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IP属地:山西来自iPhone客户端19楼2024-12-02 13:29
    Adjustment Summary调整汇总
    For JP we've only made adjustments to his basic abilities, so his changes this time center around his Super Arts.对于JP,我们只对他的基本能力进行了调整,所以他这次的变化主要围绕他的超级必杀技。
    Super Art 2 - Lovushka (↓↙←↓↙←+Punch)超级必杀技2 -陷阱(↓↙←↓↙←+拳)
    We've adjusted this technique so that the projectiles will remain when a normal throw hits for a punish counter.我们调整了这项技术,这样当普通投掷确反康时,飞行道具将保持不变。 This means activating it in close quarters will allow JP to apply much more pressure.这意味着在近距离内激活它将允许JP施加更大的压力。
    Super Art 3/Critical Art - Interdiction (↓↘→↓↘→+K)超级必杀技3/CA-禁止(↓↘→↓↘→+K)
    We've updated this technique so that when Triglav hits an opponent high into the air, it's easier to combo into this Super Art.我们更新了这项技术,这样当三头神特里格拉夫击中对手高高的空中时,更容易组合成超级必杀技。
    Standing Medium Punch站中拳
    Changed the Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.改了,斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
    Overdrive Torbalan OD怪物托尔巴兰
    (↓↘→+Two Kicks)(↓↘→+Two Kicks)
    Bug Fix错误修复
    Fixed an issue where the projectile's attack motion and the number of times it hit the opponent would not match when clashing with a single-hit Overdrive attack.修复了飞行道具的攻击动作和击中对手的次数在与单次命中OD攻击冲突时不匹配的问题。
    *The projectile will now disappear after one hit.*飞行道具现在将在一次点击后消失。
    Super Art 2 Lovushka超级必杀技2陷阱
    Projectiles will now continue to remain on the screen if they are on the screen when a normal throw hits for a Punish Counter.当普通投掷确反康时,如果它们在屏幕上,飞行道具现在将继续留在屏幕上。
    Super Art 3/Critical Art Interdiction超级必杀技3/CA禁止
    (↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)
    Expanded the attack hitbox that only appears during a combo upward.扩展了仅在向上组合时出现的攻击受击框。

    IP属地:广东20楼2024-12-02 13:31
      Adjustment Summary调整汇总
      We've made adjustments to Juri so in specific situations she'll have more combo routes, and some of her heavy attacks will give her back more Drive meter.我们已经对蛛俐进行了调整,因此在特定情况下,她将有更多的组合路线,她的一些猛烈攻击将使她返回更多的斗气。
      Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
      The hit effect when this attack lands for a punish counter on a mid-air opponent has changed.当这次攻击落在空中的对手身上时,确反康的命中效果发生了变化。 It is primarily a counter attack against invincible attacks, but we wanted to give it different merits, so you can now dish out damage and gain up to 2 Fuha stocks while closing the distance, or go for a combo when scoring a punish counter on a standing opponent for varied results.它主要是用来反击无敌技,但我们希望赋予它更多的优点。现在,你可以在拉近距离的同时造成伤害,并获得最多2个风槽(Fuha stock),或者在对站立敌人进行惩罚反击(punish counter)时,选择进行连击,从而获得不同的效果。
      Heavy Fuhajin (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)重型风破刃(↓↙←+ HK)
      We made this attack easier to combo into from Crouching Heavy Punch when that attack hits a mid-air opponent for a punish counter.当攻击击中空中对手一个确反康时,我们使这种攻击更容易从蹲重拳组合起来。
      Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
      Changed the Drive Gauge increase to the following.将斗气槽的增加更改为以下内容。
      Normal version: From 3000 to 4000普通版本:从3000到4000
      Chain combo version: From 750 to 1000链式组合版本:从750到1000
      Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
      Changed the hit effect on mid-air Punish Counter to a spinning knockdown.将空中确反康的命中效果更改为旋转击倒。
      (←+Heavy Kick)(←+重脚)
      Changed the Drive Gauge increase to the following.
