Adjustment Summary调整汇总
Rashid had the ability to counterstrike for big damage in too many situations so we've taken a look at adjusting that aspect.拉希德有能力在太多情况下反击大伤害,所以我们已经考虑过调整这一方面。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer (↓↘→+Two Punches)OD回旋搅(↓↘→+ PP)
The situation after hit was far too good for Rashid, as he could use either Drive Rush or call upon Super Art 2 Ysaar to create great opportunities for himself.击中后的情况对拉希德来说太好了,因为他可以利用绿冲或呼吁超级必杀技2龙卷风为自己创造巨大的机会。
Although it'll depend where the hit takes place, it was also possible to send the opponent into the corner while recovering Drive gauge, which was too advantageous for Rashid, so we've made adjustments to make it more difficult to create offensive opportunities after this attack hits.虽然这取决于命中发生的位置,但也有可能在恢复斗气槽的同时将对手送入板边,这对拉希德来说太有利了,所以我们做出了调整,使这次攻击命中后更难创造进攻机会。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kid (↓↘→↓↘→+K)超级必杀技1个超级拉希德踢(↓↘→↓↘→+K)
Because this attack is also a powerful defensive measure due to its side switching ability, Rashid's advantage after this hits is now lessended so it's more difficult for him to lay on the pressure.因为这次攻击也是一种强大的防御措施,因为它的能力,这次攻击后的优势现在减弱了,所以他更难施加压力。
Side Flip (→+Two Kicks)侧边翻转(→+KK)
Side Flip's adjustment was made in order to make it more difficult for it to avoid an opponent's Drive Reversal.侧边翻转的调整是为了让它更难避开对手的斗气反攻。 By combining his powerful Cancel Drive Rush capabilities with Side Flip, it was possible to have Side Flip be performed only when the opponent performed their Drive Revesal.通过将他强大的取消绿冲能力与侧边翻转能力相结合,只有当对手完成斗气Revesal时,才有可能完成侧边翻转。 There are other characters who have similar capabilities, but considering Rashid's Crouching Medium Kick prowess, the advantage he has after Drive Rush, and his options after Drive Rush, adding a Side Flip option into the mix was far too advantageous as a counter for Rashid.还有其他角色具有类似的能力,但考虑到拉希德的下中脚实力、绿冲之后的优势以及绿冲之后的选择,在组合中添加侧边翻转选项比拉希德的打康选项更有利。
Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
Drive Gauge increase changed from 3000 to 4000.斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
(→+Punch during Run)(在奔跑期间→+拳)
Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
Side Flip侧边翻转
(→+Two Kicks)(→+KK)
1. 1. Collision pushbox now disappears 2 frames later.碰撞按钮现在在2帧后消失。
2. 2. Updated the technique so that Rashid does not completely overlap with the opponent when performing this technique while the opponent is in the corner.更新了技能,使拉希德在对手处于板边时执行此技能时不会与对手完全重叠。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer OD回旋搅
(↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
1. 1. Reduced blowback time when the final attack hits.减少最后一次攻击时的反击时间。
2. 2. Reduced blowback distance when the final attack hits.当最后一次攻击击中时,反击距离缩短。
3. 3. Increased knockdown time by 5 frames when the final attack doesn't hit.当最后一次攻击没有击中时,击倒时间增加了5帧。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kick超级必杀技1超级拉希德踢
(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
Advantage when cinematic is triggered on a grounded hit changed from +11 to +1 frame.当固定命中从+11帧变为+1帧时触发电影效果的优势。
Adjustment Summary调整汇总
Rashid had the ability to counterstrike for big damage in too many situations so we've taken a look at adjusting that aspect.拉希德有能力在太多情况下反击大伤害,所以我们已经考虑过调整这一方面。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer (↓↘→+Two Punches)OD回旋搅(↓↘→+ PP)
The situation after hit was far too good for Rashid, as he could use either Drive Rush or call upon Super Art 2 Ysaar to create great opportunities for himself.击中后的情况对拉希德来说太好了,因为他可以利用绿冲或呼吁超级必杀技2龙卷风为自己创造巨大的机会。
Although it'll depend where the hit takes place, it was also possible to send the opponent into the corner while recovering Drive gauge, which was too advantageous for Rashid, so we've made adjustments to make it more difficult to create offensive opportunities after this attack hits.虽然这取决于命中发生的位置,但也有可能在恢复斗气槽的同时将对手送入板边,这对拉希德来说太有利了,所以我们做出了调整,使这次攻击命中后更难创造进攻机会。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kid (↓↘→↓↘→+K)超级必杀技1个超级拉希德踢(↓↘→↓↘→+K)
Because this attack is also a powerful defensive measure due to its side switching ability, Rashid's advantage after this hits is now lessended so it's more difficult for him to lay on the pressure.因为这次攻击也是一种强大的防御措施,因为它的能力,这次攻击后的优势现在减弱了,所以他更难施加压力。
Side Flip (→+Two Kicks)侧边翻转(→+KK)
Side Flip's adjustment was made in order to make it more difficult for it to avoid an opponent's Drive Reversal.侧边翻转的调整是为了让它更难避开对手的斗气反攻。 By combining his powerful Cancel Drive Rush capabilities with Side Flip, it was possible to have Side Flip be performed only when the opponent performed their Drive Revesal.通过将他强大的取消绿冲能力与侧边翻转能力相结合,只有当对手完成斗气Revesal时,才有可能完成侧边翻转。 There are other characters who have similar capabilities, but considering Rashid's Crouching Medium Kick prowess, the advantage he has after Drive Rush, and his options after Drive Rush, adding a Side Flip option into the mix was far too advantageous as a counter for Rashid.还有其他角色具有类似的能力,但考虑到拉希德的下中脚实力、绿冲之后的优势以及绿冲之后的选择,在组合中添加侧边翻转选项比拉希德的打康选项更有利。
Standing Heavy Kick站立重脚
Drive Gauge increase changed from 3000 to 4000.斗气槽从3000增加到4000。
(→+Punch during Run)(在奔跑期间→+拳)
Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
Side Flip侧边翻转
(→+Two Kicks)(→+KK)
1. 1. Collision pushbox now disappears 2 frames later.碰撞按钮现在在2帧后消失。
2. 2. Updated the technique so that Rashid does not completely overlap with the opponent when performing this technique while the opponent is in the corner.更新了技能,使拉希德在对手处于板边时执行此技能时不会与对手完全重叠。
Overdrive Spinning Mixer OD回旋搅
(↓↘→+Two Punches)(↓↘→+两个拳)
1. 1. Reduced blowback time when the final attack hits.减少最后一次攻击时的反击时间。
2. 2. Reduced blowback distance when the final attack hits.当最后一次攻击击中时,反击距离缩短。
3. 3. Increased knockdown time by 5 frames when the final attack doesn't hit.当最后一次攻击没有击中时,击倒时间增加了5帧。
Super Art 1 Super Rashid Kick超级必杀技1超级拉希德踢
(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)(↓↘→↓↘→+ Kick)
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
Advantage when cinematic is triggered on a grounded hit changed from +11 to +1 frame.当固定命中从+11帧变为+1帧时触发电影效果的优势。