- flail item weight increased from 1.5lbs to 3.0lbs. - map panel now renders the background of the tile for entities that are in your vision (eg. red for hostile, blue for neutral). -连枷物品的重量从1.5磅增加到3.0磅。-“地图”面板现在为视觉中的实体渲染平铺的背景(例如,红色表示敌对,蓝色表示中立)。
- healing spells moved into clerical. - clerical summoning-type spells moved into new school: conjuration. - deflection moved into abjuration school. - new spell (and book): crushing sphere (humongous book). - new spell (and book): soaking sphere (tiny book). -治疗法术转移到牧师身上。-牧师召唤类法术进入新的学校:召唤术。-他搬进了弃权学校。-新法术(和书):粉碎球体(巨大的书)。-新咒语(和书):浸泡球(小书)。