into the sea. The angle of theparabolic stream gradually declined and my stomach turned smaller, but I feltmore painful, which forced me to open my asleep eyes, uncover my quilt and runto the toilet.
      When I came back, I had to pass by a longcorridor. I assessed it was about 3'o clock at night and it was horribly silentaround here. Swaying my slow steps half awake, in front of my sight, I saw adoor appearing on the wall at the end of the corridor. I remembered that therewas not a door over there but merely a wall. I stopped beside the wall andbegan waking, recalling when the door was built, but I could not remember itanyway. I trotted to the door with curiosity and found that the door was hardlydifferent from any other door, and the handle was just brand new, which seemedto have been never touched yet. Out of the crack some cold wind was pressed. Fromthe wind I seemed to hear a girl calling my name. I felt extremely thriller andthe voice was turning louder and louder, clearer and clearer. I was certainthat the girl was just right the one I was pursuing. I had no time left tothink about any problem of the strange door and twisted the handle, then thedoor opened all of a sudden, of which the strong force tossed me behind thedoor. Fortunately the eaves fell down against the wall so I did not hurt. Adoor-shaped strong wind filled into the corridor and I jumped into the doorgrabbing the handle and the eaves.
      I kept rolling down as if it would neverend but the girl's voice was still calling my name beneath. However,worryingly, this time her voice was turning lower and lower, weaker and weaker.I tried to grab and then release things on the slope and I felt that it was ahuman fibula covered by blood. In this way I grabbed and then released themmany times, finding that they were all human bones and sometimes I could grab amoving bone. I put my hands together in front of my eyes and ears, shocked bythe scary scarlet and the strong smell of blood. Since the bones were rollingdown the slope with me, I was not going to hurt myself and was only worriedthat I would continue to roll downhill. Out of instinct I suddenly exerted aforce in the direction of the door and my body finally stopped rolling, but Iwas still sliding downwards on the bones and it would hardly end. I turned tailaway bravely, lying on a large bone with two smaller bones respectively in myhands and sliding as a boat faster and faster. All of a sudden, I smelled achoking exhaust and heard a noise of the exploding engine of a motorcycle, andcertainly the dazed girl’s voice. Closer and closer, I saw the girl sitting inthe back seat of the motorcycle, of which the wheels were rotating on the bonesas flying, and the rider was a male skeleton. Finally the girl saw me and askedme to save her but her hands were still hugging the waist of the male skeleton.With one angry leap, I hurled the bone in my hand towards the male skeleton’shead and he instantly shattered into finely broken bones and the motorcyclefell, as well. No sooner had I hurled the bone than I grabbed the girl's hand.I asked the girl to ride on my back and I felt very heavy on my body. Iinserted a fibula into the slope and eventually we stopped sliding down and thebones around me flowed downwards, forming a sea of bones. I took turnsinserting bones into the slope with both hands, climbing to the door. My bodybegan getting weak, eventually the force only left could simply allow me tograb the bones inserted into the slope. Although the girl sympathized with me,she could not help me anyway. As the girl felt cold, hungry and horrified, shehad even no strength to ride on my back so I could solely sorrowfully watch hersliding down my back and watch her being saved by another male skeleton ridinga motorcycle. As weight on my back disappeared, my strength began recoveringand I climbed to the door easily.
      At the door, I could still hear the girl’scall. After this experience, I knew that I could not save her now. I tried mylast effort to leap out of the door, closed the door and then fell into my bed.I wished that the door would still be there when I got up.