      Normal version: From 1500 (750*2) to 3500 (1500+2000)普通版本:从1500(750*2)到3500(1500+2000)
      Chain combo version: From 374 (187*2) to 875 (375+500)链式组合版本:从374(187*2)到875(375+500)
      Heavy Fuhajin重型风破刃
      (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)(↓↙←+重脚)
      Changed the attack active frames from 4 to 5 frames.将攻击活动帧从4帧更改为5帧。

      IP属地:广东21楼2024-12-02 13:37
        Adjustment Summary调整汇总
        For Dee Jay we primarily looked at revamping the anti-air capabilities of Medium and Heavy Jackknife Maximum, as well as re-adjusting Waning Moon's follow-up abilities.对于DJ,我们主要着眼于改进中型和重型屈体极点踢的防空能力,以及重新调整残月的后续能力。
        Medium/Heavy Jackknife Maximum (Charge↓, then↑+Medium Kick or Heavy Kick)中等/重度屈体极点踢(蓄力↓,然后↑+中脚或重脚)
        Previously we adjusted the range of the 1st attack to reduce guaranteed counterattacks on the ground, but as an anti-air attack it became less reliable than expected.以前我们调整了第一次攻击的范围,以减少地面上的保证反击,但作为一次防空攻击,它的可靠性比预期的要低。 To improve that aspect we've extended the active frames of the attack and expanded the attack hitbox that only applies to mid-air opponents.为了改善这一方面,我们扩展了攻击的主动帧,并扩展了仅适用于空中对手的攻击受击框。 Against jumps, if you perform the attack a little early, you'll now see less cases of the first attack missing.对于跳跃,如果你早点进行攻击,你现在会看到第一次攻击丢失的情况更少。
        Normal/Overdrive Waning Moon (↓↙←+Kick or 2 Kicks > Medium Kick)普通/OD残月(↓↙←+踢或两踢>中脚)
        In the last balance adjustment we added the option of a follow-up attack on hit depending on the situation, but the options Dee Jay had in terms of move selection and range were too strict, so we've looked to relax those conditions.在上次平衡调整中,我们根据情况增加了后续攻击的选项击中,但DJ在移动选择和范围方面的选项过于严格,所以我们希望放宽这些条件。 When landing the normal version as a punish counter, attacks like Heavy Jackknife Maximum are easier to land, and for the Overdrive version on hit, Quick Rolling Sobat and Double Rolling Sobat will now connect.当将普通版本作为确反康击中时,像Heavy屈体极点踢这样的攻击更容易击中,对于OD版本击中,快速翻身后旋踢和双翻后旋踢现在将连接。
        Funky Dance Feint (Medium Punch > Medium Punch > ←+Heavy Punch)放克舞·假动作(中拳>中拳> ←+重拳)
        We made it more difficult for opponents to respond by making it easier for Dee Jay to snap back with feint techniques.我们通过让DJ更容易用佯攻技术反击,使对手更难做出回应。 Invincible Overdrive attacks are no longer guaranteed hits, and it's now harder for normal attacks to interrupt this attack.无敌的OD攻击不再保证命中,现在普通攻击更难中断这次攻击。
        Knee Shot飞膝撞
        (↓+Light Kick during a forward jump)(↓+轻脚在前跳期间)
        Changed the Drive Gauge increase from 500 to 2000.改了,斗气槽从500增加到2000。
        Funky Dance Feint放克舞·假动作
        (Medium Punch > Medium Punch > ←+Heavy Punch)(中拳>中拳> ←+重拳)
        Changed the overall frames of the technique from 23 to 22 frames.将该技术的整体帧数从23帧改为22帧。
        Medium Jackknife Maximum中等屈体极点踢
        (Charge ↓, then ↑+Medium Kick)(蓄力↓,然后↑+中脚)
        Changed the 1st attack's active frames from 3 to 4 frames.将第一次攻击的活动帧从3帧更改为4帧。
        Heavy Jackknife Maximum重型屈体极点踢
        (Charge ↓, then ↑+Heavy Kick)
        1. 1. Changed the 1st attack's active frames from 4 to 5 frames.将第一次攻击的活动帧从4帧更改为5帧。
        2. 2. Expanded the attack hitbox that can only hit a mid-air opponent upward.扩大了只能向上击中空中对手的攻击受击框。
        Waning Moon (Normal)残月(正常)
        (↓↙←+K > Medium Kick)(↓↙←+K>中脚)
        Increased the blowback on Punish Counter.增加了确反康的反冲。
        Overdrive Waning Moon OD残月
        (↓↙←+Two Kicks > Medium Kick)(↓↙←+两次踢腿>中脚)
        Decreased the combo count additional value减少组合计数附加值。

        IP属地:广东22楼2024-12-02 13:43

          IP属地:内蒙古来自Android客户端23楼2024-12-02 13:44

            IP属地:北京来自Android客户端24楼2024-12-02 13:47
              Adjustment Summary调整汇总
              For Cammy we've looked at the attacks that start off her combos or offensive flow, as well as her offensive Overdrive attacks.对于嘉米,我们研究了从她的连发或进攻流开始的攻击,以及她的进攻性OD攻击。 We looked at making adjustments to reduce situations where even if you're at a disadvantage, you can switch sides with your opponent with the correct reads.我们考虑了做出调整,以减少即使你处于劣势,你也可以通过正确的阅读与对手交换立场的情况。
              Crouching Medium Punch蹲中拳
              This attack has fantastic range and startup, but adds lower risk to Cammy compared to other characters with similar moves, so we've increased its recovery and hurtbox.这种攻击具有出色的范围和启动能力,但与其他具有类似动作的角色相比,嘉米的风险较低,因此我们增加了它的恢复和hurtbox。
              Overdrive Cannon Spike (→↓↘+Two Kicks)OD机枪神兵(→↓↘+KK)
