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                    IP属地:重庆21楼2020-03-24 22:39
                      UYK-43中采用了超大规模集成电路。UYK-43A中用单个中央处理机(CPU),而UYK-43B中用两个CPU。每个CPU有10.24MB的存储量和3.002 MIPS的最佳处理功能。UYK-43有两个输人输出控制器和多达64个输入输出通道。其估计无故障工作时间(MTBF)为56000h。

                      IP属地:重庆22楼2020-03-24 23:17

                        IP属地:重庆23楼2020-03-25 00:14
                          The Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) development began about 1955. This system was designed by the Navy under the direction ofDon Ream, et al' to automate the collection of combat data into an overall tactical picture. UNIVAC was one of three major companies working on the development under the Navy's direction.
                          NTDS used multiple identical computers working together, real time, with a very advanced Input/Output (I/O) system. Ships were connected via radio links. This was a communications system of unprecedented size.
                          The best story about the NTDS development is in the book "When Computers went to Sea" by Capt. David Boslaugh. The Navy Surface Systems Genealogy chart below shows the evolution as well as the expansion to foreign Navies. A description is below the genealogy chart, followed by Don Lovely's carrier experience. Thanks to Bob Scholz and others for this Navy ship section. Please refer to the Systems - International page for additional text about the Canadian, Japanese, and German Navy systems.
                          The NTDS interfaced via LINK communications with the Marine Tactical Data Systems and the Airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare systems.
                          In addition to the NTDS aboard surface ships, the LEGACY systems included shipboard missile launch systems and submarine systems. The Bitsavers website has an NTDSstudy paper, copied into our site for researcher convenience.

                          IP属地:重庆25楼2020-03-25 23:12
                              1.1 海军战术数据系统的组成
                              80年代早期,Unisys AN/UYK-44和AN/UYK-43计算机取代了AN/UYK-7或AN/UYK-20,主机是AN/UYK-43,AN/UYK-43有一个CPU和I/O控制器,而 AN/UYK-44各有两个。CPU的数据吞吐量为2.45Mips,I/O数据吞吐量为3Mips。 NTDS的软件采用海军的CSM-2语言,并不断更新以适应新的作战要求,它分为空中控制、水面作战和跟踪作战等几个大模块,每个模块包含上万条代码。
                              数据传输系统有四种数据链路路:LINK4用于舰艇和飞机之间的自动通信;LINK11与AN/TYQ-3用于同海军陆战队的战术数据系统之间的数据传输;LINK14(电报)用于装有NTDS的舰艇与未装有NTDS的舰艇之间的数据传输;LINK16是一种新型数据链,以甚高频传输。随着高技术的发展和战术要求的提高,NTDS系统体系结构也随着不断地改进和发展,目前已有五种型号服役,即NTDS I-NTDS V,各种型号的主要不同在于:数据处理能力逐步提高;自动化程度不同;LINK11的报文标准不同尤其是功能上不断提高。如NTDSV型的反潜功能、电子战和反舰导弹防御系统的功能都得到了有效的改进,它是与LINK16兼容的系统。
                              1.2 NTDS的主要功能
                              1) 通过各种探测器、预警飞机、巡逻机等采集空中、海上、水下乃至陆上的动态、静态信息,并对此进行快速精确的信息处理和显示,为各级指挥人员提供战术决策依据;
                              2) 指挥和控制舰载飞机的起、降,并引导舰载飞机在半径50海里空域内拦截空中、海上来袭目标,以及引导反潜直升飞机对水下敌方潜艇等进行搜索和攻击;
                              3) 组织和协调对战斗群的电子战设备、导弹等软硬武器进行对作战区域内目标指示和目标分配;
                              4) 为舰上指挥人员和参谋人员提供实时指挥控制手段
                              2 先进的作战指导系统(ACDS)
                              由于NTDS系统最初是为空中设计的,它只提供有限的反水面舰艇和反潜战能力,无法对付日益增长的来自水面舰艇和潜艇的威胁。于是在1987年,美国海军开始一项作战指导系统(combat direction system)改进计划,研制了NTDS的升级改进系统-先进的作战指导系统(ACDS)。ADCS系统能够提供更快、功能更强的数据处理能力,从而得到更详细的作战态势。
                              ACDS BLOCK0型是一种过渡型,到1989年,美国海军有9艘舰艇安装了ACSD BLOCK0系统,其中有6艘航空母舰、10艘导弹驱逐舰和1艘两栖突击舰。
                              目前还在研制中ACDS BLOCK 1计划将开发一个提高舰船作战能力的综合实时指挥控制系统;促进标准化和引入新型舰载战术显示和支持设备;提供探测器与武器系统之间的集成。该计划采用JTIDS /战术数据信息链路联合(TADILJ)报文标准来支持与美国其他军种以及NATO部队的之间的有效协作性和联合作战、与指挥控制处理系统(C2P)、协同作战能力(CEC)系统和舰船自卫系统(SSDS)集成和交互。 ACDS BLOCK1型将大大提高了目标跟踪能力、自动识别能力并具有辅助决策功能和互操作性。ACDS BLOCK1型研制工作将在2001年年底完成。
                              ACDS系统的硬件作了改进,其水平显控台为两台48×48英寸液晶显控台,采用按钮式手动选择面板,并用电话进行内部和外部通讯。BLOCK0 中使用的垂直显控台为OJ-194/194A, OJ-197(AN/UYA-4),OJ-451和OJ-535(AN/UYQ-21)。而BLOCK 1系统中将采用OJ-194A, OJ-197,OJ-451和OJ-535。另外还有7个CRT自动态势显示板,用来显示字母数字数据,其中5个屏幕为17英寸,另外两个为23英寸。
                              新的计算机程序以两种形式嵌入到ACDS系统BLOCK0中,巡洋舰和驱逐舰采用新的威胁更新软件,它有一种经过重新构建的NTDS体系结构,采用Ada软件模块。对于航空母舰和直升机母舰则采用类似于NTDS中所使用的模块。NTDS 系统不能直接收来自电子支援措施(ESM)的直接输入,而ACDS系统则可以。ACDS BLOCK0仅能接收来自AN/SLQ-32电子战系统的有限的输入,BLOCK1能接收到大量的数据,足以在对海中识别舰船的种类。ACDS系统可以与MK14武器指导(Weapon Direction Sysem)系统、MKS68和86火控系统、鱼叉反舰导弹系统以及巡洋舰和驱逐舰中的水下火控系统交互。航母中的ACDS系统只与MK23目标捕获系统交互。
                              ACDS BLOCK0 系统采用LINK11、14和4A链路进行通信,BLOCK1用LINK16取代了LINK14。

