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Adjustment Summary调整汇总
Rashid had the ability to counterstrike for big damage in too many situations so we've taken a look at adjusting that aspect.拉希德有能力在太多情况下反击大伤害,所以我们已经考虑过调整这一方面。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer (↓↘→+Two Punches)OD回旋搅(↓↘→+ PP)
The situation after hit was far too good for Rashid, as he could use either Drive Rush or call upon Super Art 2 Ysaar to create great opportunities for himself.击中后的情况对拉希德来说太好了,因为他可以利用绿冲或呼吁超级必杀技2龙卷风为自己创造巨大的机会。
Although it'll depend where the hit takes place, it was also possible to send the opponent into the corner while recovering Drive gauge, which was too advantageous for Rashid, so we've made adjustments to make it more difficult to create offensive opportunities after this attack hits.虽然这取决于命中发生的位置,但也有可能在恢复斗气槽的同时将对手送入板边,这对拉希德来说太有利了,所以我们做出了调整,使这次攻击命中后更难创造进攻机会。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kid (↓↘→↓↘→+K)超级必杀技1个超级拉希德踢(↓↘→↓↘→+K)
Because this attack is also a powerful defensive measure due to its side switching ability, Rashid's advantage after this hits is now lessended so it's more difficult for him to lay on the pressure.因为这次攻击也是一种强大的防御措施,因为它的能力,这次攻击后的优势现在减弱了,所以他更难施加压力。
Side Flip (→+Two Kicks)侧边翻转(→+KK)
Side Flip's adjustment was made in order to make it more difficult for it to avoid an opponent's Drive Reversal.侧边翻转的调整是为了让它更难避开对手的斗气反攻。 By combining his powerful Cancel Drive Rush capabilities with Side Flip, it was possible to have Side Flip be performed only when the opponent performed their Drive Revesal.通过将他强大的取消绿冲能力与侧边翻转能力相结合,只有当对手完成斗气Revesal时,才有可能完成侧边翻转。 There are other characters who have similar capabilities, but considering Rashid's Crouching Medium Kick prowess, the advantage he has after Drive Rush, and his options after Drive Rush, adding a Side Flip option into the mix was far too advantageous as a counter for Rashid.还有其他角色具有类似的能力,但考虑到拉希德的下中脚实力、绿冲之后的优势以及绿冲之后的选择,在组合中添加侧边翻转选项比拉希德的打康选项更有利。
Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
Drive Gauge increase changed from 3000 to 4000.斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
(→+Punch during Run)(在奔跑期间→+拳)
Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
Side Flip侧边翻转
(→+Two Kicks)(→+KK)
1. 1. Collision pushbox now disappears 2 frames later.碰撞按钮现在在2帧后消失。
2. 2. Updated the technique so that Rashid does not completely overlap with the opponent when performing this technique while the opponent is in the corner.更新了技能,使拉希德在对手处于板边时执行此技能时不会与对手完全重叠。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer OD回旋搅
(↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
1. 1. Reduced blowback time when the final attack hits.减少最后一次攻击时的反击时间。
2. 2. Reduced blowback distance when the final attack hits.当最后一次攻击击中时,反击距离缩短。
3. 3. Increased knockdown time by 5 frames when the final attack doesn't hit.当最后一次攻击没有击中时,击倒时间增加了5帧。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kick超级必杀技1超级拉希德踢
(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
Advantage when cinematic is triggered on a grounded hit changed from +11 to +1 frame.当固定命中从+11帧变为+1帧时触发电影效果的优势。

IP属地:广东34楼2024-12-02 14:32
    Adjustment Summary调整汇总
    In order to give some attention to A.K.I.为了对阿鬼给予一些关注。's Toxic Blossom combos, we've slightly relaxed the follow-up attack conditions for her combos that were previously quite strict, and increased her combo routes.对于她的组合,我们稍微放宽了之前相当严格的后续攻击条件,并增加了她的组合路线。