              This attack will no longer switch sides on hit.此攻击击中后将不再换边。 The heavy version featured the same properties as the Overdrive version when you held down the button, but compared to the heavy held version which is only used in limited situations, the quick startup on the Overdrive Cannon Spike meant that its value as a side switch tool was too high.当您按住按钮时,重型版本具有与OD版本相同的属性,但与仅在有限情况下使用的重型版本相比,OD机枪神兵的快速启动意味着它作为换边工具的价值太高。
              Additionally, side switching with an invincible Overdrive attack made the fight less enjoyable for the opponent, and also had the additional disadvantage of being difficult to use for Cammy when she's chasing down the opponent, hence the change.此外,用无敌的OD攻击换边使对手的战斗不那么愉快,而且还有一个额外的缺点,即当她追赶对手时,嘉米很难使用,因此发生了变化。
              Overdrive Cannon Strike (↓↙←+Two Kicks during a forward jump)OD机兵突击(↓↙←+前跳中的KK)
              We've updated the advantage on this when it's performed once Cammy reaches a certain height and the attack lands on the 1st active frame.当嘉米达到一定高度并且攻击落在第一个活动帧上时,我们更新了这方面的优势。 On hit, the situation is now 50/50 and you're not guaranteed a follow-up attack unless Cannon Strike hits for a punish counter.击中,现在的情况是50/50,除非机兵突击击中确反康,否则你不能保证会受到后续攻击。 If you use this attack to avoid an opponent's regular throw you can still follow up with an attack, but Lift Uppercut (← +Medium Punch) no longer hits for a combo, making it more difficult to land this attack's side switch combo.如果你使用这种攻击来避免对手的常规投掷,你仍然可以继续进行攻击,但上袭勾拳(←+中拳)不再击中组合,这使得攻击的侧向切换组合更难落地。 Additionally, recovery on block has also changed, so Cammy is less likely to get hit by a guaranteed counterattack.此外,格挡的恢复也发生了变化,因此嘉米不太可能被有保证的反击击中。
              Crouching Medium Punch蹲中拳
              Universal Adjustment普遍调整
              1. 1. Changed recovery when the attack misses from 14 to 17 frames.将攻击失误时的恢复从14帧更改为17帧。
              2. 2. Expanded the hurtbox forward from frames 10 - 26 only when the attack misses.仅当进攻未命中时,才将hurtbox从第10-26帧向前扩展。
              Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
              Universal Adjustment普遍调整
              Reduced pushback on block.在格挡上减少了后退。
              Overdrive Cannon Spike OD机枪神兵
              (→↓↘+Two Kicks)(→↓↘+两踢)
              1. 1. Updated behavior so Cammy does not switch sides with her opponent on hit.更新行为,使嘉米不会与对手击中分道扬镳。
              2. 2. Active frames on the close range hitbox reduced by 1 frame.近距离受击框上的活动帧减少1帧。
              3. 3. Added a hitbox that extends forward and downward only during a combo to the attack's 3rd and 4th active frames.在攻击的第3和第4个活动帧中添加了一个仅在组合期间向前和向下延伸的受击框。
              4. 4. Changed damage distribution from 1500 (1100+100*4) to 1500 (600+100×3+600)将损伤分布从1500(1100+100*4)更改为1500(600+100×3+600)
              Cannon Strike (Normal)机兵突击(普通)
              (↓↙←+K during a forward jump)(↓↙←+K在前跳期间)
              Changed Drive Gauge increase from 1000 to 2500.将斗气槽从1000增加到2500。
              Overdrive Cannon Strike
              (↓↙←+Two Kicks during a forward jump)(↓↙←+前跳中的两次踢腿)
              Universal Adjustment普遍调整
              When performing the attack during a jump's ascent, recovery has changed to the following only when the attack hits on the 1st active frame.在跳跃上升过程中执行攻击时,只有当攻击击中第一个活动帧时,恢复才会变为以下状态。
              On hit: 0 ~ +2 frames to 0 frame advantage击中:0~+2帧到0帧的优势
              On block: -2 ~ -4 frames to -2 frames在格挡上:-2~-4帧到-2帧
              *Recovery will no longer change up to a certain height.*恢复不会再变化到一定的高度。
              *If the attack hits on the 2nd frame or later, or if it's performed during the latter half of the jump, the frame difference will be the same as before.*如果攻击发生在第二帧或之后,或者在跳跃的后半段进行,帧差将与之前相同。
              Razor's Edge Slicer (Normal/Hold/Overdrive)下铲刀锋腿(普通/保持/OD)
              (↓↘→+P or Two Punches > No Input)(↓↘→+P或PP>无输入)
              Expanded the hurtbox on the body upward.将身体上的hurtbox向上展开。

              IP属地:广东25楼2024-12-02 13:50
                Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                In order for Ryu to further differentiate himself from other similar characters, we've looked at improving his stability and his unique mid-range attacks.为了使隆进一步区别于其他类似的角色,我们研究了如何提高他的稳定性和他独特的中距离攻击。
                Whirlwind Kick (→++Heavy Kick)旋风腿(→++重脚)
                While this attack has fantastic range and is great for controlling space, after it hit it was difficult for Ryu to create any opportunities for himself, so it can now be canceled into a regular Aerial Tatsumaki Senpu-kyaku.虽然这次攻击具有出色的射程,非常适合控制空间,但在它击中后,隆很难为自己创造任何机会,因此现在可以将其取消为常规空中龙卷旋风腿。 When you land this combo, you'll be also to position yourself ina favorable spot, or alternatively, you can use it as a combo from an Overdrive High Blade Kick starter.当你获得这个组合时,你也会将自己定位在有利的位置,或者,你可以将其用作OD上段足刀踢首发的组合。
