; Fizzbuzz
; Compile with: nasm -f elf
网页链接 ; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): ld -m elf_i386 fizzbuzz.o -o fizzbuzz
; Run with: ./fizzbuzz
%include 'functions.asm'
fizz db 'Fizz', 0h ; a message string
buzz db 'Buzz', 0h ; a message string
global _start
mov esi, 0 ; initialise our checkFizz boolean variable
mov edi, 0 ; initialise our checkBuzz boolean variable
mov ecx, 0 ; initialise our counter variable
inc ecx ; increment our counter variable
mov edx, 0 ; clear the edx register - this will hold our remainder after division
mov eax, ecx ; move the value of our counter into eax for division
mov ebx, 3 ; move our number to divide by into ebx (in this case the value is 3)
div ebx ; divide eax by ebx
mov edi, edx ; move our remainder into edi (our checkFizz boolean variable)
cmp edi, 0 ; compare if the remainder is zero (meaning the counter divides by 3)
jne .checkBuzz ; if the remainder is not equal to zero jump to local label checkBuzz
mov eax, fizz ; else move the address of our fizz string into eax for printing
call sprint ; call our string printing function
mov edx, 0 ; clear the edx register - this will hold our remainder after division
mov eax, ecx ; move the value of our counter into eax for division
mov ebx, 5 ; move our number to divide by into ebx (in this case the value is 5)
div ebx ; divide eax by ebx
mov esi, edx ; move our remainder into edi (our checkBuzz boolean variable)
cmp esi, 0 ; compare if the remainder is zero (meaning the counter divides by 5)
jne .checkInt ; if the