    Heavy Serpent Lash (↓↘→+Heavy Punch)重型蛇头鞭(↓↘→+ HP)
    We've adjusted this attack so that follow-up attack limitations are relaxed when Toxic Blossom is triggered, giving her the ability to follow-up more during combos.我们已经调整了这种攻击,以便在触发毒爆时放宽后续攻击限制,使她能够在组合中进行更多的后续攻击。 As an example, in the corner of the stage, after Overdrive Nightshade Pulse > Heavy Serpent Lash, etc. you can follow-up with any attack other than a Super Art.例如,在阶段的板边中,在OD紫烟炮>重蛇头鞭等之后,您可以跟进除超级必杀技之外的任何攻击。
    Heavy Cruel Fate (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)重型凶袭刺(↓↙←+ HK)
    If you hit a mid-air opponent with this, the height of their jump would determine if you could follow-up with Heavy Serpent Lash or not, but this was difficult for players to judge and if you missed, the opponent would get a juicy counter attack opportunitiy.如果你用这个击中了一个空中对手,他们跳跃的高度将决定你是否可以继续使用重型蛇头鞭,但这对玩家来说很难判断,如果你错过了,对手将获得一个多汁的打康攻击机会。 So, we've made an adjustment to ensure that Heavy Serpent Lash will not miss even if the opponent's jump is low to the ground.因此,我们进行了调整,以确保即使对手的跳跃低到地面,Heavy蛇头鞭也不会错过。
    Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
    Drive Gauge increase changed from 2000 to 3000.斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
    Heavy Serpent Lash重蛇头鞭
    (↓↘→+Heavy Punch)(↓↘→+ HP)
    Reduced combo count additional value when Toxic Blossom is triggered.触发毒爆时,组合计数减少,附加值增加。
    Heavy Cruel Fate重凶袭刺
    (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)(↓↙←+重脚)
    Increased blowback time when the final attack hits a mid-air opponent.当最后一次攻击击中空中对手时,反击时间增加。

    IP属地:广东35楼2024-12-02 14:35
      Conceptually Ed is a strong mid-range fighter, but many of his long-range attacks gave him a good return and this proved to be too oppressing.从概念上讲,爱德是一个强大的中距离格斗手,但他的许多远程攻击给了他很好的回报,这被证明过于压迫。 For this balance adjustment, we reviewed the risk of those spacing tools that lead to a lot of damage, and slightly adjusted attacks and combos used when on the defensive, which will reduce his ability to turn the tide of battle when fighting in close quarters.对于这次平衡调整,我们重新审视了那些能够造成大量伤害的控制距离工具,并对防守时使用的攻击和连击进行了轻微调整,这将减少他在近距离作战时翻盘的能力。
      Standing Medium Kick/Crouching Medium Kick站立中脚/下中脚
      Against a lot of characters this attack was able to take the initiative in encounters, and from a cancel the damage was good, so we decided to increase the risk when the attack whiffs.针对很多角色这次攻击能够在遭遇战中采取主动,并且从取消伤害来看效果很好,所以我们决定在攻击空挥时增加风险。 Now on whiff, it's easier for the opponent to take their turn, forcing Ed players to be more careful when throwing this out.现在在空挥上,对手更容易轮到自己,迫使爱德玩家在投掷时更加小心。
      Kill Rush (Backwards) (←+Two Kicks)诛杀步(向后)(←+KK)
      The hurtbox during the technique is expanded forward, making Ed more susceptible to an attack if they try to step back after holding on to Psycho Flicker and are late or predictable with their decision.技能期间的hurtbox向前扩展,如果他们在坚持精神力闪刺拳后试图后退,并且他们的决定很晚或可以预测,那么爱德更容易受到攻击。 Other tactics such as going from a normal attack to Psycho Flicker, then reading the situation and performing Kill Rush (Backwards) are also more vulnerable to a well-placed Drive Impact from the opponent.其他战术,如从普通攻击变为精神力闪刺拳,然后阅读情况并执行杀戮冲刺(向后),也更容易受到对手位置有利的斗气迸放的攻击。
