Folks, a little update in Sector 7. We’ve changed the punishment for death in the multiplayer zone. Now there is a chance your weapon and armor will lose in durability or break at all. When dying, some part of items in the inventory may be lost. Be careful in the infected zones! 19年3月11日,9:39 下午 ◎人们,第7区的一点点更新。我们改变了对多人游戏区死亡的惩罚。现在你的武器和装甲有可能会失去耐久性或完全破裂。在死亡时,清单中的某些部分物品可能会丢失。在感染区域要小心!
We’ll also change the way AI bases work. You’ll be able to visit them only once for a limited period of time, so we advise you to move all your stuff kept over there to another place. ◎ 我们还将改变 AI基础工作的方式。您只能在有限的时间内访问它们一次,因此我们建议您将所有留在那里的东西移到另一个地方。
With the next update, we will continue to support only iOS 9 and later. The majority of players already use these operating systems, while the support of older ones restricts our technical abilities and slows the process of development. 19年3月15,5:22 下午 ◎ 通过下一次更新,我们将继续仅支持 iOS9及更高版本。大多数玩家已经使用这些操作系统,而旧版本的支持限制了我们的技术能力并减缓了开发过程。