                            IP属地:重庆27楼2020-03-25 23:20
                              Navy Systems' Descriptions
                              NTDS R&D Systems (Six Systems) 1955-1959
                              Remington Rand Univac (RRU) developed the solid state unit computer (AN/USQ-17), some associated equipment, and computer programs for the computerization of the Combat Information Center (CIC) of navy ships. RRU developed the interface standards which allowed the computers to communicate with other equipment including displays and communications gear. RRU also developed a software compiler for building computer programs for the system. The system was called the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS). The several unit computers on a ship were able to communicate directly with each other without an intervening device which was a first [Design Specification, DS4772, designated these Input/Output channels as Inter-computer channels which functioned slightly differently than computer to peripheral channels.]
                              NTDS Service Test Systems (Two Destroyers and one Aircraft Carrier) 1960-1962
                              The solid state computers were redesigned using newer technology transistors which made them more reliable and twice as fast. Multiple computer systems were installed on the three ships and the systems successfully passed service test. The redesigned computer was designated CP-642. Production versions of the unit computer were designated CP-642A.
                              POFA (Programmed Operational Functional Appraisal Tests - 1960
                              Remington Rand Univac developed the concept of testing the interfaces and functions of the equipment connected to the digital NTDS computers utilizing computer programs operating in the digital computer. This allowed the systems to be integrated in a systematic manner, one equipment at a time.
                              Interface Equipment critical to many ships:
                              Interconnecting Digital to Analog Converter (IDAC) interface between digital NTDS and analog weapon system - 1960. The IDAC equipment developed by RRU allowed the NTDS computers to communicate with the analog weapon direction equipment and designate targets for engagement by the missile launchers and guns.
                              Keyset Central (KSC) Interface Equipment - 1960. The KSC equipment developed by RRU provided the interface which allowed the input of a variety of analog shipboard devices and manual input devices to the digital computers.
                              Keyset Central Multiplexer (KCMX) interface between NTDS and several analog and digital systems - 1964. The KCMX developed by Univac greatly expanded the capabilities of the KSC adding many analog to digital converter channels, discrete input and output signals, and output channels for connection to digital to analog converter boxes. The KCMX allowed the NTDS computers to interface with the systems of different ship types.
                              NTDS for Navy's first nuclear powered surface ships [Cruiser Long Beach CGN 9 and Aircraft Carrier Enterprise CVN 65] - 1962
                              During the service test phase computer systems were ordered for and installed aboard the U.S. Navy's first nuclear powered warships. These computer systems interfaced with the Navy's first digital phased-array radars which were aboard these ships.
                              Weapon Direction System (WDS) Mark 11 - 1964
                              The WDS Mark 11 system was a digital system developed by Univac to replace the analog weapon direction systems aboard Navy ships. As NTDS was performing many of the same functions as the analog weapon direction systems, it was possible with the addition of a few digital displays, a weapons control panel developed by Univac and some digital computer programs to eliminate a huge amount of analog equipment aboard Navy ships.
                              DLG 6 and 16 Class NTDS - 1966
                              An NTDS system including the newly developed WDS Mark 11 Weapon Direction System and a new digital radar were installed on the DLG 6 and 16 class destroyers significantly improving the operational capabilities of the combat systems of these 19 ships. In addition, the underwater battery fire control system was connected to NTDS. The DLG 6 and 16 Class ships were some of the first ships to use the CP-642B version of the unit computer. The CP-642B was twice as fast as the CP-642A.
                              ASW Ships Command & Control System (ASWSC & CS) NTDS systems for antisubmarine warfare.