                Heavy High Blade Kick (↓↘→+Heavy Kick)重型上段足刀踢(↓↘→+ 重脚)
                This attack has some issues when used to control space due to its slow startup and disadvantage on block, so we've sped up the startup of the attack and reduced the overall frame count to help players use it in different situations.此攻击在用于控制空间时存在一些问题,因为它的启动速度慢,并且在格挡上存在缺点,因此我们加快了攻击的启动速度,并减少了总帧数,以帮助玩家在不同情况下使用它。
                Crouching Medium Kick下中脚
                We've sped up the cancel timing into special moves, making it easier to combo from.我们加快了特殊动作的取消时间,使组合更容易。 Even when hitting with the tip of the attack you can safely string into a Heavy Hadoken to force your opponent into a block string.即使在用攻击的尖端击球时,你也可以安全地穿上重型波动拳线,迫使对手穿上格挡线。 And for Light and Medium Hadokens, so long as you don't delay the cancel, an opponent's Drive Impact is no longer guaranteed to land, giving Ryu more stability over Ken and Akuma.对于轻度和中度波动拳,只要你不延迟取消,对手的斗气迸放就不再保证击中,从而使隆比肯和豪鬼更稳定。
                Crouching Medium Kick蹲式中踢腿
                Window to cancel into a special move is now 2 frames faster.取消特殊移动的窗口现在快了2帧。
                Axe Kick (← + Heavy Kick)踵落(← +重脚)
                Changed Drive Gauge increase from 1500 to 3500 (1500+2000)将斗气槽从1500增加到3500(1500+2000)
                Whirlwind Kick (→+Heavy Kick)旋风腿(→+重脚)
                1. 1. Can now be canceled into a normal Aerial Tatsumaki Senpu-kyaku.现在可以取消为普通空中龙卷旋风腿。
                2. 2. Changed the landing state when landing from a canceled into Aerial Tatsumaki Senpu-kyaku from crouching to standing.将着陆时的着陆状态从取消更改为空中龙卷旋风腿从蹲着更改为站立。
                3. 3. Increased combo count upper limit.增加组合计数上限。
                Boosted Overdrive Hadoken增强OD波动拳
                (↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
                Decreased combo count additional value during a mid-air hit.在空中打击时,组合计数减少会增加附加值。
                Heavy High Blade Kick重型上段足刀踢
                (↓↘ → + Heavy Kick)(↓↘ → +重脚)
                1. 1. Changed attack startup from 29 to 27 frames.将攻击启动从29帧更改为 27帧。
                2. 2. Overall technique length changed from 53 to 50 frames.整体技术长度从53帧变为50帧。
                3. 3. Changed recovery on block from -5 to -3 frames.将格挡上的恢复从-5帧更改为-3帧。
                4. 4. Decreased knockdown time on hit by 1 frame.击倒时间击中减少了1帧。
                5. 5. Changed Drive Gauge decrease from 8000 to 10000.将斗气槽从8000减少到10000。
                Overdrive Hashogeki OD波掌击
                (↓↙←+Two Punches)(↓↙←+PP)
                Changed damage from 900 to 1100.伤害从900改为1100。

                IP属地:广东26楼2024-12-02 13:55
                  Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                  We've looked to improve Honda's Teppo Triple Slap to allow him to bring the fight into close-quarters, and we've also looked at improving his damage and mix-up situation with his strikes and throws.我们希望改善本田的铁炮掌,让他能够近距离地进行比赛,我们还考虑了改善他的伤害和混乱情况,以及他的投篮和投掷。
                  Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                  This attack can now combo into a regular Taiho Cannon, giving Honda some chonky damage on his strikes.这次攻击现在可以组合成一门常规的Taiho Cannon,对他的攻击造成一些小的伤害。
                  Teppo Triple Slap (↓↘→+Kick > Punch)铁炮掌(↓↘→+踢>拳)
                  Due to improvements on the hitbox, this attack can now reach opponents better from mid-range, and we made some changes so that he's in a better position than before when it's blocked.由于对受击框的改进,这次攻击现在可以更好地从中距离攻击对手,我们做了一些改变,使他在格挡时处于比以前更好的位置。
                  Oicho Throw (→↘↓↙←+Kick)大银杏投(→↘↓↙←+踢)
                  The startup of this throw is faster, giving his throw game more oomph.这次投掷的启动速度更快,让他的投掷游戏更有活力。 Along with the adjustments to his Overdrive Teppo Triple Slap, Honda can now force his opponents into a mix-up game, or he can use this as a counter attack to a Drive Reversal.随着对他的OD铁炮掌的调整,本田现在可以迫使他的对手进入一场混乱的游戏,或者他可以将其作为打康对斗气反攻的攻击。
                  Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                  Changed recovery on hit from -1 to +1 frame.将恢复击中从-1帧更改为+1帧。
                  Teppo Triple Slaps (Normal/Overdrive)Teppo三记安打(普通/OD)
                  (↓↘→+K or Two Kicks > P)(↓↘→+K或KK>P)
                  1. 1. Expanded the hitbox on the 1st and 2nd attack horizontally.在第1次和第2次进攻时横向扩大受击框。
                  2. 2. Reduced the hurtbox on the arms between frames 9-14 and 25-28 of the technique.减少了该技术第9-14帧和第25-28帧之间手臂上的hurtbox。
