Adjustment Summary调整汇总
We've primarily looked at giving some of Luke's lesser-used moves more purpose and reassessing his perfect input combos.我们主要着眼于让卢克的一些不太常用的动作更有目的性,并重新评估他的完美输入组合。
Double Impact (→+Heavy Punch)双连冲击(→+重拳)
While this attack can be hit confirmed and can't be countered when blocked, it has comparable range to Standing Heavy Punch, which is also a quick attack, meaning it doesn't get much love in a fight.虽然这种攻击可以被确认,当格挡时不能为打康,但它的射程与站重拳相当,这也是一种快速攻击,这意味着它在战斗中不会得到太多的爱。 For this reason we've looked at increasing its forward moving distance so there's a clear range difference, making it a good option against opponents who are further away.出于这个原因,我们已经考虑增加它的前进距离,这样就有了明显的距离差异,使其成为对抗更远对手的好选择。
Overdrive Sand Blast / Fatal Shot (↓↘→+Two Punches)/(Two Punches after OD Sand Blast)OD砂爆/致命发射(↓↘→+两个拳)/(在OD砂爆之后的两个拳)
We reassessed this technique as it didn't give that much of a return compared to other Overdrive projectiles.我们重新评估了这项技术,因为与其他OD飞行道具相比,它没有带来那么大的回报。 For Overdrive Sand Blast we removed the hurtbox that appears before the attack startup.对于OD砂爆,我们删除了攻击启动前出现的hurtbox。 Removing this hurtbox makes it more reliable as a zoning tool.删除此hurtbox使其作为分区工具更可靠。 Additionally, Fatal Shot had limited applications so we changed its behavior on hit to provide more of a payoff for the player.此外,致命发射的应用程序有限,因此我们改变了它在命中时的行为,为玩家提供了更多的回报。
Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect Input) (↓↙←+Medium Punch (Hold))中等迅闪指节拳(完美输入)(↓↙←+中拳(保持))
We reexamined this attack as Luke's perfect input combos lost some of their appeal due to combo scaling on his primary tools and because you can combo into both the perfect input and charged version from Standing Heavy Punch.我们重新检查了这种攻击,因为卢克的完美输入组合由于其主要工具上的组合修正而失去了一些吸引力,而且你可以从Standing重拳组合成完美输入和付费版本。 Now depending on your combo opener, you can deal just as much damage as before.现在,根据你的组合开局,你可以像以前一样造成伤害。
Standing Heavy Punch站立重拳
Expanded the collision pushbox of the 1st active frame upwards.向上展开第一个活动框架的碰撞推箱。
Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
Changed the Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 4000.改了,斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
Double Impact双连冲击
(→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
2. 2. Expanded the standby block hitbox.扩展了待机格挡受击框。
3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
Nose Breaker鼻破
(↓+Medium Kick > ↓+Heavy Punch)(↓+中脚> ↓+重拳)
Changed advantage on hit from +1 to +2 frames.将命中优势从+1帧改为+2帧。
Overdrive Sand Blast OD砂爆
(↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
The hurtbox on the upper body now expands forward on the 19th frame instead of the 14th frame.上半身的hurtbox现在在第19帧而不是第14帧向前扩展。
Fatal Shot致命发射
(↓↘→+Two Punches > Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳>两个拳)
1. 1. Behavior on hit has changed so that it now produces a wall splat.击中时的行为发生了变化,现在会产生墙壁飞溅。
2. 2. Reduced combo countadditional value.附加价值组合数量减少。
3. 3. Increased hitstop when the attack hits with the base.当攻击击中基地时,增加击球拦截。
4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.在技术结束时延长输入缓冲时间。
Light Flash Knuckle (Charged/Perfect)灯迅闪指节拳(充电/完美)
(↓↙←+Light Punch (hold))(↓↙←+轻拳(保持))
Added an additional attack hitbox to the 2nd attack that can only hit during a combo.在第二次攻击中添加了一个额外的攻击受击框,该攻击只能在组合中击中。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack would miss even though the 1st attack hits.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击成功,第二次攻击也会失败的问题。
Medium Flash Knuckle中等迅闪指节拳
(↓↙←+Medium Punch)(↓↙←+ 7.
1. 1. Recovery on block changed from -10 to -8 frames.格挡上的恢复从-10帧更改为-8帧。
2. 2. Reduced hurtbox during recovery.恢复期间减少了hurtbox。
3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.
Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect)中等迅闪指节拳(完美)
(↓↙←+Medium Punch (hold))
2nd attack no longer has combo scaling added to it when it lands.第二次攻击着陆时不再添加组合修正。
Super Art 2 Eraser超级必杀技2蒸发暗令
1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward when the attack hits.增加攻击时向前移动的距离。
2. 2. Reduced the blowback distance on the 1st hit when it hits a mid-air opponent.当第一次击中空中对手时,减少了反击距离。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack and later would miss even though the 1st attack hit.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击命中,第二次攻击和以后的攻击也会失败的问题。
Adjustment Summary调整汇总
We've primarily looked at giving some of Luke's lesser-used moves more purpose and reassessing his perfect input combos.我们主要着眼于让卢克的一些不太常用的动作更有目的性,并重新评估他的完美输入组合。
Double Impact (→+Heavy Punch)双连冲击(→+重拳)
While this attack can be hit confirmed and can't be countered when blocked, it has comparable range to Standing Heavy Punch, which is also a quick attack, meaning it doesn't get much love in a fight.虽然这种攻击可以被确认,当格挡时不能为打康,但它的射程与站重拳相当,这也是一种快速攻击,这意味着它在战斗中不会得到太多的爱。 For this reason we've looked at increasing its forward moving distance so there's a clear range difference, making it a good option against opponents who are further away.出于这个原因,我们已经考虑增加它的前进距离,这样就有了明显的距离差异,使其成为对抗更远对手的好选择。
Overdrive Sand Blast / Fatal Shot (↓↘→+Two Punches)/(Two Punches after OD Sand Blast)OD砂爆/致命发射(↓↘→+两个拳)/(在OD砂爆之后的两个拳)
We reassessed this technique as it didn't give that much of a return compared to other Overdrive projectiles.我们重新评估了这项技术,因为与其他OD飞行道具相比,它没有带来那么大的回报。 For Overdrive Sand Blast we removed the hurtbox that appears before the attack startup.对于OD砂爆,我们删除了攻击启动前出现的hurtbox。 Removing this hurtbox makes it more reliable as a zoning tool.删除此hurtbox使其作为分区工具更可靠。 Additionally, Fatal Shot had limited applications so we changed its behavior on hit to provide more of a payoff for the player.此外,致命发射的应用程序有限,因此我们改变了它在命中时的行为,为玩家提供了更多的回报。
Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect Input) (↓↙←+Medium Punch (Hold))中等迅闪指节拳(完美输入)(↓↙←+中拳(保持))
We reexamined this attack as Luke's perfect input combos lost some of their appeal due to combo scaling on his primary tools and because you can combo into both the perfect input and charged version from Standing Heavy Punch.我们重新检查了这种攻击,因为卢克的完美输入组合由于其主要工具上的组合修正而失去了一些吸引力,而且你可以从Standing重拳组合成完美输入和付费版本。 Now depending on your combo opener, you can deal just as much damage as before.现在,根据你的组合开局,你可以像以前一样造成伤害。
Standing Heavy Punch站立重拳
Expanded the collision pushbox of the 1st active frame upwards.向上展开第一个活动框架的碰撞推箱。
Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
Changed the Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 4000.改了,斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
Double Impact双连冲击
(→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
2. 2. Expanded the standby block hitbox.扩展了待机格挡受击框。
3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
Nose Breaker鼻破
(↓+Medium Kick > ↓+Heavy Punch)(↓+中脚> ↓+重拳)
Changed advantage on hit from +1 to +2 frames.将命中优势从+1帧改为+2帧。
Overdrive Sand Blast OD砂爆
(↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
The hurtbox on the upper body now expands forward on the 19th frame instead of the 14th frame.上半身的hurtbox现在在第19帧而不是第14帧向前扩展。
Fatal Shot致命发射
(↓↘→+Two Punches > Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳>两个拳)
1. 1. Behavior on hit has changed so that it now produces a wall splat.击中时的行为发生了变化,现在会产生墙壁飞溅。
2. 2. Reduced combo countadditional value.附加价值组合数量减少。
3. 3. Increased hitstop when the attack hits with the base.当攻击击中基地时,增加击球拦截。
4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.在技术结束时延长输入缓冲时间。
Light Flash Knuckle (Charged/Perfect)灯迅闪指节拳(充电/完美)
(↓↙←+Light Punch (hold))(↓↙←+轻拳(保持))
Added an additional attack hitbox to the 2nd attack that can only hit during a combo.在第二次攻击中添加了一个额外的攻击受击框,该攻击只能在组合中击中。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack would miss even though the 1st attack hits.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击成功,第二次攻击也会失败的问题。
Medium Flash Knuckle中等迅闪指节拳
(↓↙←+Medium Punch)(↓↙←+ 7.
1. 1. Recovery on block changed from -10 to -8 frames.格挡上的恢复从-10帧更改为-8帧。
2. 2. Reduced hurtbox during recovery.恢复期间减少了hurtbox。
3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.
Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect)中等迅闪指节拳(完美)
(↓↙←+Medium Punch (hold))
2nd attack no longer has combo scaling added to it when it lands.第二次攻击着陆时不再添加组合修正。
Super Art 2 Eraser超级必杀技2蒸发暗令
1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward when the attack hits.增加攻击时向前移动的距离。
2. 2. Reduced the blowback distance on the 1st hit when it hits a mid-air opponent.当第一次击中空中对手时,减少了反击距离。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack and later would miss even though the 1st attack hit.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击命中,第二次攻击和以后的攻击也会失败的问题。