      Crouching Light Kick下轻脚
      This attack featured great startup and range, and on hit it gave you a really nice return, which made it too good in defensive situations.这次攻击具有很好的启动和范围,击中它给了你一个非常好的回报,这使得它在防守情况下表现得太好了。 With this adjustment, we've made it so that Crouching Light Kick can't hit again on counterhit, so it's harder to get a return when stopping an opponent's offense.通过这一调整,我们已经做到了让克劳辛在反击中无法再次命中,所以在阻止对手进攻时更难获得反击。 Please note that there are no changes to this move when used consecutively during a cancel.请注意,在取消过程中连续使用时,此移动不会发生变化。
      Overdrive Psycho Blitz (↓↙←+Two Punches)OD精神力闪攻(↓↙←+PP)
      Considering how good the return is when this attack lands, we've made adjustments so that Ed can be counterattacked by a light attack when this attack is blocked, and also increased the distance traveled during the first attack.考虑到这次攻击击中的回报有多好,我们进行了调整,以便在这次攻击hurtbox时,爱德可以通过轻微攻击进行反击,并且还增加了第一次攻击时的行进距离。 While the risk of canceling during a block has increased, it should be easier to put together combos from a further distance now.虽然取消格挡的风险增加了,但现在从更远的距离组合应该更容易。
      Super Art 2 Psycho Cannon超级必杀技2精神力炮弹
      We've made adjustments so that the Drive gauge reduction for the opponent happens during the final stage of the attack.我们已经进行了调整,以便在进攻的最后阶段对对手进行斗气槽的减少。 When starting combos with this attack with Ed's back to the corner, he's able to get high damage, and he can gradually chipping away at the opponent's Drive Gauge while recovering his own.当用这种攻击开始组合时,他能够获得很高的伤害,他可以在恢复自己的同时逐渐削弱对手的伤害。 This gauge disparity gives Ed far too much of an advantage after the combo.这种槽的差异在组合后给了爱德太多的优势。 While the weakening of combo-starting attacks doesn't change the damage, the opponent can now recover Drive during long combos, so the gauge disparity won't be as big as before.虽然连发攻击的减弱不会改变伤害,但对手现在可以在长连发中恢复斗气,因此槽差距不会像以前那么大。
      Drive Reversal斗气反攻
      Bug Fix错误修复
      Fixed an issue where the overlap collision hitbox would expand in situations other than a block or parry.修复了重叠碰撞受击框在格挡或parry以外的情况下会扩展的问题。
      Crouching Light Kick下轻脚
      1. 1. Recovery changed from 11 to 12 frames.恢复从11帧变为 12帧。
      2. 2. Advantage on hit changed from +3 to +2 frames.命中优势从+3变为+2帧。
      3. 3. Expanded the hurtbox forward on the 18th frame.在第18帧向前扩展hurtbox。
      Standing Medium Kick站中脚
      1. 1. Increased recovery by 2 frames when the attack misses.当攻击失败时,恢复时间增加2帧。
      2. 2. Expanded the hurtbox forward from frames 25-31 when the attack misses.当进攻失误时,将hurtbox从第25-31帧向前扩展。
      Crouching Medium Kick下中脚
      1. 1. Increased recovery by 1 frame when the attack misses.当攻击失败时,恢复时间增加1帧。
      2. 2. Expanded the hurtbox forward from frames 24-25 when the attack misses.当进攻失误时,将hurtbox从第24-25帧向前扩展。
      Cobra Punch眼镜蛇拳
      (→+Heavy Punch)(→+重拳)
      Drive Gauge increase changed from 3000 to 4000.斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
      Psycho Flicker (Normal)精神力闪刺拳(普通)
      (↓↘→+ Kick)(↓↘→+ Kick)
      Changed the timing when the hurtbox extends forward from the point when moving to the attack, to when the technique begins.将hurtbox从移动到攻击点向前延伸的时间更改为技能开始的时间。
      Kill Rush (Backward)诛杀步(后方)
      (←+Two Kicks)(←+KK)
      Extended the hurtbox forward.将hurtbox向前扩展。
      Overdrive Psycho Blitz OD精神力闪攻
      (↓↙←+Two Punches)(↓↙←+PP)
