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@院长each 要不要把1711的英文版放上?我有。。说不定会有英文较好的可以翻?

42楼2013-02-26 19:56
    @gusiyi88 贴吧方面刚才基本了解完了,也就这么点事嘛,这位上次谁也说到过要小心,之前就是自我沉醉类型现在又打算开始依(qi)靠(fu)你了是吧?

    来自手机贴吧43楼2013-02-26 23:34
      Baccano! 1711: Whitesmile - Colour Pages+Prologue Here's the novel you've all been waiting for! 1711: Whitesmile, the end of the 1700s arc and my favourite book in the entire Baccano series. (It's also the book that dethroned Vamp! V as my favourite of Narita's works.)
      (Insert rambling about ungodly shipping times and lengthy customs procedures here)
      There are huge spoilers for 1705 and 1710 in this volume. In fact, this book assumes that you've read them both, and does not hesitate to spoil their twists and endings. So if you still haven't read Ironic Light Orchestra and Crack Flag, I'd like to direct you to the Baccano Index, where you'll find translations of both in their entirety.
      On another note, I've tweaked some of the name spellings here and there. Hopefully the new spellings will be more accurate to Spanish/French/Japanese/what have you.
      Updates may be slowish, since schoolwork is starting to pile up.
      Thanks again to Roxanne for all the scans!
      1711, Confessions of a Smile Junkie
      “You know, I love the smiles of infants.
      “Children and adults don’t remember what it’s like to be a newborn--or the reasons they laughed and cried when they were still babies.
      “I don’t remember, either. No memories of laughing. Or crying, for that matter.
      “But sometimes I wonder--maybe the smiles of babies, almost completely uninfluenced by the world, are born from some sort of natural instinct. No fake grins or forced laughter. Just pure smiling.
      “That’s why I wonder what a baby feels like when he stops crying for the first time and smiles.
      “I’m saying this because I think knowing might help me make many more people smile. Could you tell me one day?
      “Try not to forget how you’re feeling at this very moment.”
      The young man was addressing an infant, still perhaps only a year old. Naturally, he received no answer. The baby, suddenly faced with the smiling stranger, burst into tears.
      “Oh, sorry, sorry. I’m not sure what just happened here, but it must’ve been my fault. So smile, now. Smile!”
      2002, at a cafeteria in an FBI facility.
      Victor: Food here’s pretty good, huh?
      Nile: I say this. I demand liquor.
      Victor: What kind of idiot would I be to get people drunk before I interrogate them?
      Nile: What of the possibility that drunkenness will loose our reticence?
      Victor: I doubt I’d get much further than having to listen to you swear at me.
      Nile: I say this. You are absolutely correct.
      Victor: Why, I oughta... Might as well finish that match from 291 years ago, right here and now.
      Denkuro: This one must ask that you refrain, out of respect to our surroundings.

      本楼含有高级字体44楼2013-02-27 19:21
        Victor: Anyway, it’s been a damn long time since I sat down with you people for a meal. Too bad Zank ain’t here.
        Denkuro: This one would like to point out that you only partook in food with us twice, Master Victor, excluding the meals on board the ship.
        Victor: You can’t put numbers to things like that. Think about it. It’s been damn near three hundred years now--isn’t it great to just be able to eat together like before? Though it’s pretty sad that no one here’s got any luck with women. And that Sylvie just happens to be talking with my subordinate somewhere else.
        Nile: I see you have not changed in the least, Victor. Women were all you could talk about, even when we went drinking in the past.
        Victor: Well, excuse me for never not being popular with the ladies. Can’t help talking about them if you’re surrounded by them all the time.
        Denkuro: To this one’s knowledge, Master Victor... were you not merely wrapped around the pinky finger of one particularly uninhibited maiden?
        Victor: Shut up! I let myself get wrapped around, okay? You might think she was playing me, but I was the one playing along with her!”
        Nile: I say this... You have my condolences.
        2002, Sylvie’s Reminiscences
        I still dream about it sometimes.
        About all the things that happened in Lotto Valentino.
        It’s been nearly three hundred years now, but it’s still fresh in my mind. I feel like I should’ve created enough memories to overload my brain by now, but maybe even my mind‘s become inhuman, too.
        In that sense, maybe that’s why my last days as a ‘human being’ are so deeply engraved into my heart.
        Now that I look back on things, Gretto was never exceptionally amazing or dependable or gentle, or anything outstanding as a person.
        None of this occurred to me back when I was still working as a maid, and even if I did, I never would have been able to say it out loud. But I guess I should say he was less dependable than he was someone I wanted to protect.
        This might sound arrogant of me, but he was the kind of person who made me want to be by his side. I guess I’m trying to say that he was almost childlike, in a sense. In both the good ways and the bad.
        That was why I wanted to repay him for everything.
        I don’t know anymore if the caged bird was me or Gretto, but in the end... After that incident, the cage burned down and vanished. Even the city was torched. How could I know what was inside the cage now?
        The memories of leaving Lotto Valentino are some of the last memories I shared with Gretto. So I have mixed feelings about dreaming of those days.
        It’s been three hundred years now, but I still don’t know... whether I should laugh or cry.

        本楼含有高级字体45楼2013-02-27 19:21



          46楼2013-02-27 19:33
            @深渊的逆袭 现有Baccano!第19卷与其文库小说B卷,Vamp!第4、5卷,世界的中心针山先生第3卷,越佐大桥番外篇5656共2卷,下个月出的Jump VS还有隐形交响曲要开载。共7卷小说1部漫画请核实。

            来自手机贴吧47楼2013-02-28 13:14

              49楼2013-03-07 19:55
                @正浙义沥 你那个帖去哪了!?我又没删,你也没权限,怎么回事?

                来自手机贴吧50楼2013-03-10 00:01
                  @散夜Satini 置顶里自己找,顶多再转个格式

                  来自手机贴吧51楼2013-03-10 13:26
                    @超魔导狼 不知道这里能么

                    来自手机贴吧52楼2013-03-12 11:37
                      @超魔导狼 不知道这里能么

                      来自手机贴吧53楼2013-03-12 11:38
                        @超魔导狼 不知道这里能么

                        来自手机贴吧54楼2013-03-12 11:38

                          IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧55楼2013-03-13 08:43
                            @东方1晓 麻烦帮我把隐那俩图(今天的封面和之前我放的蓝底海报)转我神论里去方便阅读= =

                            来自手机贴吧56楼2013-03-13 19:19

                              IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧57楼2013-03-14 08:35