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IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2024-12-02 12:37回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2024-12-02 12:38

      IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端3楼2024-12-02 12:39

        IP属地:河北来自Android客户端4楼2024-12-02 12:41

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端6楼2024-12-02 12:43
            Adjustment Summary调整汇总
            We've primarily looked at giving some of Luke's lesser-used moves more purpose and reassessing his perfect input combos.我们主要着眼于让卢克的一些不太常用的动作更有目的性,并重新评估他的完美输入组合。
            Double Impact (→+Heavy Punch)双连冲击(→+重拳)
            While this attack can be hit confirmed and can't be countered when blocked, it has comparable range to Standing Heavy Punch, which is also a quick attack, meaning it doesn't get much love in a fight.虽然这种攻击可以被确认,当格挡时不能为打康,但它的射程与站重拳相当,这也是一种快速攻击,这意味着它在战斗中不会得到太多的爱。 For this reason we've looked at increasing its forward moving distance so there's a clear range difference, making it a good option against opponents who are further away.出于这个原因,我们已经考虑增加它的前进距离,这样就有了明显的距离差异,使其成为对抗更远对手的好选择。
            Overdrive Sand Blast / Fatal Shot (↓↘→+Two Punches)/(Two Punches after OD Sand Blast)OD砂爆/致命发射(↓↘→+两个拳)/(在OD砂爆之后的两个拳)
            We reassessed this technique as it didn't give that much of a return compared to other Overdrive projectiles.我们重新评估了这项技术,因为与其他OD飞行道具相比,它没有带来那么大的回报。 For Overdrive Sand Blast we removed the hurtbox that appears before the attack startup.对于OD砂爆,我们删除了攻击启动前出现的hurtbox。 Removing this hurtbox makes it more reliable as a zoning tool.删除此hurtbox使其作为分区工具更可靠。 Additionally, Fatal Shot had limited applications so we changed its behavior on hit to provide more of a payoff for the player.此外,致命发射的应用程序有限,因此我们改变了它在命中时的行为,为玩家提供了更多的回报。
            Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect Input) (↓↙←+Medium Punch (Hold))中等迅闪指节拳(完美输入)(↓↙←+中拳(保持))
            We reexamined this attack as Luke's perfect input combos lost some of their appeal due to combo scaling on his primary tools and because you can combo into both the perfect input and charged version from Standing Heavy Punch.我们重新检查了这种攻击,因为卢克的完美输入组合由于其主要工具上的组合修正而失去了一些吸引力,而且你可以从Standing重拳组合成完美输入和付费版本。 Now depending on your combo opener, you can deal just as much damage as before.现在,根据你的组合开局,你可以像以前一样造成伤害。
            Standing Heavy Punch站立重拳
            Expanded the collision pushbox of the 1st active frame upwards.向上展开第一个活动框架的碰撞推箱。
            Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
            Changed the Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 4000.改了,斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
            Double Impact双连冲击
            (→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
            1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
            2. 2. Expanded the standby block hitbox.扩展了待机格挡受击框。
            3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
            Nose Breaker鼻破
            (↓+Medium Kick > ↓+Heavy Punch)(↓+中脚> ↓+重拳)
            Changed advantage on hit from +1 to +2 frames.将命中优势从+1帧改为+2帧。
            Overdrive Sand Blast OD砂爆
            (↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
            The hurtbox on the upper body now expands forward on the 19th frame instead of the 14th frame.上半身的hurtbox现在在第19帧而不是第14帧向前扩展。
            Fatal Shot致命发射
            (↓↘→+Two Punches > Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳>两个拳)
            1. 1. Behavior on hit has changed so that it now produces a wall splat.击中时的行为发生了变化,现在会产生墙壁飞溅。
            2. 2. Reduced combo countadditional value.附加价值组合数量减少。
            3. 3. Increased hitstop when the attack hits with the base.当攻击击中基地时,增加击球拦截。
            4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.在技术结束时延长输入缓冲时间。
            Light Flash Knuckle (Charged/Perfect)灯迅闪指节拳(充电/完美)
            (↓↙←+Light Punch (hold))(↓↙←+轻拳(保持))
            Added an additional attack hitbox to the 2nd attack that can only hit during a combo.在第二次攻击中添加了一个额外的攻击受击框,该攻击只能在组合中击中。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack would miss even though the 1st attack hits.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击成功,第二次攻击也会失败的问题。
            Medium Flash Knuckle中等迅闪指节拳
            (↓↙←+Medium Punch)(↓↙←+ 7.
