婚礼在英国伦敦大教堂举行。这天,教堂里庄重肃穆。在莫扎特的婚礼进行曲中,由一位牧师带领小宇穿着帅气的西装,朵朵穿着洁白的婚纱。虽然有身孕但身材没怎么变化。老张与蒂娜代表小宇这方父母,方圆文洁代表新娘这方父母。缓缓进入教堂主台。牧师商台主持婚礼。牧师深沉的说:"Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, welcome to the church. Today in this sacred hall, we will witness and bless the wedding of Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu and Miss Fang Duoduo. Marriage is a passionate oath between the two of them, and they are willing to rely on their marriage oath. Although Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu and Ms. Fang Duoduo are not Catholics, they understand the church's views on weddings and the importance they place on life. And I hope to receive the blessings of God in the church. Our witness today and the blessing of the church will also be a sacred agreement between them."
牧师对着小宇问:’Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu, are you willing to marry the lady across from you? From now on, whether it's wind, rain, or lightning, will we walk on forever?“小宇:”Yes, I am willing to。“牧师又对朵朵说:”Miss Fang Duoduo, are you willing to marry the gentleman across from you? From now on, we will sail together in the wind and rain?“朵朵:”Yes, I am willing to。“
然后牧师代表天主龚读圣经 创世纪 第18章等一系列流程。毕竟多多有孕在身体力有点顶不住了,牧师让人拿来一些补充体力的食物。下面到了精彩环节交换戒指。就在这时候差点就出问题了。小宇的戒指拿出来了。朵朵对嫂子英子使劲使眼色,低声喊:”我的戒指。“英子也慌了,满身找戒指,还好在包里找到了。牧师说到:”Please exchange rings for the new couple.“小宇深情的将戒指戴到朵朵的无名指上,朵朵也把戒指给小宇戴上。教堂里热烈的掌声。最后牧师宣布婚礼仪式结束。