      1. 1. Increased the distance moved forward before the attack comes out.在进攻出现之前,增加了前进的距离。
      2. 2. Disadvantage on block changed from -3 to -4 frames.块上的劣势从-3帧变为-4帧。
      3. 3. Reduced pushback on block.在格挡上减少了后退。
      Super Art 2 Light Psycho Cannon超级必杀技2光精神力炮弹
      (↓↙←↓↙←+Light Punch)(↓↙←↓↙←+ 轻拳)
      Drive Gauge reduction on hit changed from 1400 x 6+1600 to 0 x 6+10000.斗气槽减少击中从1400 x 6+1600变为0 x 6+10000。

      IP属地:广东36楼2024-12-02 14:39
        Adjustment Summary调整汇总
        Akuma's concept is that he's a glass cannon that has high damage specs but low vitality.豪鬼的概念是,他是一门玻璃大炮,具有高伤害规格但低血量。 However, due to Akuma's great mobility and attacks it was very difficult for opponents to choose the correct option to deal with him, which resulted in Akuma being a more stable character than intended.然而,由于豪鬼的机动性和攻击性很强,对手很难选择正确的选项来对付他,这导致豪鬼比预期的更稳定。 So, we took a look at his abilities primarily in the neutral game.因此,我们主要在立回游戏中考察了他的能力。
        Backward Walk后走
        There were many characters who had few ways to counter a defensive Akuma who could retreat and throw out moves to keep opponents at bay, so we've slowed down his movement speed when he moves backward.有很多角色人几乎没有办法打康防守豪鬼,他们可以撤退并抛出动作来阻止对手,所以当他向后移动时,我们放慢了他的移动速度。 This will make it more difficult for him to maintain his favored space and also make it more difficult to adjust his spacing.这将使他更难保持他喜欢的空间,也使调整他的间距变得更加困难。
        Resso Snap Kick (→+Medium Kick)裂枪脚(→+中脚)
        Considering the excellent reach on this move, as well as its overall recovery, we increased the risk on it if it misses the opponent.考虑到这一动作的出色表现及其整体恢复,如果它错过了对手,我们增加了它的风险。
        Gou Hadoken (↓↘→+Punch)豪波动拳(↓↘→+ P)
        We've looked at increasing the number of ways opponents can deal with this attack, as it was harder to deal with this compared to other projectiles thanks to its speed and animation.我们已经研究了增加对手应对这种攻击的方式,因为与其他飞行道具相比,由于其速度和动画,这种攻击更难处理。 Although it's difficult to react to the attack, it's now easier to hit Akuma using projectile invincible attacks or jumping attacks from range.虽然很难对攻击做出反应,但现在使用对波无敌技或从距离上跳跃攻击更容易击中豪鬼。
        Demon Swoop (Hold ↓ during Demon Raid)百鬼潜影(在百鬼袭期间保持↓)
        Even if opponents were able to read that a Demon Swoop was incoming, it was extremely difficult for opponents to guarantee themselves an attack upon landing, which is one of the reasons why Akuma players who are being chased could switch sides so easily.即使对手能够解读到百鬼潜影即将到来,对手也很难保证自己会攻击击中,这也是被追捕的豪鬼玩家人如此容易换边的原因之一。 To remedy this we've increased the landing recovery of this technique when Akuma jumps over his opponent.为了解决这个问题,我们增加了豪鬼跳过对手时技能的击中恢复。
        Overdrive Tatsumaki Zanku-kyaku (↓↙←+Two Kicks)OD龙卷斩空腿(↓↙←+KK)
        After using this in a mid-air combo, we've adjusted so that Akuma won't be susceptible to a counter attack if they miss the Light Gou Shoryuken follow-up due to the height of the opponent.在使用这个空中连击后,我们进行了调整,以确保如果由于对手的高度导致轻豪升龙拳后续攻击miss,Akuma不会容易受到反击。
        Assisted Combo 2 (Burnout included)辅助连招2(包括枯竭)
        Bug Fix错误修复
        Fixed an issue where simplified input scaling would be applied when buffering attacks during Adamant Flame.修复了在金刚灼火期间缓冲攻击时应用简化输入修正的问题。
        Backward Walk后走
        Walk speed reduced.行走速度降低。
        Crouching Medium Kick下中脚