            1. 1. Recovery on block changed from -10 to -8 frames.格挡上的恢复从-10帧更改为-8帧。
            2. 2. Reduced hurtbox during recovery.恢复期间减少了hurtbox。
            3. 3. Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
            4. 4. Extended the input buffer time when the technique ends.
            Medium Flash Knuckle (Perfect)中等迅闪指节拳(完美)
            (↓↙←+Medium Punch (hold))
            2nd attack no longer has combo scaling added to it when it lands.第二次攻击着陆时不再添加组合修正。
            Super Art 2 Eraser超级必杀技2蒸发暗令
            1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward when the attack hits.增加攻击时向前移动的距离。
            2. 2. Reduced the blowback distance on the 1st hit when it hits a mid-air opponent.当第一次击中空中对手时,减少了反击距离。 This change is intended to fix an issue where the 2nd attack and later would miss even though the 1st attack hit.此更改旨在解决即使第一次攻击命中,第二次攻击和以后的攻击也会失败的问题。

            IP属地:广东9楼2024-12-02 12:54
              Adjustment Summary调整汇总
              Jamie will now regain some Drive whenever he performs a technique that increases his drink level even when he's not at drink level 4.杰米现在将重新获得一些斗气每当他进行一项能够增加酒层数的技能,即使他不在四酒.
              This will make it easier for him to fight at the beginning of a round while also letting him manage his Drive gauge.这会让他更容易在一轮开始的时候战斗,同时也让他管理自己的斗气槽. We felt that instead of the drawback of stopping your offensive to raise Jamie's drink level, we wanted to allow him to express his strengths and make it easier for players to experience that.我们认为,与其让你中断进攻来提高Jamie的酒层数,我们更希望能够让他展现自己的优势,并让玩家更容易体验到这一点。
              Another improvement Jamie receives is that the 2nd hit of his Jumping Heavy Kick will now knock down even on a normal hit, giving you a guaranteed return when chasing down an opponent. Jamie获得的另一个改进是,他的跳重踢(Jumping Heavy Kick)的第二次击打现在即使在普通击中时也会将对手击倒,这样在追击对手时,你可以确保得到一个回报。
              Increasing Drink level增加酒层数
              Drive Gauge increases even when under drink level 4.斗气槽即使在四酒以下也会增加 . The amount of Drive replenished depends on the technique. 斗气的补给量取决于技术。
              Critical Art Cutscene CA Cutscene
              Extended the input buffer time when time is stopped.时间停止时延长了输入缓冲时间。
              Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
              Reduced the hurtbox on the front legs during the attack's start up.在攻击起始阶段,减少了前腿的受伤判定框(hurtbox)。
              Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
              Universal Adjustment普遍调整
              Reduced the pushback on block when only the 2nd attack is blocked.当只格挡第二段攻击时,减少了被防的击退
              Jumping Heavy Kick跳跃重踢
              Changed to a blowback knockdown on normal hit on a mid-air opponent.对空中敌人进行普通击中时,改变为blowback knockdown效果。
              Ransui Haze (Fastest transition)乱醉旋(最快转换)
              (→+Heavy Kick > ←Heavy Kick > P)(→+重脚> ←重脚> p)
              Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
              Overdrive Freeflow Strikes OD流醉拳
              (↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
              Increased blowback time when the first attack at Drink level 4 hits a mid-air opponent.当4酒时,第一次攻击击中空中敌人时,增加了击退时间。 This adjustment was made to mitigate instances where the Super Art 3/Critical Art cancel would not combo.这一调整是为了减少超级必杀技3/CA取消无法连击的情况。
              Medium Bakkai中爆回
              (↓↘→+Medium Kick)(↓↘→+中脚)
              Expanded the hitbox on the 4th attack that only appears during a combo upwards.扩大了受击框仅在向上连击时出现的第4次攻击。 This adjustment was made to mitigate instances where the attack would miss during a mid-air hit.这一调整是为了减少攻击在空中击中时miss的情况。
              Super Art 3/Critical Art Getsuga Saiho超级必杀技3/CA月牙叉炮
