According to the ICv2 report, trends in sales by format and channel did not change much in 2023 compared to 2022. By format, graphic novel sales were down 7%, to $1.45 billion, and sales of periodicals fell 6%, to $410 million. By channel, comic stores and the book channel, which includes online retailers like Amazon, declined by similar amounts: 8% for comic stores, and 7% for the book channel. Unlike data from the Association of American Publishers, which records sales to vendors, all print figures in the ICv2 report are calculated based on the full retail price of books, and do not account for discounting or markup.
根据 ICv2 报告,与 2022 年相比,2023 年按格式和渠道划分的销售趋势没有太大变化。按格式划分,图画小说销售额下降7%,至14.5亿美元,期刊销售额下降6%,至4.1亿美元。按渠道划分,漫画店和图书频道(包括亚马逊等在线零售商)的下降幅度相似:漫画店下降8%,图书频道下降7%。与美国出版商协会(Association of American Publishers)的数据不同,该协会记录了对供应商的销售情况,ICv2报告中的所有印刷数字都是根据书籍的全部零售价计算的,并且不考虑折扣或加价。