        Window to cancel into a Drive Impact is now 2 frames faster.取消到斗气迸放的窗口现在快了2帧。
        Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
        Universal Adjustment普遍调整
        1. 1. Distance Akuma is pushed back when attack is block is reduced.当攻击格挡减少时,距离豪鬼被推回。
        2. 2. Pushback on block reduced.阻击减少。
        Resso Snap Kick裂枪脚
        (→+Medium Kick)(→+中脚)
        1. 1. Recovery when the attack misses changed from 30 to 31 frames.攻击失误时的恢复从30帧变为31帧。
        2. 2. Expanded the hurtbox forward from frames 30-31 when the attack misses.当进攻失误时,将hurtbox从第 30-31帧向前扩展。
        Tenmaku Blade Kick天魔空刃脚
        (↓+Medium Kick during a jump)(跳跃时↓+中脚)
        Drive Gauge increase changed from 2000 to 3000.斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
        Gou Hadoken (Normal/Overdrive)豪波动拳(普通/OD)
        (↓↘→+P or Two Punches)(↓↘→+P或PP)
        Expanded the hurtbox forward after attack startup.攻击启动后,将hurtbox向前扩展。
        Overdrive Gou Shoryuken OD豪升龙拳
        (→↓↘+Two Punches)(→↓↘+PP)
        Changed damage from 1900 to 1700.伤害从1900改为 1700。
        Overdrive Tatsumaki Zanku-kyaku OD龙卷斩空腿
        (↓↙←+Two Kicks)(↓↙←+ KK)
        Knockdown time on hit increased by 1 frame.击倒时间击中增加了1帧。
        Light Demon Raid轻百鬼袭
        (↓↘→+Light Kick)(↓↘→+轻脚)
        Updated to match other strengths of the technique so that movement speed changes when jumping over the opponent.更新以匹配技能的其他力量,以便在跳过对手时改变移动速度。
        Demon Swoop百鬼潜影
        (Hold ↓ during Demon Raid)(在百鬼袭期间保持↓)
        Added 5 frames of landing recovery when jumping over the opponent.在跳过对手时增加了5帧击中恢复。

        IP属地:广东37楼2024-12-02 14:45
          Adjustment Summary调整汇总
          We've tuned down M. Bison's ability to do high damage combos and to chip away at an opponent's Drive gauge.我们已经降低了城管进行高伤害连击和削弱对手斗气槽的能力。 His overall gameplan hasn't changed greatly, but we've looked to adjust him so that he doesn't use his high powered offense to bully his way in.他的整体战术没有发生太大变化,但我们进行了调整,使他不会过度依赖强力攻击来压制对手,进而轻松突破防线。
          Overdrive Double Knee Press (↓↘→+KK) / Overdrive Psycho Crusher (Psycho Mine embedded (Charge ←, then →+PP)OD双膝爆(↓↘→+KK)/OD心精神力旋冲击(精神力雷弹嵌入(蓄力←,然后→+PP)
          We've revamped the damage and scaling on these, whether or not a Psycho Mine is embedded, to put a cap on his high combo damage.我们已经对伤害进行了改进,无论是否嵌入了精神力雷弹,都对这些伤害进行了修正,以限制他的高组合伤害。
          Additionally, taking into account that Bison can continue with his offensive when Psycho Crusher is blocked while a Psycho Mine is embedded, we reduced the amount of Drive gauge the opponent loses.此外,考虑到当精神力旋冲击为格挡而精神力雷弹嵌入时,Bison可以继续进攻,我们减少了对手的损失斗气槽。
          Evil Knee (←+Heavy Kick)邪恶之膝(←+重脚)
          We reduced the amount of Drive gauge the opponent loses when they block this attack.我们减少了对手在本次攻击中损失的斗气槽。 This attack allows Bison to move forward while keeping him at an advantage, giving Bison players a lot of chances to use it.这种攻击允许Bison向前移动,同时保持他的优势,给Bison玩家很多机会使用它。 When blocked, it took a lot of Drive away from the opponent and when it hit, they took a lot of damage.当格挡时,它从对手身上夺走了很多斗气,当它击中时,他们受到了很大的伤害。 This interaction gave Bison too much of an advantage, so we decided to adjust the reel in the Drive gauge advantages.这种互动给了Bison太多的优势,所以我们决定在斗气槽优势中调整卷轴。
          Shadow Rise (Charge ↓, then ↑+Kick) / Devil Reverse (Charge ↓, then↑+Kick > Punch)影升(蓄力↓,然后↑+踢腿)/逆魔破(蓄力↓,然后↑+踢>拳)
