Adjustment Summary调整汇总
Ken's appeal to players is great offense and ability to bully opponents into the corner, but we felt that he was able to do this even on the defensive, which made his comeback potential too strong.肯对玩家的吸引力在于强大的进攻和将对手拖入板边的能力,但我们觉得他即使在防守端也能做到这一点,这使得他的复出潜力太大了。 To counter that we've looked at containing how much he can get out of his invincible attacks.为了应对这一点,我们对他无敌攻击的效果进行了限制,控制他能从这些攻击中获得多少优势。
Overdrive Shoryuken (→↓↘+Two Punches) / Super Art 1 Dragonlash Flame OD升龙拳(→↓↘+PP) /超级必杀技1龙尾烈腿
Ken was able to benefit too much after either of these attacks hit, as he could send the opponent reeling back and then continue the pressure with Drive Rush, which combined with his great combos and throws to make him very scary.肯在这两次攻击中的任何一次命中后都受益匪浅,因为他可以让对手倒退,然后用绿冲继续施压,再加上他出色的连击和投掷,让他非常可怕。 For this update we've left his invincible attack as is, but after it connects it'll be more difficult for him to continue with pressure, which should help constrain how many opportunities he gets.对于这次更新,我们保持了他的无敌技不变,但在它连接后,他将更难继续承受压力,这应该有助于限制他获得的机会数量。
Back Throw后投
We've made following up this throw after it connects more difficult, as it has great corner carry ability.我们让在连接后跟进这次投掷变得更加困难,因为它有很好的推板能力。
Forward Step Kick (Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)前踏踢(重脚在奋迅腿期间)
We adjusted the hurtbox on this move as this move had more affinity than Jinrai Kick at close range.我们调整了这次移动的hurtbox,因为这次移动在近距离上比迅雷脚更有亲和力。 We also adjusted it to reduce its return, taking into consideration the low risk of this move due to light attacks adding initial scaling.我们还对其进行了调整,以减少其回报,考虑到由于轻度攻击增加了初始修正,因此此举的风险较低。 On the other hand, the amount of Drive gauge it gives has increased so we still think that it's going to be a useful attack when you're looking to get a resource advantage.另一方面,它提供的斗气槽数量已经增加,所以我们仍然认为,当你想要获得资源优势时,这将是一种有用的攻击。
Hell Wheel (back throw)地狱车(后投)
Increased the distance created after this throw is successful when the throwing player was in the corner.当投掷玩家在角落时,增加了投掷成功后产生的距离。
Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
Reduced pushback on block.在格挡上减少了后退。
Forward Step Kick前踏踢
(Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)(重脚期间奋迅腿)
1. 1. Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
2. 2. Extended the hurtbox forward during recovery.在恢复期间将hurtbox向前扩展。
3. 3. Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
Overdrive Shoryuken OD升龙拳
(→↓↘+Two Punches)(→↓↘+PP)
Decreased blowback time on hit.回吹时间缩短击中。
Heavy Jinrai Kick重型迅雷脚
(↓↘→+Heavy Kick)(↓↘ → +重脚)
Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
Super Art 1 - Dragonlash Flame超级必杀技1 -龙尾烈腿
(↓↙←↓↙←+ Kick)(↓↙←↓↙←+ 踢)
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
1. 1. Decreased blowback time on hit.
2. 2. Decreased knockdown time on hit.降低击倒时间击中。
Adjustment Summary调整汇总
Ken's appeal to players is great offense and ability to bully opponents into the corner, but we felt that he was able to do this even on the defensive, which made his comeback potential too strong.肯对玩家的吸引力在于强大的进攻和将对手拖入板边的能力,但我们觉得他即使在防守端也能做到这一点,这使得他的复出潜力太大了。 To counter that we've looked at containing how much he can get out of his invincible attacks.为了应对这一点,我们对他无敌攻击的效果进行了限制,控制他能从这些攻击中获得多少优势。
Overdrive Shoryuken (→↓↘+Two Punches) / Super Art 1 Dragonlash Flame OD升龙拳(→↓↘+PP) /超级必杀技1龙尾烈腿
Ken was able to benefit too much after either of these attacks hit, as he could send the opponent reeling back and then continue the pressure with Drive Rush, which combined with his great combos and throws to make him very scary.肯在这两次攻击中的任何一次命中后都受益匪浅,因为他可以让对手倒退,然后用绿冲继续施压,再加上他出色的连击和投掷,让他非常可怕。 For this update we've left his invincible attack as is, but after it connects it'll be more difficult for him to continue with pressure, which should help constrain how many opportunities he gets.对于这次更新,我们保持了他的无敌技不变,但在它连接后,他将更难继续承受压力,这应该有助于限制他获得的机会数量。
Back Throw后投
We've made following up this throw after it connects more difficult, as it has great corner carry ability.我们让在连接后跟进这次投掷变得更加困难,因为它有很好的推板能力。
Forward Step Kick (Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)前踏踢(重脚在奋迅腿期间)
We adjusted the hurtbox on this move as this move had more affinity than Jinrai Kick at close range.我们调整了这次移动的hurtbox,因为这次移动在近距离上比迅雷脚更有亲和力。 We also adjusted it to reduce its return, taking into consideration the low risk of this move due to light attacks adding initial scaling.我们还对其进行了调整,以减少其回报,考虑到由于轻度攻击增加了初始修正,因此此举的风险较低。 On the other hand, the amount of Drive gauge it gives has increased so we still think that it's going to be a useful attack when you're looking to get a resource advantage.另一方面,它提供的斗气槽数量已经增加,所以我们仍然认为,当你想要获得资源优势时,这将是一种有用的攻击。
Hell Wheel (back throw)地狱车(后投)
Increased the distance created after this throw is successful when the throwing player was in the corner.当投掷玩家在角落时,增加了投掷成功后产生的距离。
Crouching Heavy Kick蹲重踢
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
Reduced pushback on block.在格挡上减少了后退。
Forward Step Kick前踏踢
(Heavy Kick during Quick Dash)(重脚期间奋迅腿)
1. 1. Added 20% initial scaling.新增20%初始修正。
2. 2. Extended the hurtbox forward during recovery.在恢复期间将hurtbox向前扩展。
3. 3. Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
Overdrive Shoryuken OD升龙拳
(→↓↘+Two Punches)(→↓↘+PP)
Decreased blowback time on hit.回吹时间缩短击中。
Heavy Jinrai Kick重型迅雷脚
(↓↘→+Heavy Kick)(↓↘ → +重脚)
Changed Drive Gauge increase from 2000 to 3000.将斗气槽从2000增加到3000。
Super Art 1 - Dragonlash Flame超级必杀技1 -龙尾烈腿
(↓↙←↓↙←+ Kick)(↓↙←↓↙←+ 踢)
Universal Adjustment普遍调整
1. 1. Decreased blowback time on hit.
2. 2. Decreased knockdown time on hit.降低击倒时间击中。