              (↓↘→↓↘→+P)(↓↘→↓↘→ + p)
              Expanded the hitbox on the 1st attack that only appears during a combo upwards.扩大了只在连击中向上出现的第一次攻击的攻击判定框(hitbox)。

              IP属地:广东10楼2024-12-02 12:54

                IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端11楼2024-12-02 12:55

                  IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端12楼2024-12-02 12:59

                    IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端13楼2024-12-02 13:00

                      IP属地:浙江14楼2024-12-02 13:03
                        Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                        For Manon we took a look at how much Super Art and Drive gauge she gains from her attacks, as well doing some minute tuning.对于曼侬,我们查看了她从攻击中获得了多少超级必杀技和斗气槽,并进行了一些微调。
                        Now, Manège Doré (→↘↓↙←+Punch) and Renversé (↓↘→+Punch) will gain more Super Art gauge according to her medal level.现在,金色圆周转(→↘↓↙←+拳)和芭蕾回旋(↓↘→+拳)将根据她的奖牌级别获得更多超级必杀技槽。 She also gains more Drive gauge for her mid-range attack Heavy Dégagé (↓↙←+Heavy Kick) and the close range À Terre (Medium Punch > Medium Kick), which will allow her to gain resources more easily.她的中距离攻击重代噶热动作(↓↙←+重脚)和近距离的地面动作(中拳 > 中脚)现在也会为她提供更多的斗气槽(Drive gauge),这将使她更容易积累资源。
                        Grand Fouetté (Kick during Renversé)32圈挥鞭转(在芭蕾回旋期间踢)
                        This has been adjusted to take care of situations where Medium Dégagé would not reach when this attack hit from a specific range.这已经过调整,以应对当这种攻击从特定范围内击中时,中代噶热动作无法到达的情况。
                        Dynamic Controls动态控制
                        Bug Fix错误修复
                        Fixed an issue where Dégagé could not be performed during Burnout by pressing ←+EX Button when using Dynamic controls.修复了在使用动态控件时按←+EX按钮在枯竭期间无法执行代噶热动作的问题。
                        Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
                        Changed recovery on hit from -2 to +1 frames.将命中恢复从-2帧更改为+1帧。
                        Note: Recovery on Punish Counter has not been changed.注意:确反康上的恢复未更改。
                        À Terre地面动作
                        (Medium Punch > Medium Kick)(中拳>中脚)
                        Drive Gauge increase on the 2nd attack changed from 1000 to 2500.斗气槽第二次攻击的增加从1000变为2500。
                        Manège Doré (Normal/Overdrive)金色圆周转(正常/OD)
                        Super Art gauge increase on hit now changes depending on medal level.超级必杀技槽命中率的增加现在会根据奖牌级别而变化。
                        Level 1 - 2: 3000 (no change)1-2级:3000(无变化)
                        Level 3 - 4: 4000 3-4级:4000
                        Level 5: 5000第五级:5000
                        Heavy Dégagé重型代噶热动作
                        (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)(↓↙←+重脚)
                        Drive Gauge increase changed from 2000 to 3000.斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
                        Renversé (Normal/Overdrive)芭蕾回旋(正常/OD)
                        (↓↘→+P)(↓↘→+ p)
                        Super Art gauge increase on hit now changes depending on medal level.超级必杀技槽命中率的增加现在会根据奖牌级别而变化。
                        Level 1 - 2: 2150 (no change)1-2级:2150(无变化)
                        Level 3 - 4: 3150 3-4级:3150
                        Level 5: 4150第五级:4150
                        Renversé Feint (Normal/Overdrive)芭蕾回旋假(正常/OD)
                        (↓↘→+P (hold))(↓↘→+P (hold))
                        Recovery on feint for all versions of the attack reduced by 2 frames.所有攻击版本的佯攻恢复减少2帧。
                        Grand Fouetté (Normal)32圈挥鞭转(正常)
                        (↓↘→+P > K)(↓↘→+P>K)
                        Blowback distance on hit reduced.击中时的回退距离缩短。