                  3. 3. Reduced the hurtbox on the feet between frames 9-33 of the technique.减少了该技术第9-33帧之间脚部的hurtbox。
                  Teppo Triple Slaps (Normal)Teppo三记安打(普通)
                  (↓↘→+K > P)(↓↘→+K>p)
                  1. 1. Increased pushback on block on the 1st and 2nd attack.在第1次和第2次攻击的格挡上增加了后退。
                  2. 2. Changed Drive Gauge increase from 1000 x 2 to 2000 x 2.将斗气槽从1000 x 2增加到2000 x 2。
                  Overdrive Teppo Triple Slaps OD Teppo三记安打
                  (↓↘→+Two Kicks > Punch)(↓↘→+KK>拳)
                  1. 1. Changed recovery on block on the 2nd attack from +2 to +3 frames.将第二次攻击时格挡的恢复从+2帧更改为+3帧。
                  2. 2. Reduced the pushback on block for the 1st and 2nd attack.在第1次和第2次攻击中,减少了格挡上的后退。
                  Oicho Throw (Normal/Overdrive)大银杏投(普通/OD)
                  (→↘↓↙←+Kick or Two Kicks)(→↘↓↙←+踢或KK)
                  1. 1. Changed the attack startup from 7 to 6 frames.将攻击开始时间从7帧更改为6帧。
                  2. 2. Changed the attack's active frames from 3 to 4 frames.将攻击的活动帧从3帧更改为4帧。
                  Super Art 2 Ultimate Killer Headram超级必杀技2终极杀手头像
                  (Charge ←溜め, then →←→+Kick)(蓄力←点击,然后→\8592]→+点击)
                  Updated attack so that after the headbutt attack hits, from the handslap portion until the end of the technique is completely projectile invincible.更新了攻击,这样在头槌攻击命中后,从手拍部分到技术结束都是完全飞行道具无敌的。

                  IP属地:广东27楼2024-12-02 13:59
                    Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                    With this update Blanka doesn't have any major adjustments, but we did look at making the normal and special moves he uses for controlling space easier to use.在这次更新中,布兰卡没有任何重大调整,但我们确实考虑过让他用来控制空间的普通和特殊动作更容易使用。
                    Double Knee Bombs (→+Medium Kick)双膝炸弹(→+中脚)
                    Originally this attack was designed to avoid low hitting attacks, but the hurtbox around the feet were bigger than the standard size, so we've reduced it to match other hurtboxes.最初,这种攻击是为了避免低空攻击,但脚部周围的hurtbox比标准尺寸大,所以我们将其缩小以匹配其他伤害箱。 This change should make it possible to avoid low attacks better.这种变化应该可以更好地避免低攻击。 We've also updated its behavior when it hits a mid-air opponent so that the 2nd attack hits consistently.我们还更新了它在击中空中对手时的行为,以便第二次攻击能够持续命中。
                    Wild Nail (→+Heavy Punch)野兽锋爪(→+重拳)
                    We felt that there was not much of a payoff when this attack lands normally, so we increased the knockdown time after it hits to allow Blanka's offense to start easier.我们觉得,当这次攻击正常进行时,没有多少回报,所以我们增加了攻击后的击倒时间,让布兰卡的进攻更容易开始。 Additionally, when this attack hit a mid-air opponent it offered less advantage than when it hit a grounded opponent, so we lengthened the knockdown time.此外,当这次攻击击中空中对手时,它提供的优势比击中地面对手时要小,所以我们延长了击倒时间。
                    Drive Reversal斗气反攻
                    Bug Fix错误修复
                    Fixed an issue where the overlap collision hitbox would expand in situations other than a block or parry.修复了重叠碰撞受击框在格挡或parry以外的情况下会扩展的问题。
                    Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
                    Changed Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 4000.将斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
                    Double Knee Bombs双膝炸弹
                    (→+Medium Kick)(→+中脚)
                    1. 1. Reduced hurtbox around the feet starting from the 9th frame of the technique.从技术的第9帧开始,脚部周围减少了hurtbox。
                    2. 2. Changed the mid-air hit effect on the 1st attack from a mid-air recovery to a blowback knockdown.将第1次攻击的空中打击效果从空中回收改为反冲击倒。
                    3. 3. Reduced blowback time on a mid-air hit for the 1st and 2nd attack.减少了第1次和第2次攻击的空中打击的反击时间。
                    4. 4. Reduced blowback distance on a mid-air hit for the 1st and 2nd attack.在第1次和第2次攻击中,空中打击的反击距离缩短。
                    5. 5. Fixed an issue where Blanka would have a pushback on hit applied to him when the 2nd attack hits a mid-air opponent in the corner of the stage.修复了当第二次攻击击中舞台角落的空中对手时,布兰卡会对他应用后退击中的问题。
                    Wild Nail野兽锋爪
                    (→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
                    1. 1. Increased knockdown time by 2 frames when the attack hits on the ground.当攻击击中地面时,击倒时间增加了2帧。
                    2. 2. Increased knockdown time by 5 frames when the attack hits a mid-air opponent.当攻击击中空中对手时,击倒时间增加5帧。
                    Knockdown time on a punish counter has not changed.确反康的击倒时间没有改变。

                    IP属地:广东28楼2024-12-02 14:07
