Moderate Tropical Storm GARANCE 10-20242025 :
Information at 09 UTC :
Estimated position : 18.4S / 51.7E
Movement : East-south-east, 1 kt
Maximum wind speed (averaged over 10 minutes) : 35 kt
Estimated central pressure : 1000 hPa
For further information, please refer to bulletins WTIO22 and WTIO30 issued at 06 UTC and following.
Information at 09 UTC :
Estimated position : 18.4S / 51.7E
Movement : East-south-east, 1 kt
Maximum wind speed (averaged over 10 minutes) : 35 kt
Estimated central pressure : 1000 hPa
For further information, please refer to bulletins WTIO22 and WTIO30 issued at 06 UTC and following.