      IP属地:安徽3楼2024-02-15 14:01

        IP属地:安徽4楼2024-02-15 14:03

          IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-02-15 14:37

            IP属地:广西来自Android客户端6楼2024-02-15 15:19
              《水银姑娘》Mercury (Quicksilver) Girl
              As I walked along a dirt road in thecountryside, I suddenly received a message containing the phrase: “You do notbelieve me!” I was unwilling to reply to her and I quibbled that I wanted tobelieve her. As I was editing the message to reply “I love you”, something asthin as droplets of water gradually permeated out of the screen and appearedmore and more. As they gathered, I found they were actually mercury. On thesurface of mercury was a distorted, familiar face of a girl whose lips slowlymoaned: “You do not believe me!” I was scared so I shook the mobile phonequickly towards the side of the dirt road. Mercury was scattered in the air anddropped downwards. They fell on lotus leaves in the lake below the side of theroad and finally converged into drops of mercury of different sizes. I thoughtthat I could dodge poisonous mercury so I directly went away.
              As I powered off my mobile phone and myline of sight moved to the trees in front of the dirt road, the words “You donot believe me” hit behind my ears, horrifyingly. Turning suddenly, I saw thedrops of mercury forming the face again, all repeating those words, louder andlouder. Seeing this, I fled far away.

              IP属地:安徽7楼2024-02-15 17:53
                俺は日本代表のYOU THE ROCK★,,,

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端9楼2024-02-15 18:22
                  In a renting house, I woke up on aniron-framed bed again and saw labyrinth-like horizontal streets and verticalhouses again. This time I was determined to find the exit of the citylabyrinth.
                  Why was my hair black? The thick blackinfected my eyes. The situation was in a mess, because the sky revealed throughcracks among the roofs of houses was also black and my sight was blur and incomplete blackness, and thus, I lost my way. I fumbled for the wall, collapsedat the corner of the wall askew and then began remembering my childhood. Slowlya stream of blue swelled in my mind. “Boom”, a loud noise exploded at the topof my head but I did not feel any destructive effect – there was only the loudnoise. After the loud noise had dissipated, I found that my vision had beenbright. I could clearly see an arrowed blue ray floating in the space of thestreet guiding me forwards. I was certain that this was just right the lifelineleading me out of the labyrinth. Suddenly the blue ray lost its arrow in frontof a gate made of two big mirrors so I suspected that it was the exit. Asexpected, when I entered the gate, I eventually escaped. The outsides sky wasextremely blue and when I was looking up into the blue sky, a memory lightning rushedthrough my mind, which was seemly saying, “Is the blue-haired young man, whoseimage was shown on the mirror as soon as the gate opened, you?” I plucked ahair from my head anxiously and found that it was really blue.
                  With blue hair on my head, I went back tomy old house in the countryside. My thought had evolved into a unique one andthe harsh blue hair made me unable to keep silent in real life even more, destiningme to have a short life. After escaping from there, my mind could not evenstore any memory about there, and even could not bear anyone there disturbingmy life. However, the anticipated day still came like this.
                  A black roadster, dragging the black haze,hit. I had been alerted to this early, standing on a high point of the village.With neither motivation nor aim, I shot at the driver of the roadster with asniper rifle. He died, and the black haze was gradually swallowed by the bluehalo in the village. I fell asleep like a killer cold-heartedly after theincident occurred but the machine-like policemen there still pressed my headonto the floor when I was still asleep. Again I was forced to go back to thecity labyrinth. In court, I was condemned to death, but nobody knew why Ikilled the person. I merely told them, “Because I love blue.” All of a sudden,a young man with the same blue hair as mine jumped out and shouted, “I loveblue, too.” As soon as this voice ended two words burst out again, “Lie down!”I saw him pointing at me with a finger so I lay down. I felt confused and meanwhileshots of machine guns passed over my back. No sooner than the shots stopped, Irushed to the blue lifeline that I spotted at my first escape instinctually.Behind my ears, the voice of the man who saved me was reverberating, “All isbecause of blue. I have to go first.” I fled once again.
                  The case shocked the world after ithappened. The whole world was plastered with “fatwa” against me.