          This technique's ability to change its attack timing and trajectory made it difficult to deal with, and even if the opponent tried to hit Bison out of the air, there were too many situations where Bison could just avoid the attack and counter.这种技能改变攻击时机和轨迹的能力使其难以应对,即使对手试图从空中击中Bison,也有太多的情况下Bison可以避开攻击,打康也可以。 To counter this we've expanded the overall hurtbox on the technique and shrunk the attack hitbox, so it loses more often to an opponent's aerial or ground attacks.对于打康,我们在技能上扩大了整体hurtbox,并缩小了攻击受击框,因此它更容易输给对手的空中或地面攻击。
          Additionally, when a Psycho Mine is embedded and Bison performed Devil Reverse, it was more difficult to keep on the offensive compared to the non-Mine version, so we've adjusted his recovery so that after landing, he doesn't have to lose out on a chance for an offensive push, even if he has to dash in for it.此外,当一个精神力雷弹被嵌入并Bison执行逆魔破时,与非Mine版本相比,保持进攻更加困难,所以我们调整了他的恢复,这样在击中之后,他就不必失去进攻推的机会,即使他必须冲进去。
          Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
          Universal Adjustment普遍调整
          Disadvantage on block changed from -11 to -12 frames.块上的劣势从-11帧变为-12帧。
          Jumping Light Kick跳轻脚
          Updated cross-up attack hitbox and extended it backwards to match the hitbox length of jumping medium kick.更新了交叉攻击受击框,并将其向后扩展以匹配跳跃中脚的长度受击框。
          Evil Knee邪恶之膝
          (←+Heavy Kick)(←+重脚)
          Changed Drive Gauge reduction on block from 5000 to 3000.将格挡的斗气槽缩减从5000更改为3000。
          Psycho Crusher Attack (Medium/Heavy)精神力旋冲击(中等/重型)
          (Charge ←, then →+P)(蓄力←,然后→+P)
          1. 1. Changed Drive Gauge increase on the medium version from 2500 to 3500.将中等版本的斗气槽增加从2500增加到3500。
          2. 2. Changed Drive Gauge increase on the heavy version from 3000 to 5000.将重型版本的斗气槽增加从3000增加到5000。
          Overdrive Psycho Crusher Attack OD精神力旋冲击
          (Charge ←, then →+Two Punches)(蓄力←,然后→+PP)
          1. 1. Changed damage when Psycho Mine is embedded from 2000 to 1600.当精神力雷弹从2000年嵌入到1600年时,伤害发生了变化。
          2. 2. Changed Drive Gauge reduction on block from 10000 to 5000.将格挡上的斗气槽减少从10000更改为5000。
          Overdrive Double Knee Press OD双膝爆
          (↓↘→+Two Kicks)(↓↘→+Two Kicks)
          Changed combo scaling from 10% to 20%将组合修正从10%更改为20%
          Shadow Rise (Normal)影升(普通)
          (Charge ↓, then ↑+ Kick)(蓄力↓,然后↑+踢)
          Added a hurtbox around the feet during the jump.在跳跃过程中,在脚周围添加了一个hurtbox。
          This new hurtbox is invincible to projectiles.这个新的hurtbox是无敌的飞行道具。
          Devil Reverse (Normal)
          (Charge ↓, then ↑+Kick > Punch)(蓄力↓,然后↑+踢>拳)
          Bug Fix错误修复
          Fixed an issue where the embedded Psycho Mine would not detonate when the attack hits or is blocked at its lowest possible altitude.修复了嵌入式精神力雷弹在攻击击中或格挡处于最低可能高度时不会引爆的问题。
          1. 1. Reduced the downward attack hitbox.减少了向下攻击受击框。
          2. 2. From the 9th frame of the technique until Bison lands, the hurtbox around the body is expanded sideways.从技能的第9帧到Bison击中,身体周围的hurtbox向侧面膨胀。
          3. 3. During the attack's active frames, the hurtbox around the arms is expanded downwards and sideways.在攻击的活跃帧中,手臂周围的hurtbox向下和侧向展开。
          4. 4. When a Psycho Mine is embedded, the recovery on the final attack on block changed from 23 to 27 frames.当嵌入精神力雷弹时,对格挡的最终攻击的恢复从23帧变为27帧。
