Muon catalyzed fusion of deuterium and tritium (μCF) yields the same energy gain per reaction as fusion with magnetic or inertial confinement (17.6 MeV)
μ子催化的氘氚聚变的每次反应产生的能量与磁约束或惯性约束聚变相同(17.6 MeV)
文献来源:Daniel, H. (1993). Muon catalyzed fusion: old and new aspects of energy production. Hyperfine Interactions, 82, 409-421.
μ子催化的氘氚聚变的每次反应产生的能量与磁约束或惯性约束聚变相同(17.6 MeV)
文献来源:Daniel, H. (1993). Muon catalyzed fusion: old and new aspects of energy production. Hyperfine Interactions, 82, 409-421.