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74楼2013-04-30 17:02

    来自iPad77楼2013-05-02 20:29
      论罪歌和”水”在操控、传播和应用综合层面来讲谁比较能打。传说中天然黑的主角脸:帝人与菲洛、加古吉。爱全人类VS实验全人类VS让全人类笑。。。之类的= =

      IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端79楼2013-05-03 06:12
        头里面大家都BT得好小家子气,恋弟呀寄生虫啊之类的,完全没有”是我接受了世界”、某教义那样的霸气感= =还有临娘跟DD报社一比缺了点职业精神

        IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端80楼2013-05-03 06:24

          83楼2013-05-04 11:36
            Why Elmer is evil: Rewritten

            I was never entirely happy with my first written analysis of Elmer, and I’ve wanted to rewrite it when I have more knowledge on anti-social personality disorders and about Elmer himself. Since it seems there’s going to be quite a while until next time I get to read Baccano translations focusing much on him I’m going to go ahead and do this now.
            Before we begin, have the usual disclaimer; these are my personal views on the character, and you’re allowed to disagree with me. The only person who knows the truth about Elmer is Narita, and I can’t speak on his behalf. I can only speak about what I think he wants us to read between the lines.
            So, first of all I still firmly believe that Elmer is a sociopath. Certain characters that are close to him, like Huey, know this and that’s why they call him evil. What makes a sociopath different from a psychopath is hugely debated, some believe there is no difference and stick to just one term, but in other cases it’s widely believed they’re fundamentally different; with the most acknowledged difference being that psychopaths are born that way, while sociopaths are created by their environment. I refer to Elmer as the latter, and I’m going to start with how the experiences he suffered as a child turned him into one.
            I think it started very early in his development. If you want to know more of my basis for my upcoming theory I highly recommend reading “The boy who was raised as a dog” by Bruce D. Perry.
            It seems like already as babies we start to build the foundation we need to develop empathy. When we cry we are soothed, fed, pampered and given affection, and so we confirm that when we cry someone will come to our aid, and we learn that being touched and held are things to enjoy.
            Elmer however was born into a cult which believes in abuse and neglect of children, and as he happened to be their chosen one, the “Child of Calamity and Light,” he was also born to become a sacrifice. When baby Elmer cried it’s likely nobody did anything to soothe him. He would only be harmed or left alone. What might happen to a baby under these circumstances is that at one point or another; it stops crying. Even while experiencing pain it might remain silent. Elmer probably gave up on crying as well, and this was the beginning of him learning that he could not rely on his parents to help him. Since this development was not reversed he was not able to become a child which sees other people as people. Of course Elmer uses the word, and he’s going to refer to humans as human, but in reality the way he sees them is more like objects. This is why he can’t put himself in their place. If he sees someone hurting, he can’t feel their pain, because nobody looks at a broken object and feels empathy with it. There’s a chance that if Elmer had been rescued very early it would have been possible to turn things around a little. He’d still never become a completely normal man, but he might not have become a complete sociopath. But the abuse went on until he was 10 years of age, and by this time I think his anti-social disorder was already set in stone. It probably did not help that he then had to see his family be taken out by witch hunters and was proclaimed the child who had been saved by God.
            I don’t know much more about Elmer’s past up until the 15 year old Elmer we meet in The Ironic Light Orchestra, so I’m going to move on to making it a bit more clear how someone like Elmer can be diagnosed as a sociopath even though he’s obsessed with other people’s happiness. First, let’s look at the personality traits Elmer shares with the typical sociopath and/or psychopath.

            本楼含有高级字体85楼2013-05-05 21:38

              1. For his own happiness.
              Elmer says that he wants to learn about other people’s happiness to find out whether he himself is genuinely happy. I believe this to be the shallow reason for his actions, and maybe also the only one Elmer himself is aware of. This is why he considers himself selfish, but not evil.
              2. For power.
              Elmer probably spent much of his childhood tied down and powerless. The only influence he had on the world was that when his parents and the other cult members watched him endure torture it made them smile. Being able to make them smile was the only sense of power he was allowed to feel, and it might also have caused some grandiose fantasies to develop in his mind. He tells Huey he believes there’s no such thing as God, and that this is why he has to make people happy himself. He’s indirectly saying he’s doing the work God couldn’t do, and so he believes he’s actually influential enough to make everyone in the whole world happy if he thrives for it long enough.
              3. To rebel.
              The cult Elmer grew up in is also highly focused on happiness, but they believe that in order for them to receive happiness, someone else must suffer. I think Elmer might be setting out to prove them wrong. If he can ensure everyone is happy and nobody suffers for it, he proves that their belief is flawed, and that torturing children like him is not at all necessary to be blessed. He sees religion as bullshit in general, and this might stem from a hidden resentment towards those who abused him for their faith.
              4. It’s a game.
              As a sociopath, it’s very possible that Elmer sees the world as his playground, and those around him are merely things to be played with. A “normal” sociopath might find pleasure in using and harming other people for their own satisfaction, and Elmer probably receives a similar pleasure from making people smile. You might notice he’s drawn towards unhappy people. It’s because they are a challenge, and it’s far more fun when he gets to coax, lure and manipulate that smile out of his target.
              I think there’s other reasons too, but I’m still working on making sense of them so they’re currently just ideas that are too abstract for me to write down. There’s much more I could say about Elmer as I think he’s a wonderfully written and complex character, but I’m going to wrap this up now. If anyone actually had the patience to read all this I really hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to message me if you have any questions or there’s anything you want me to elaborate on.

              本楼含有高级字体87楼2013-05-05 21:39

                88楼2013-05-07 19:22

                  IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端89楼2013-05-08 05:54

                    IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端90楼2013-05-08 17:38
                      窝好像无意间找到了Vino的原型:Enrico Rastelli,出生于1896的juggler,马戏团长大,一天练习12个小时,被誉为天才,他对技巧的掌控程度无人能及。(以上翻译自做的英语阅读文章)

                      IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端91楼2013-05-10 00:38


                        92楼2013-05-13 19:43
                          @向神迈进的人 给由美IP来个一天吧,水楼里一片的刷小号烦死了,阿阴总惯着也不是个事,多大人了跟个小学生似的。

                          来自手机贴吧93楼2013-05-17 23:53
                            @_Lambertg_ 说吧是谁

                            来自手机贴吧94楼2013-05-20 12:17

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端95楼2013-05-20 21:48