The major part of the previous roadmap has been brought to life, while the final items transferred into a new one. Along with them took place our recently implemented ideas and newly set goals. Including the secret development guarded by an enormous three-headed monster. ◎ 上一个路线图的主要部分已经变为现实,而最终的项目则转移到了新的路线图中。与他们一起发生了我们最近实施的想法和新设定的目标。包括由一个巨大的三头怪物守卫的秘密发展。 ◎ Next to the word “plan” we boldly highlight the word “rough”. Some items should be removed, changed, modified, and sometimes the list gets added with fresh ideas and challenges. ◎ 在“计划”一词旁边,我们大胆地突出“粗略”这个词。有些项目应该删除,更改,修改,有时列表会添加新的想法和挑战。 19年3月22日,9:30 下午