                      Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                      During the overall balance adjustment, we reduced the amount of gauge used by Guile's Overdrive Sonic Cross (↓↙←+2 Punches > →+2 Punches), but opportunities to use it and its follow-up attack was limited, so we've made adjustments for those.在整体平衡调整期间,我们减少了古烈的OD音速交叠使用的槽(?没看懂)(↓↙←+2拳>→+2拳),但使用它及其后续攻击的机会有限,因此我们对此进行了调整。 Comboability is now more practical, and with more opportunities to use it it's now a better option to opt for when looking for a good ROI.可连招性现在更实用,有了更多的机会使用它,在寻找良好的投资回报率时,它现在是一个更好的选择。
                      Spinning Back Knuckle回旋反手拳
                      (→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
                      Changed Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 5000.将斗气槽从3000增加到5000。
                      Overdrive Sonic Cross OD音速交叠
                      (↓↙←+Two Punches > →+Two Punches)(↓↙←+PP> →+PP)
                      Increased wall splat time by 3 frames on hit.击中时,墙壁飞溅时间增加了3帧。

                      IP属地:广东29楼2024-12-02 14:13
                        Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                        Ken's appeal to players is great offense and ability to bully opponents into the corner, but we felt that he was able to do this even on the defensive, which made his comeback potential too strong.肯对玩家的吸引力在于强大的进攻和将对手拖入板边的能力,但我们觉得他即使在防守端也能做到这一点,这使得他的复出潜力太大了。 To counter that we've looked at containing how much he can get out of his invincible attacks.为了应对这一点,我们对他无敌攻击的效果进行了限制,控制他能从这些攻击中获得多少优势。
                        Overdrive Shoryuken (→↓↘+Two Punches) / Super Art 1 Dragonlash Flame OD升龙拳(→↓↘+PP) /超级必杀技1龙尾烈腿
                        Ken was able to benefit too much after either of these attacks hit, as he could send the opponent reeling back and then continue the pressure with Drive Rush, which combined with his great combos and throws to make him very scary.肯在这两次攻击中的任何一次命中后都受益匪浅,因为他可以让对手倒退,然后用绿冲继续施压,再加上他出色的连击和投掷,让他非常可怕。 For this update we've left his invincible attack as is, but after it connects it'll be more difficult for him to continue with pressure, which should help constrain how many opportunities he gets.对于这次更新,我们保持了他的无敌技不变,但在它连接后,他将更难继续承受压力,这应该有助于限制他获得的机会数量。
                        Back Throw后投
                        We've made following up this throw after it connects more difficult, as it has great corner carry ability.我们让在连接后跟进这次投掷变得更加困难,因为它有很好的推板能力。
                        Forward Step Kick (Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)前踏踢(重脚在奋迅腿期间)
                        We adjusted the hurtbox on this move as this move had more affinity than Jinrai Kick at close range.我们调整了这次移动的hurtbox,因为这次移动在近距离上比迅雷脚更有亲和力。 We also adjusted it to reduce its return, taking into consideration the low risk of this move due to light attacks adding initial scaling.我们还对其进行了调整,以减少其回报,考虑到由于轻度攻击增加了初始修正,因此此举的风险较低。 On the other hand, the amount of Drive gauge it gives has increased so we still think that it's going to be a useful attack when you're looking to get a resource advantage.另一方面,它提供的斗气槽数量已经增加,所以我们仍然认为,当你想要获得资源优势时,这将是一种有用的攻击。
                        Hell Wheel (back throw)地狱车(后投)
                        Increased the distance created after this throw is successful when the throwing player was in the corner.当投掷玩家在角落时,增加了投掷成功后产生的距离。
                        Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
                        Universal Adjustment普遍调整
                        Reduced pushback on block.在格挡上减少了后退。
                        Forward Step Kick前踏踢
                        (Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)(重脚期间奋迅腿)
                        1. 1. Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
                        2. 2. Extended the hurtbox forward during recovery.在恢复期间将hurtbox向前扩展。
                        3. 3. Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
                        Overdrive Shoryuken OD升龙拳
                        (→↓↘+Two Punches)(→↓↘+PP)
                        Decreased blowback time on hit.回吹时间缩短击中。
                        Heavy Jinrai Kick重型迅雷脚
                        (↓↘→+Heavy Kick)(↓↘ → +重脚)
                        Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
                        Super Art 1 - Dragonlash Flame超级必杀技1 -龙尾烈腿
                        (↓↙←↓↙←+ Kick)(↓↙←↓↙←+ 踢)
                        Universal Adjustment普遍调整
                        1. 1. Decreased blowback time on hit.