                        IP属地:广东15楼2024-12-02 13:04
                          Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                          Kimberly is a character that is supposed to specialize in offense, but she has only a few reliable moves to help her in the neutral, which makes it difficult for her to create opportunities for herself.金伯利是一个角色,应该专门从事进攻,但她只有几个可靠的动作来帮助她完成立回,这让她很难为自己创造机会。 Due to this we've made adjustments to help her out.因此,我们做出了调整来帮助她。
                          Water Slicer Slide (↘+Medium Kick)水漂腿(↘+ 中脚)
                          This attack was designed to nip at the opponent's feet, but even when it landed it often left Kimberly in a disadvantageous situation, making it difficult to incorporate into anyone's gameplan.这种攻击旨在夹击对手的脚,但即使它落地,也往往处于不利地位,使其难以纳入任何人的游戏计划。 To help this attack out we've made her recovery during active frames 1-4 fixed so that as long as it hits Kimberly will be at an advantage.为了帮助这种攻击,我们在活动帧1-4期间修复了她的恢复,这样只要它击中金伯利就会处于优势地位。
                          Hisen Kick (→+Heavy Kick)飞箭踢(→+重脚)
                          This technique was slow and didn't have great hitboxes, making it easy to deal with, so we've improved its hitbox to make it more usable in a fight.这项技术很慢,没有很好的命中率,很容易处理,所以我们改进了它的受击框,使其在战斗中更有用。 In addition to its better reach, it'll also lose less to low profile attacks like Crouching Medium Punch.除了更好的覆盖范围外,它还将更少地受到像蹲中拳这样的低调攻击。 Finally, Kimberly will now gain a lot of Drive from this attack, giving her an effective tool to replenish the Drive gauge.最后,金伯利现在将从这次攻击中获得很多斗气,给她一个有效的工具来补充斗气槽。
                          Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                          This attack was designed to give a big payoff if you landed a good hit on the opponent, but we adjusted its range to make it easier to use as the starting point of Kimberly's offense.这种攻击的目的是,如果你成功击中对手,就会获得巨大的回报,但我们调整了它的射程,使其更容易作为金伯利进攻的起点。 It's now something you can realistically use to force your opponent to block, and combined with the adjustments to Arc Step, Kimberly now has some great attacks to launch from.现在,你可以实际地使用它来迫使对手达到格挡,再加上对弧空的调整,金伯利现在有一些很棒的攻击可以发动。
                          In order to balance the move and not make it too powerful, the low position hurtbox has not been changed.为了动作的平衡性,不要让它太强大,低位hurtbox没有改变。
                          Normal/Overdrive Arc Step (Automatically activates after getting close with Sprint)正常/OD弧空(接近疾行后自动激活)
                          The startup for this technique is now faster, and it can now be used in more combos that are difficult to shut down with normal attacks.这种技术的启动速度现在更快,现在可以用于更多难以通过正常攻击关闭的组合。
                          Crouching Light Punch蹲轻拳
                          Changed recovery on block from -2 to -1 frame.将格挡上的恢复从-2帧更改为-1帧。
                          Crouching Light Kick蹲下轻脚
                          Changed recovery on hit from +2 to +4 frames.将命中恢复从+2帧更改为+4帧。
                          Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                          1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
                          2. 2. Reduced the attack hitbox on the edge of the attack, and made the bottom part less effective.减少了攻击边缘的攻击受击框,并降低了底部的攻击效果。
                          The second adjustment has been made in accordance with the first adjustment, so that low-profile attacks still have the same effective reach against this attack as before.第二次调整是根据第一次调整进行的,这样低调的攻击仍然可以像以前一样有效地对抗这种攻击。
                          Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
                          Adjusted the standby block hitbox as it was shorter than the attack hitbox.调整了待机格挡受击框,因为它比攻击受击框短。
