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[搬运] 来自publishersweekly的2023漫画与图像小说销售报告


Sales of Comics and Graphic Novels Fell 7% in 2023
漫画和图画小说的销售额在 2023 年下降了 7%

IP属地:美国1楼2024-08-02 23:29回复
    After topping $2 billion for the first time in 2021, sales of comics and graphic novels in North American fell 7% to $1.87 billion in 2023, from $2.01 billion in 2022, according to estimates from ICv2.
    根据 ICv2 的估计,在 2021 年首次突破 20 亿美元后,北美漫画和图画小说的销售额从 2022 年的 20.1 亿美元下降 7% 至 2023 年的 18.7 亿美元。
    Milton Griepp, president of ICv2, which has been tracking sales of comics and graphic novels for years, put the decline in perspective. "A single-digit percentage decline in the North American comics and graphic novel market in 2023 is a huge win," Griepp said, noting that sales in 2023 were still well above the $1.1 billion recorded in pre-pandemic 2019. But while this was the first decline in sales since the pandemic, 2023 figures also trailed the $1.91 billion posted in 2021 and again in 2020.
    ICv2总裁米尔顿·格里普(Milton Griepp)多年来一直在跟踪漫画和图画小说的销售情况,他对此进行了评估“2023 年北美漫画和图画小说市场出现个位数百分比的下降是一个巨大的胜利,”格里普说,并指出 2023 年的销售额仍远高于大流行前 2019 年的 11 亿美元。但是,尽管这是自大流行以来销售额的首次下降,但 2023 年的数字也落后于 2021 年和 2020 年公布的 19.1 亿美元。

    IP属地:美国2楼2024-08-02 23:30
      According to the ICv2 report, trends in sales by format and channel did not change much in 2023 compared to 2022. By format, graphic novel sales were down 7%, to $1.45 billion, and sales of periodicals fell 6%, to $410 million. By channel, comic stores and the book channel, which includes online retailers like Amazon, declined by similar amounts: 8% for comic stores, and 7% for the book channel. Unlike data from the Association of American Publishers, which records sales to vendors, all print figures in the ICv2 report are calculated based on the full retail price of books, and do not account for discounting or markup.
      根据 ICv2 报告,与 2022 年相比,2023 年按格式和渠道划分的销售趋势没有太大变化。按格式划分,图画小说销售额下降7%,至14.5亿美元,期刊销售额下降6%,至4.1亿美元。按渠道划分,漫画店和图书频道(包括亚马逊等在线零售商)的下降幅度相似:漫画店下降8%,图书频道下降7%。与美国出版商协会(Association of American Publishers)的数据不同,该协会记录了对供应商的销售情况,ICv2报告中的所有印刷数字都是根据书籍的全部零售价计算的,并且不考虑折扣或加价。

      IP属地:美国3楼2024-08-02 23:31
        A large part of the report describes how ICv2 has adapted its methodology in recording sales as distribution has fragmented and information on direct market sales has become more difficult to obtain. For comic stores, the analysis now uses data based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at over 125 stores. Griepp acknowledges that it is a small sample size, but he believes trends in the ComicHub stores are generally reflective of overall trends.
        该报告的很大一部分描述了 ICv2 如何调整其记录销售的方法,因为分销已经分散并且直接市场销售的信息变得更加难以获得。对于漫画店,该分析现在使用基于ComicHub系统在销售点跟踪的超过125家商店的销售数据。Griepp 承认这是一个很小的样本量,但他认为 ComicHub 商店的趋势通常反映了整体趋势。

        IP属地:美国4楼2024-08-02 23:31
          The new report also does not include download-to-own sales of digital comics as it had in the past, and Griepp removed estimates from previous years to provide comparability. (Last year, ICv2 estimated $155 million in digital download sales for 2022.) "The most important reason for making that change is that subscriptions for online access to comics are comprising an increasing part in digital sales," Griepp explained, adding a recurring refrain from those trying to better understand market trends, "and that’s a part of the market that's opaque to the public, and to us."
          新报告也没有像过去那样包括数字漫画的下载自有销售,格里普删除了前几年的估计值以提供可比性。(去年,ICv2 估计 2022 年的数字下载销售额为 1.55 亿美元。“做出这种改变的最重要原因是,在线访问漫画的订阅在数字销售中所占的比例越来越大,”格里普解释说,并补充说,那些试图更好地了解市场趋势的人反复出现,“这是市场的一部分,对公众和我们来说都是不透明的。

          IP属地:美国5楼2024-08-02 23:32