                  IP属地:安徽10楼2024-02-15 18:38

                    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端11楼2024-02-28 19:23
                      The Stink of Liars
                      Author's Preface
                      Straight, honest love seems fragrant out ofits honesty. However, only the Garden of Eden has a fragrance of honest loveand as the Garden of Eden is mysterious, I have been risking in seeking love sinceI was ignorant. Evasive love liars stink disgustingly indistinctly and they areeverywhere, hiding the Garden of Eden of love more mysteriously. Fortunately Iwas born with a sensitive nose that can smell the stink of love liars and rememberthe fragrance of honest love. I have smelt the stink of love liars again andagain and have vetoed them again and again…

                      IP属地:安徽12楼2024-03-04 22:43
                        Chapter 1
                        “Are you still communicating with the girl fromZhaishi Town?”
                        The Chinese New Year was coming and my momeventually mentioned this embarrassing problem.
                        I was inpatient about it but I still answeredin an easy tone: “Hanging up there.”
                        Actually I knew that my family did not careabout my love and marriage but as my parents and I were getting older and additionallyalmost all of my friends and relatives got married, it seemed to me that I wasbeing forced. In fact, I could completely understand it because I had been 18years old and had been an adult so staying at my parents’ house was unreasonableand it was fair even if they forced me to leave.
                        I am almost 33 years old this year and myparents are almost nearly 60 years old, which is a dangerous situation for our poorfamily. The mechanism of my body has been weakening since I was 30 years old whilethe probability of my parents getting sick increases as they get older. Manytimes, I do not even dare to look at my parents’ aging faces – I feel guilty.
                        To be honest, I was truly willing to have agirlfriend with that girl from Zhaishi Town but there was a huge gap in languageand behavior that was difficult for me to overcome. I remember the last time Ispent a long time adding her on WeChat but others could be added easily onWeChat. Still, she said she could not and certainly I could not rule out asoftware problem but I suspected that it was because she had some ulterior secrets.Then I asked her for her QQ number. I remember that she rarely spoke. She was notmoved by anything caring or humorous. Her parents seemed to be barely satisfiedwith me and asked me to send a photo to their daughter. I chose one of myselfies at random and they even said that it did not resemble me so it was notme. My way of speaking was direct so I said that I was exactly me. Her parentsdid not admit that was me so I reasoned that they could not face the fact thatI was not ugly. Her parents talked about marriage as soon as they met me. I saidthat you could send me some photos of her on WeChat tactfully but WeChat alwaysgot stuck at that time. I behaved modestly confronted with her parents and I peeledand cut up apples in the kitchen on my own. When her parents left, I drove thedoor myself and watched the road.
                        The next day, or was it a few days later, Icannot remember, her mom sent me a video of a few seconds of her daughter athome. Yes, that is right, her mom could be added on WeChat but she could not. Ifelt her to be acceptable when I saw her look. Although she was a littleover-weight and had poorly formed facial features, she could be decent as longas she behaved reasonably in the world. I passed a capture of the video her momsent to me to her and asked her if it was herself. She began to blame her momfor sending a video of her to me. At that that, I found her mom generous and reasonable.Since I sent my photo to her, she orally agreed to send me her photo but shedodged for kinds of reasons. As I sensed the stink of liars, the interaction wasquite lacking and she had poor communication skills as soon as I was exposed toher, communication between us gradually decrease and eventually became “hangingup there”. A year went by and the only admirable point was that she did not deletemy QQ. I opened the QQ account used to deal with family issues at my leisure andfound that the avatar of her QQ was still there quietly.
                        “I heard that your dad introduced a girl toyou!”
                        My uncle popped up with this awkwardquestion in the midst of New Year’s Eve chit-chat. All I could do was repeatmyself: "Hanging up there."
                        “How is it useful to hang up there? Bringher here for the New Year!”
                        My uncle replied “seriously”. As soon as hestopped, my aunt also continued:
                        “Do not hang up there! Hurry up! Or thegirl might fly away!”
                        When we bid each other farewell, my uncle dumpedme with an earnest and difficult promise: “Bring the girl home, hear me?”
                        I found that the elders were all urgentabout my love because they began to arrange for marriage before I could see anysign of success. Certainly their earnest was undeniable so I thought it was notfilial to antipathy and denounce the forced marriages by parents blindly.
                        After the New Year, to make my parentshappier, I ventured the idea of driving to Nanning to meet my fans.

                        IP属地:安徽13楼2024-03-04 22:43

                          IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端14楼2024-07-30 11:57

                            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端15楼2024-11-22 21:31

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端16楼2024-11-25 16:39