                          Water Slicer Slide水漂腿
                          (↘+Medium Kick)(↘+中脚)
                          1. 1. Adjusted so that if the attack hits the opponent between active frames 1-4, the advantage on hit will always be +1 and on block will always be -5 frames.调整后,如果攻击在活动帧1-4之间击中对手,则命中优势将始终为+1,在格挡上的优势将始终是-5帧。
                          2. 2. Changed so that the attack now results in a knockdown if it hits as a Punish Counter between active frames 1-4.更改后,如果攻击在活动帧1-4之间以确反康的形式击中,则现在会导致击倒。
                          Hisen Kick飞箭踢
                          (→+Heavy Kick)(→+重脚)
                          1. 1. Expanded the attack hitbox forward during active frames 1-2.在活动帧1-2期间向前扩展攻击受击框。
                          2. 2. Reduced the hurtbox on the feet.减少了脚上的受击框。
                          3. 3. Changed Drive Gauge increase from 1200 to 3000.将斗气槽从1200增加到3000。
                          4. 4. On hit players can now input buffer 13 frames before recovery ends.击中时玩家现在可以在恢复结束前输入缓冲区13帧。
                          Kimberly's recovery greatly differs between hit and block for this move, so this adjustment is to correct the large difference in input timing.对于这次移动,金伯利的招式恢复在击中和格挡之间差异很大,因此这次调整是为了纠正输入时间的巨大差异。
                          Elbow Drop肘落
                          (↓+Medium Punch at the peak of a forward jump)(↓+中拳在前跳的峰值处)
                          Technique will now be performed at a certain elevation when the input is performed early during the upward arc of a jump before the technique can come out.现在,在技术出现之前,在跳跃向上弧线的早期进行输入时,技术将在一定高度进行。
                          Overdrive Torso Cleaver OD体砍
                          (↓↘→+Two Kicks > Light Kick)(↓↘→+两次踢腿>轻脚)
                          Expanded the attack hitbox that appears only during a combo upwards.扩展了仅在组合向上时出现的攻击受击框。
                          Arc Step (Normal/Overdrive)弧空(正常/OD)
                          (Automatically activates after getting close with Sprint)(接近疾行后自动激活)
                          1. 1. Changed attack startup from 8 to 6 frames.将攻击启动从8帧更改为6帧。
                          This is to coincide with the overall technique being shortened by 2 frames.这与整体技术缩短2帧相吻合。
                          2. 2. Fixed an issue where the timing for the Punish Counter hurtbox to come out was at the end of the 2nd attack's active frames.修复了确反康hurtbox出现的时间在第二次攻击活动帧结束时的问题。 It now comes out at the end of the 1st attack's active frames.它现在出现在第一次攻击的活动帧结束时。
                          Bushin Hojin Kick (Normal/Overdrive)武神矛刃腿(正常/OD)
                          (Kick during Arc Step)(在弧空期间踢球)
                          Normal version普通版本
                          1. 1. Knockdown time on a mid-air hit increased by 1 frame.空中打击的击倒时间增加了1帧。
                          This adjustment was made in order to prevent large changes stemming from the Arc Step adjustment.进行此调整是为了防止因弧空调整而产生的大变化。
                          Overdrive version OD版本
                          1. 1. Blowback distance on the 1st attack reduced when it hits on the ground.当第一次攻击击中地面时,反击距离会缩短。
                          2. 2. Blowback distance on the 1st attack increased when it hits a mid-air opponent.当第一次攻击击中空中对手时,反击距离增加。
                          3. 3. Blowback distance on the 2nd attack increased when it hits a mid-air opponent.当第二次攻击击中空中对手时,反击距离增加。
                          These adjustments were made in order to prevent large changes stemming from the Arc Step adjustment.作出这些调整是为了防止弧空调整带来的巨大变化。
                          Light Vagabond Edge灯光流转一文字
                          (↓↘→+Light Punch)(↓↘→+轻拳)
                          1. 1. Changed recovery on block from -5 to -4 frames.将格挡上的恢复从-5帧更改为-4帧。