                              Implemented on Destroyer Escorts and ASW Aircraft Carrier - 1966: The ASWSC & CS although implemented on only three ships allowed the development of improvements in antisubmarine warfare using digital computers. These improvements were implemented in other ship classes which also have an ASW capability. Univac defined the equipment and developed the software to incorporate ASW functions.
                              German DDG Combat System - 1966
                              Univac developed a one computer system and the computer programs for the combat system for three German Navy guided missile destroyers.
                              Digital TALOS Shipboard Missile Fire Control System - 1967
                              Univac utilized a smaller word length digital computer (CP-848, Univac type 1219.) We developed and wrote the software to digitize the former analog fire control computer which controlled the TALOS shipboard missile system. The system was implemented on several Navy cruisers.
                              Junior Participating Tactical Data System (JPTDS)System for Small Ships - 1969
                              JPTDS was one of the first systems developed using the new generation of powerful shipboard computers, the AN/UYK-7, developed by Univac. The AN/UYK-7 used integrated circuits and was many times more capable than the original NTDS computers. It was now possible to perform all command and control functions for small ships in a single computer. Although JPTDS wasn't implemented on any ships, many of its concepts were implemented in emerging shipboard systems.
                              DD 963 Combat System - 1972
                              Univac provided much of the computer system hardware including computers and KCMX for the combat system aboard the new construction DD 963 destroyers.
                              DLGN 38 Combat System (first AN/UYK-7 multiprocessor NTDS) - 1973
                              The DLGN 38 Combat System incorporated the new AN/UYK-7 multiprocessor computer system developed by Univac. Univac also developed the operating system for the multiprocessor system and the initial command and control programs for this ship class.
                              DDG 993 Combat System - 1977
                              Univac utilized the DLGN 38 computer system design and modified the software to be implemented on four guided missile destroyers the U.S. Navy sold to the Iranian Navy. A shipboard combat system and a computer program development center were implemented in Eagan for system development and training. Iranian Navy personnel came to Eagan for training. The four ships had not been delivered to Iran when the Iranian government was overthrown so the U.S. Navy ended up with the very capable ships.
                              Univac developed the command and control systems and software for several classes of Japanese Navy ships and trained Japanese Navy personnel on the systems.
                              Japanese DDG 2308 and 2309 Combat System - 1973 & 1976
                              Japanese DD 52 and DDH 2403 Destroyer Combat System - 1977
                              Japanese DDG 2310 Combat System - 1980
                              German F 122 Combat System - 1978
                              Univac developed the command and control system utilizing the new AN/UYK-7 multiprocessor for this new class of German Navy Frigates. Univac developed the software to simulate many of the German developed shipboard systems which interface to the AN/UYK-7 so that the command and control software developed by the German Navy could be thoroughly tested.
                              Canadian SHINPADS (Serial Data Bus System) - 1980
                              Univac developed the serial data bus and associated control software for implementation with a distributed computer system.
                              Canadian Patrol Frigate Combat System - 1984-1989
                              Univac developed the combat system hardware and software for the new construction Patrol Frigates being built by Canada. The system implemented distributed AN/UYK-20 computers and the SHINPADS serial data bus developed by Univac. Much of the system development was performed in Canada by Univac personnel (American and Canadian) working in the Winnipeg facility.
                              SPY-1 [Aegis] Combat System Computer System - 1984 - 200X
                              Univac provided the AN/UYK-7 [and later the AN/UYK-43] multiprocessing computers and system support engineers for implementing the Aegis phased array radar of the Aegis system implemented on new construction cruisers and destroyers.

                              IP属地:重庆28楼2020-03-25 23:23