原文1:'So the Emperortrod these lands, did He?'
'So they claim.
'A billion worlds, and each one says that the Emperor cameto them. I guess the Emperor must have been a Navy man, just like us.'
- Relentless (Novel)
原文2:'War was fadingaway in the Imperium of Mankind. The purposes for which the likes of theAdeptus Astartes had been engineered were dying out. They had done their job.Peace prevailed across a billion worlds.'
- I Am Slaughter (Novel)
原文3:'The Imperiumis vast and amongst it's billions of inhabited worlds there are countless forgeworlds, factories[...]'
- Dark Heresy: Core Rulebook, Chapter V, page 127
原文4:'The ImmortalEmperor’s Legiones Astartes, His Angels of Death – no, that wasn’t right – hisAngels of Death, created to protect mankind from threats beyond thes tars. Abillion, billion worlds; a million, million cultures all compliant – now atwar.'
- Age of Darkness
原文5:You see,Jaghatai, here’s the problem – we were made too well. Nothing in the galaxycould stand against us. We learned that we, and only we, held the destiny of abillion worlds in our own hands.
- Scars
原文6:Nearly all ofthe souls inhabiting the billion worlds of the Imperium of Man are reliant onthe blessings of the Omnissiah in their daily lives.
- Rogue Trader: Hostile Acquisition