                          2. 2. Pushback on hit reduced.后退命中率降低。
                          3. 3. Changed the knockback that occurs when the attack hits on the 3rd active frame.更改了攻击击中第三个活动帧时发生的反击。
                          This adjustment was made to make it easier to determine whether or not a follow-up attack is possible.做出这一调整是为了更容易确定是否可能发生后续攻击。
                          Super Art 2 Soaring Bushin Scramble超级必杀技2空中武神天翔亢龙
                          (↓↙←↓↙←+P during a forward jump)(↓↙←↓↙←+P在前跳期间)
                          Startup for the aerial version made faster only when canceling from an Overdrive attack.只有在从OD攻击中取消时,空中版本的启动速度才会更快。

                          IP属地:广东16楼2024-12-02 13:10
                            Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                            For Marisa we made adjustments so that her heavy attacks, and the chargeable aspect of them, are easier to use.我们对Marisa进行了调整,使她的重攻击以及可充能的部分更加容易使用。 We've reduced the necessary charge time and improved the charged attacks' abilities across the board to give her a stronger offense.我们减少了所需的蓄力时间,并全面提高了蓄力攻击的能力,使她能够发起更强的进攻。
                            Falx Crusher (→+Heavy Kick)方阵摧毁(→+重脚)
                            The required charge time for this attack hasn't changed, but we have increased the forward distance moved during the charged attack, which should make it easier to use.此攻击所需的蓄力时间没有改变,但我们增加了蓄力攻击期间移动的前进距离,这应该更容易使用。 After it's blocked, the distance between Marisa and the opponent has been shortened, giving you the ability to continue laying on the offensive pressure.在格挡之后,玛丽莎和对手之间的距离缩短了,使你能够继续施加进攻压力。
                            Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
                            We've expanded the hitbox on the charged version, and the throw hurtbox before the attack no longer expands forward, making this a good strike option when trying to bait a throw escape attempt from the opponent.我们在带电版本上扩展了受击框,攻击前的投掷hurtbox不再向前扩展,这使得在试图引诱对手拆投次尝试时,这是一个很好的攻击选择。 In addition, we've increased the float on Punish Counter to increase its payoff.此外,我们增加了确反康的浮动,以增加其回报。
                            Malleus Breaker (↘+Heavy Punch > ↘+Heavy Punch)重锤连打(↘+ 重拳↘+ 重拳)
                            In order to give this attack more flexibility we've changed the hit effect for the 2nd attack to a knockdown instead of leaving the opponent crouching.为了使这次攻击更具灵活性,我们将第二次攻击的命中效果改为击倒,而不是让对手蹲着。 This will allow players to go on the offensive during an opponent's wake-up without the need for a Drive Rush.这将允许玩家在对手醒来时继续进攻,而不需要绿冲。
                            Phalanx (→↓↘+Punch)方阵战型(→↓↘+ 拳)
                            We've made this attack easier to use by mitigating the risk when its avoided.我们通过在避免风险时降低风险,使这种攻击更容易使用。 By expanding the attack hitbox and increasing the active frames on the attack, it should increase its range and make it more difficult to be hit out of.通过扩大攻击受击框并增加攻击的活动帧,它应该会增加其射程,使其更难被击中。
                            Jump Cancel Action跳转取消操作
                            Bug Fix错误修复
                            The hurtbox on the head was unintentionally small so it has been fixed to match the hurtbox when standing.头部的hurtbox无意中变小了,所以它被固定在站立时与hurtbox相匹配。
                            Marisa Style玛丽莎风格
                            The successful charge time for standing heavy punch, standing heavy kick, crouching heavy kick, and Malleus Breaker (↘+Heavy Punch) is now 3 frames faster.站重拳、站立重脚、蹲下重脚和重锤连打的成功蓄力时间(↘+重拳)现在快了3帧。
                            Standing Heavy Punch (Normal/Hold)站重拳(正常/按住)
                            1. 1. Attack hitbox expanded forward.攻击受击框向前扩展。