          5. 5. When a Psycho Mine is embedded, landing recovery changed from 9 to 8 frames.当嵌入精神力雷弹时,击中恢复从9帧变为8帧。

          IP属地:广东38楼2024-12-02 14:50
            Adjustment Summary调整汇总
            Terry has been given some adjustments to improve his attack proficiency at mid to close range, and to brush up some spots we felt were difficult to use.特瑞已经进行了一些调整,以提高他在中近距离的攻击能力,并填补了一些我们觉得难以使用的位置。 The aim is to make him easier to handle, as well as bringing out his personality a bit more.目的是让他更容易处理,同时更多地展现他的个性。
            Crouching Medium Punch蹲中拳
            On punish counter this could combo into Heavy Power Charge for big damage, but there were some ranges where it wouldn't connect, leading to dropped combos.在确反康上,这可能会组合成重型Power Charge,造成较大伤害,但有些范围无法连接,导致组合掉落。 We've adjusted it so when attacking the main hurtbox Heavy Power Charge is guaranteed to combo.我们已经调整了它,所以当攻击主hurtbox重Power Charge时,可以保证组合。
            Please note that if the attack hits a hurtbox that comes out in front of the main hurtbox, it still may not connect for a combo.请注意,如果攻击击中主hurtbox前面的hurtbox,它仍然可能无法连接到组合。 Standing Light Kick and Standing Medium Punch can now reach targets easier, so your options there are also improved at close range.站立轻脚和站立中拳现在可以更容易地到达目标,因此您在近距离的选择也得到了改善。
            Light Power Charge (↓↘→+Light Kick)轻Power Charge(↓↘→+ LK)
            Due to the reduced pushback on hit with Crouching Medium Punch, the attack hitbox on the 1st frame has been reduced in order to not decrease situations where you're aiming to hit during active frames.由于蹲中拳减少了后退击中,第一帧上的攻击受击框也减少了,这样就不会减少你在活动帧中瞄准的情况。
            Medium Power Wave (↓↘→+Medium Punch)Medium Power Wave(↓↘→+中拳)
            To make it easier to use as a zoning attack as compensation for the range on his normal attacks, the hurtbox before the attack's startup has been reduced.为了更容易将其用作分区攻击,以补偿其普通攻击的范围,攻击启动前的hurtbox已被减少。
            Overdrive Crack Shoot / Overdrive Burning Knuckle / Super Art 2 - Power Geyser OD Crack Shoot/OD Burning Knuckle/超级必杀技2 -Power Geyser
            There were times when a follow-up attack wasn't always guaranteed when these attacks hit a mid-air opponent, so we've made adjustments to mitigate those situations.有时,当这些攻击击中空中对手时,并不总是能保证后续攻击,所以我们做出了调整来缓解这些情况。
            Super Art 2 - Power Geyser (↓↙←↙→+Medium Kick+Heavy Punch)超级必杀技2 -Power Geyser(↓↙←↙→+中脚+重拳)
            We designed this attack so players have an easier time performing it, but that also introduced times when it was performed with slightly incorrect inputs.我们设计这种攻击是为了让玩家更容易执行它,但这也引入了使用稍微不正确的输入执行它的时间。 The conditions for this command input were more lax than what was necessary, and sometimes being performed with completely different commands (such as ↘↙↘), so the attack has been updated to require a ↓↙← input.此命令输入的条件比必要的条件更宽松,有时使用完全不同的命令执行(例如↘↙↘), 因此,攻击已更新为需要↓↙← 输入。
            Assisted Combo 1辅助连击1
            Bug Fix错误修复
            Fixed an issue where if the 2nd attack lands on super armor, the 3rd attack would not be performed.修复了一个问题,即如果对霸体进行第二次攻击击中,则不会执行第三次攻击。
            Standing Heavy Punch站重拳
            1. 1. Changed disadvantage on block from -1 to +1.将格挡上的劣势从-1改为+1。
            2. 2. Overall length of the technique on block reduced by 2 frames.格挡上技能的总长度减少了2帧。