                        2. 2. Decreased knockdown time on hit.降低击倒时间击中。

                        IP属地:广东30楼2024-12-02 14:20
                          Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                          Our main focus for Chun-Li with this balance adjustment is to increase her combo options.我们对春丽和平衡调整的主要关注点是增加她的组合选项。 Players will now have to read the situation and choose an appropriate option in order to get a good ROI.玩家现在必须阅读情况并选择合适的选项,以获得良好的投资回报率。
                          Snake Strike (Medium Punch during Serenity Stream)长蛇打(行云流水期间为中拳)
                          Due to the faster startup, it has become one of the better Serenity Stream options when also considering its range.由于启动速度更快,考虑到其范围,它已成为更好的行云流水选项之一。 Medium attacks hit multiple times on counterhit, meaning from a Crouching Medium Kick, etc. you can go into Serenity Stream and then, if read the situation properly, knock down the opponent.中等攻击在反击中多次命中,这意味着从下中脚等开始,你可以进入行云流水,然后,如果正确阅读情况,击倒对手。
                          Serenity Stream (Modern Controls: ↓↙←+Attack button)行云流水(现代模式: ↓↙←+攻击按钮)
                          We've made changes to this technique so all transition attacks can now be performed in Modern controls.我们已经对这项技术进行了更改,因此现在可以在现代模式中执行所有转换攻击。 There were many times when players wanted to cancel into an attack or block, so they would hold ↓ and input a button.有很多次玩家想取消攻击或格挡,所以他们会按住↓并输入一个按钮。 Now all kick transitions can be performed with ↓+attack.现在,所有踢腿转换都可以通过↓+攻击来执行。 For the new punch transition attacks, press an attack button without inputting ↓.对于新的拳转换攻击,按下攻击按钮而不输入↓。
                          Heavy Spinning Bird Kick (Charge ↓, then ↑+Heavy Kick)重回旋鹤脚踢(蓄力↓,然后↑+重脚)
                          This attack had limited uses, so we've made adjustments to create more opportunities where it can hit multiple times, increasing its usefulness in combos.这种攻击的用途有限,因此我们进行了调整,创造了更多可以多次攻击的机会,增加了它在组合中的有用性。
                          Serenity Stream (Modern Controls)行云流水(现代模式)
                          Kick-based techniques out of this move are now performed by pressing Down with an attack button, and punch-based techniques are performed by pressing just an attack button.现在,通过按下攻击按钮,可以执行基于踢腿的技能移动,而基于拳的技能移动只需按下攻击按钮即可执行。
                          Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                          Changed Drive Gauge increase from 3000 to 4000.将斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
                          Snake Strike长蛇打
                          (Medium Punch during Serenity Stream)
                          1. 1. Attack startup changed from 11 to 7 frames.攻击启动从11帧变为7帧。
                          2. 2. Drive Gauge increase changed from 500 to 2000斗气槽从500增加到2000
                          Senpu Kick仙风
                          (Medium Kick during Serenity Stream)(中脚期间行云流水)
                          Knockback time on hit increased by 2 frames.反击时间击中增加了2帧。
                          This change does not affect recovery.此更改不会影响恢复。
                          Heavy Spinning Bird Kick重型回旋鹤脚踢
                          (Charge ↓, then ↑+Heavy Kick)(蓄力↓,然后↑+重脚)
                          Attack startup changed from 21 to 20 frames.攻击启动从21帧变为20帧。

                          IP属地:广东31楼2024-12-02 14:23
                            Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                            Zangief is a character that's greatly affected by the jump cancel adjustment, so while his defensive capabilities have decreased greatly we still think he's a character that's strong enough to compete.桑吉尔夫是一个受跳跃取消调整影响很大的角色,所以虽然他的防守能力大大下降,但我们仍然认为他是一个足够强壮的角色,可以参加比赛。
                            Because of this, for this update we've looked at minor adjustments to throws that aren't used frequently and increasing the meter gain on his stomping attack.因此,在本次更新中,我们研究了对不经常使用的投掷的细微调整,并增加了他跺脚攻击的米数增益。
                            Russian Drop (↙ Throw)俄式坠击(↙ 投掷)
                            Brainbuster (↓ Throw)Brainbuster(↓投掷)
                            German Suplex (→ Throw)德式拱桥摔(→投掷)