                            2. 2. The attack hitbox on active frame 1 expanded downward so that it matches the same position as the hitbox on active frame 2.活动帧1上的攻击受击框向下扩展,使其与活动帧2上的受击框位置相同。
                            3. 3. Reduced the horizontal blowback on the charged version when it hits a mid-air opponent.减少了蓄力版本在击中空中对手时的水平反冲。
                            Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
                            1. 1. Increased the launch when the attack hits for a Punish Counter on the ground.当攻击击中地面确反康时,增加发射。
                            2. 2. Input buffer can now be performed 9 frames before recovery ends.现在可以在恢复结束前9帧执行输入缓冲。
                            Crouching Heavy Punch (Hold)蹲重拳(按住)
                            1. 1. Expanded the attack hitbox forward during active frame 2.在活动帧2期间向前扩展攻击受击框。
                            2. 2. Updated so the throw hurtbox before the attack startup doesn't appear in front.更新后,攻击启动前的throw hurtbox不会出现在前面。
                            3. 3. Increased the launch when the attack hits for a Punish Counter on the ground.当攻击击中地面上的确反康时,增加发射。
                            4. 4. Input buffer can now be performed 9 frames before recovery ends.现在可以在恢复结束前9帧执行输入缓冲。
                            Crouching Heavy Kick (Normal/Hold)下重脚(正常/按住)
                            1. 1. Expanded the attack hitbox that only appears during a combo upward.扩展了仅在向上组合时出现的攻击受击框。
                            2. 2. Expanded the standby idle block hitbox while charging this technique to match the length of the successful charge hitbox.在充电时扩展待机空闲格挡受击框,以匹配成功充电的长度受击框。
                            Heavy Two Hitter重双连
                            (Heavy Punch > Heavy Punch)(重拳>重拳)
                            Increased the combo count upper limit on the 2nd attack.增加了第二次攻击的组合计数上限。
                            Malleus Breaker重锤连打
                            (↘+Heavy Punch > ↘+Heavy Punch)(↘+ 重拳↘+ 重拳)
                            1. 1. Changed the hit effect on the 2nd attack to a knockdown.将第二次攻击的命中效果更改为击倒。
                            2. 2. Increased knockdown time on the 2nd attack by 10 frames.第二次攻击的击倒时间增加了10帧。
                            Falx Crusher (Hold)
                            (→+Heavy Kick)(→+重脚)
                            1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack startup.增加了攻击开始前向前移动的距离。
                            2. 2. Pushback on block decreased.格挡上的后退有所下降。
                            Gladius (Hold)
                            (↓↘→+P (hold))(↓↘→+P (按住))
                            Expanded the follow-up attack hitbox upwards when hitting a mid-air opppnent.当击中空中目标时,向上扩大后续攻击受击框。
                            Phalanx (Normal/Overdrive)方阵战型(正常/OD)
                            (→↓↘+P)(→↓↘+ p)
                            1. 1. Changed active frames from 3 to 6 frames.将活动帧从3帧更改为6帧。
                            2. 2. Extended the mid-air hitbox after the attack by 1 frame.攻击后将空中受击框延长1帧。
                            3. 3. Expanded the attack hitbox forward.将攻击向前扩展受击框。
                            4. 4. Changed Drive Gauge increase of the normal version from 2000 to 3000.将正常版本的斗气槽增加从2000更改为3000。
                            Scutum (Normal/Overdrive)罗马塔盾(正常/OD)
                            (↓↙←+ Kick)(↓↙←+ 踢)
                            Expanded the super armor counter attack hitbox downwards.向下扩展霸体(?)打康攻击受击框。
                            This is to fix an issue with the counter attack not hitting against certain low profile moves.这是为了解决打康攻击没有击中某些低姿态动作的问题。

                            IP属地:广东17楼2024-12-02 13:21