            This adjustment was made in order to ensure that there are no timing differences whether the attack is blocked or hits.进行此调整是为了确保无论攻击是格挡还是命中,都没有时间差异。
            3. 3. Increased input buffer time on hit by 2 frames.输入缓冲时间击中增加了2帧。
            Crouching Medium Punch蹲中拳
            Reduced pushback on hit.命中减少后退。
            Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
            Updated so that the attack hitbox that hits a grounded opponent is lower, and can't be absorbed by upper body super armor.更新后,击中地面对手的攻击受击框较低,无法被上身霸体吸收。
            Power Dunk
            (Medium Punch > Heavy Kick > Heavy Kick)(中拳>重脚>重脚)
            Updated the effects and hit sound on a clean hit.更新了干净命中的效果和击中音效。
            Medium Power Wave
            (↓↘→+Medium Punch)(↓↘→+中拳)
            Hurtbox expansion timing changed from the 16th to 18th frame. hurtbox扩展时间从第16帧更改为第18帧。
            Round Wave
            (↓↘→+Heavy Punch)(↓↘→+ HP)
            1. 1. Overall technique length changed from 53 to 51 frames.整体技术长度从53帧变为 51帧。
            Recovery on a grounded block or hit has not changed.接地格挡或命中的恢复没有改变。
            2. 2. Drive Gauge reduction on block changed from 5000 to 7000.格挡的斗气槽减少从5000改为7000。
            Light Power Charge
            (↓↘→+Light Kick)(↓↘→+轻脚)
            Reduced attack hitbox on the 1st active frame of the attack.在攻击的第一个活动帧上减少攻击受击框。
            Crack Shoot
            (↓↙←+Light Kick)(↓↙←+轻脚)
            Drive Gauge reduction on block changed from 2000 to 2500.格挡的斗气槽减少从2000减少到2500。
            Medium Crack Shoot
            (↓↙←+Medium Kick)(↓↙←+中脚)
            1. 1. Advantage on hit changed from +1 to +3 frames.命中优势从+ 1变为+ 3帧。
            2. 2. Changed behavior on a grounded counter hit from knockback to hard knockdown.将接地打康击球的行为从击倒改为硬击倒。
            3. 3. Drive Gauge reduction on block changed from 2500 to 3500.格挡的斗气槽减少从2500改为3500。
            4. 4. Fixed an issue where the knockback time was longer when the attack hit a grounded opponent on the 5th active frame.修复了当攻击在第5个活动帧击中一个停飞的对手时,回击时间较长的问题。
            Heavy Crack Shoot
            (↓↙←+Heavy Kick)(↓↙←+重脚)
            1. 1. Changed Drive Gauge increase on the final attack from 2000 to 3000.将最后一次攻击的斗气槽增加从2000改为3000。
            2. 2. Changed Drive Gauge reduction on block from 4000 to 5000.将格挡的斗气槽缩减从4000更改为 5000。
            Overdrive Crack Shoot
            (↓↙←+Two Kicks)(↓↙←+ KK)
            Reduced horizontal blowback on a mid-air hit.减少了空中打击时的水平反冲。
            Overdrive Burning Knuckle
            (↓↙←+Two Punches)(↓↙←+PP)
            1. 1. Reduced blowback on a mid-air hit.减少了空中打击的反冲。
            2. 2. Changed Drive Gauge reduction on block from 6000 to 8000.将格挡的斗气槽缩减从6000更改为 8000。
            Super Art 2 Power Geyser
            1. 1. Expanded the attack hitbox that appears only during a combo.扩展了仅在组合中出现的攻击受击框。
            2. 2. Reduced horizontal blowback.减少水平反冲。
            3. 3. Expanded the Twin Geyser attack hitbox.扩展了Twin Geyser攻击受击框。
            Super Art 2 Power Geyser
            (↓↙←↙→+Medium Kick,Heavy Punch)(↓↙←↙→+中脚,重拳)
            Technique would be performed even without the ↓↙← input, so the conditions for performing the technique have been made stricter.技能即使没有↓也会执行↙← 输入,因此执行技能的条件变得更加严格。

            IP属地:广东39楼2024-12-02 15:04

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