                            Super Art gauge increase changed from 2000 to 3000.超级必杀技槽从2000增加到3000。
                            On punish counter, the gauge increase changed from 4000 to 6000.在确反康,槽的增长从4000变为6000。
                            Power Stomps (Modern Controls)能量踩踏(现代模式)
                            (↓↓+Medium > Medium > Medium)
                            Technique can now be performed by pressing ↓↓+Medium Attack when using Modern controls.使用现代模式时,现在可以通过按↓↓+中等攻击来执行技能。
                            Power Stomps能量踩踏
                            (↓↓+Medium Kick > Medium Kick > Medium Kick)(↓↓+中脚>中脚>中脚)
                            Drive Gauge increase changed from 1000 x 3 to 1500 x 3.斗气槽增加从1000 x 3变为1500 x 3。
                            Siberian Express (Normal/Overdrive)西伯利亚快车(普通/OD)
                            Bug Fix错误修复
                            Siberian Express changes depending on the distance from the opponent when it's performed, but we have fixed an issue where the attack would differ under certain conditions even when activated at the same range.西伯利亚快车根据执行时与对手的距离而变化,但我们解决了一个问题,即即使在相同的距离下激活,在某些条件下攻击也会有所不同。

                            IP属地:广东32楼2024-12-02 14:26
                              Adjustment Summary调整汇总
                              Last balance adjustment Dhalsim received a lot of changes, so this time around we're looking at making minute changes.上次平衡调整达尔西姆收到了很多更改,所以这次我们正在考虑进行细微的更改。
                              Standing Light Punch / Agile Kick (↙+Light Kick)站立轻拳/灵敏踢(↙+ 轻脚)
                              Rapid cancel timing into Crouching Light Punch is now faster, and on block it won't trade hits with an opponent's 4 frame startup attack.下轻拳的快速取消时间现在更快了,在格挡上,它不会用对手的4帧启动攻击来交换命中率。
                              Overdrive Yoga Flame (↓↘→+2 Punches)OD瑜伽烈焰(↓↘→+PP)
                              Due to the rapid cancel timing for light attacks, it wasn't possible to connect with the combo 'Standing Light Punch -> Standing Light Punch -> Crouching Light Punch -> Overdrive Yoga Flame -> Light Yoga Inferno' against a standing opponent at point blank range, so we've made adjustments to cover that point.由于轻型攻击的取消时间很快,在近距离内无法与站立对手的组合“站立轻拳->站立轻拳->下轻拳->站立OD瑜伽烈焰->轻型瑜伽炼狱”连接,因此我们进行了调整以覆盖这一点。
                              Standing Light Punch站立轻拳
                              Rapid cancel timing to Crouching Light Punch is now 1 frame faster.快速取消下轻拳的时间现在快了1帧。
                              Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
                              Drive Gauge increase changed from 2500 to 4000.斗气槽从2500增加到4000。
                              Crouching Heavy Punch蹲重拳
                              Drive Gauge increase changed from 2500 to 3500.斗气槽从2500增加到3500。
                              Agile Kick灵敏踢
                              (↙+Light Kick)(↙+ 轻脚)
                              Rapid cancel timing to Crouching Light Punch is now 1 frame faster.
                              Overdrive Yoga Fire OD瑜伽火球
                              (↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
                              Blowback distance on the 2nd attack reduced.第二次攻击的反击距离缩短。
                              Overdrive Yoga Arc OD瑜伽弧线
                              (↓↘→+Two Kicks)(↓↘→+Two Kicks)
                              Relaxed detection for making projectiles disappear when they leave the camera's view when in the center of the stage.当飞行道具在舞台中央离开相机视野时,使其消失的宽松检测。 This change does not apply to the corners of the stage.此更改不适用于该阶段的板边。
                              Aerial Yoga Teleport空中瑜伽瞬移
                              (← or →+Two Punches or Two Kicks)(←或→+PP或KK)
                              Collision pushbox now comes out 1 frame faster after teleporting.传送后,碰撞推送盒现在会快1帧。
                              This change was done to mitigate situations where Dhalsim would be facing the wrong direction when the opponent is in the corner and Dhalsim tries to teleport behind them.这一变化是为了减轻当对手在板边中并且达尔西姆试图在他们身后传送时达尔西姆将面对错误方向的情况。

                              IP属地:广东33楼2024-12-02 14:29