                              【莉莉】Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                              The main focus of Lily's updates was to expand on her combo routes.莉莉更新的主要重点是扩展她的组合路线。 Now, if you can choose the correct attacks when landing a strike, your damage or follow-up options after the combo should improve.现在,如果你能在发动攻击时选择正确的攻击,那么你的伤害或组合后的后续选项应该会提高。
                              Crouching Light Punch蹲轻拳
                              We've adjusted the advantage on hit for this attack, and from Drive Rush or on counterhit the number of attacks that can combo from it have increased.我们已经调整了这次攻击的优势击中,从绿冲或反击开始,可以从中组合的攻击数量增加了。 For Modern control players, you can link from this attack into Assisted Combo 3 by using Drive Rush, so now even a counterattack with light attack can lead to good damage.对于现代模式玩家,您可以使用绿冲将此攻击链接到辅助连招3,因此现在即使是轻微攻击的反击也可以造成良好的伤害。
                              Desert Storm (→+Heavy Punch > Heavy Punch > Heavy Punch)沙漠风暴(→+重拳>重拳>重拳)
                              We've made this easier to use in mid-air combos.我们已经使它更容易在空中组合中使用。 In particular when Drive Impact lands for a punish counter, your follow-up attack options are much better.特别是当斗气迸放着陆确反康时,你的后续攻击选择要好得多。 You can now choose to deal damage while building your Wind stock, or you can forget about the Wind stock and forgo the follow-up inputs to plot out your wake-up game.现在,您可以选择在构建Wind库存的同时造成伤害,也可以忘记Wind库存,放弃后续输入来规划您的唤醒游戏。
                              Normal/Windclad Tomahawk Buster (→↓↘+P)普通/风绕战斧灭(→↓↘+P
                              By having only the 2nd hit of the attack hit a standing opponent, in the middle of the stage you can follow-up with Crouching Heavy Kick or Super Art 1, while in the corner you can go for another Tomahawk Buster, etc. You'll need to confirm the situation first, but even if you have limited Wind stock you can still extend your combos.通过只让进攻的第二支安打打打在站立的对手身上,在舞台中间,你可以用卧倒重脚或超级必杀技1进行跟进,而在角落里,你可以再打一个战斧灭,等等。你需要先确认情况,但即使你的Wind库存有限,你仍然可以延长你的组合。
                              Crouching Light Punch蹲轻拳
                              1. 1. Changed advantage on hit from +5 to +6 frames.命中优势从+5变为+6帧。
                              2. 2. Changed the cancel to Drive Rush timing from frames 6-8 to frames 7-8.将取消时间从第6-8帧更改为第7-8帧。
                              Desert Storm沙漠风暴
                              (→+Heavy Punch > Heavy Punch > Heavy Punch)(→+重拳>重拳>重拳)
                              1. 1. Changed the advantage on hit for the 1st attack from +1 to +2.将第一次攻击的优势击中从+1改为+2。
                              2. 2. Increased the hitback on the 1st attack.增加了第一次进攻的反击。
                              3. 3. Changed the Drive Gauge increase on the 1st attack from 2000 to 3000.将第一次攻击的斗气槽增加从2000改为3000。
                              4. 4. Increased the combo count upper limit for the 1st and 2nd attacks.增加了第一次和第二次攻击的组合计数上限。
                              5. 5. Expanded the attack hitbox of the 2nd attack upwards and sideways.向上和侧向扩大第二次攻击的攻击受击框。
                              6. 6. Changed the damage of the final attack from 500 to 800.最终一个攻击的攻击力由500变为800。
                              7. 7. Expanded the attack hitbox of the final attack sideways.横向扩大了最后一次进攻的攻击受击框。
                              Windclad Tomahawk Buster (Normal)风包战斧灭(普通)
                              (→↓↘+P)(→↓↘+ p)
                              Increased the blowback of the 2nd attack when it hits on the ground.当第二次攻击击中地面时,增加了反击。
                              Light Windclad Tomahawk Buster轻型风包战斧灭
                              (→↓↘+Light Punch)(→↓↘+轻拳)
                              Decreased the horizontal blowback of the 2nd attack when it hits on the ground.减少了第二次攻击击中地面时的水平反击。

                              IP属地:广东18楼2024-12-02 13:28