While anime fans make up a substantial part of the manga and manhwa audience, there’s another group that’s well represented in the Top 20 as well: buyers of deluxe editions. In January, as is the case most months, the first two volumes of Dark Horse’s deluxe edition of Berserk were on the chart, and this month they were joined by a new hardcover, Vagabond Definitive Edition, Vol. 1, an oversized omnibus edition of Takehiko Inoue’s historical seinen manga. Not quite in the same league as that $55 tome, but still a book with a little something extra, is Vol. 2 of Destroy All Humans. They Can’t Be Regenerated, a Magic: The Gathering manga that is priced a little higher than the standard paperback VIZ Media manga ($14.99 vs. $11.99) and comes with a Magic: The Gathering card.
虽然动画迷占漫画和漫画观众的很大一部分,但还有另一个群体在前 20 名中也有很好的代表:豪华版漫画的购买者。一月份,和大多数月份一样,Dark Horse 豪华版 剑风传奇 的前两卷在排行榜上名列前茅,而本月又推出了新的精装本 浪客行 第一卷,这是井上雄彦历史漫画的超大合集。与这本 55 美元的巨著不完全一样,但仍然是一本带有一点额外内容的书,是 《すべての人類を破壊する。それらは再生できない》 的第 2 卷。一部万智牌 衍生漫画,价格略高于标准平装本 VIZ Media 漫画(14.99 美元对 11.99 美元),并附有一张万智牌。